The Chariot

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning

Alice Grist

The Chariot is a riotous card of overcoming, triumph, and success. It is the archetype of achievement, of succeeding against our troubles and of showing up to the world in full colour with so much power! When this card arises, you are ready to take on the world, there is an immense self-belief and you have tremendous determination to get you towards your hopes and goals.

When the Chariot shows up in your reading you are encouraged to be bold in your personal self-expression, to have total trust in the compass of your heart and not to shy away from the path ahead. Life is looking adventurous and powerful, much change and passion can from this time. This time in your life could serve you well and help you arise to the next level of your personal journey. You may look back at this time of your life as a trigger of great change and learning. Stay brave, trust your instincts and have faith in who you are becoming.

Often this card can be seen as overcoming against all odds. Have a think about your successes. Some of these may be clear and obvious, including things you have achieved, acclaim won, exams passed, and prizes received. The Chariot often speaks beyond those more obvious triumphs, to the things that most people do not see about you. It may be that you have overcome some real deep personal troubles, perhaps sickness, heartache or loss. The chariot isa card of finding oneself back on your feet and ready to fly back into life, perhaps after a time that was more challenging and difficult.

The Chariot represents a period of dynamic energy and motivation. It may feel like you could do anything you want to right now and turn all the difficulties of the past into catalysts of your own growth. For that is what this card represents, the ability to overcome the tricky, sticky and dirty parts of life, and to reclaim selfhood and life as our own.

Tarotoo card

Use this energy wisely. It is buoyant and powerful and will have you fast-forwarding at speed towards the life you want. However, it is wise to sustain the energy, rather than using it all in one crazy blast. This energy is such that you could burn through it quite easily, leaving yourself exhausted, so pace yourself and steady the movement forward so that the power held here can work its magic for you, for longer.

It is not necessary that you straddle all this energy on your own either. You may enlist the help of others, or their services to motivate you further and to give you the supercharge that you need. So don’t fly solo, be sure to get relevant support from those who can assist you as you take on the next part of your life.

Remember where you came from too. It’s great to overcome the past, but that past is fodder for the magic that is happening now. Having gratitude for your achievements is so important, see what you rose form and be a living example to anyone else who is still struggling. This card is a powerhouse of triumph, promising that you have come through the worst, and that you deserve to ride high for a while. Enjoy the ride, but stay in control of your senses, don’t lose yourself to the speed at which life might change, and despite the movement forward, try to remain both supported and grounded in your ventures!

On a very literal level the Chariot card may also represent some travel is coming your way. Stay in your confidence and ability as you undertake any trips. Know that intriguing and meaningful events may befall you as you explore new places!

Reversed meaning: The Chariot reversed feels like you are stuck in a rut. Rather than being inspired and motivated, you simply don’t have the energy or foresight to be able to make any meaningful moves. You may feel as if you lack purpose and have an uncertainty about who or what you want to do and be.

This may be a temporary problem and one that can be solved by some sincere self-reflection and self-care. Do you need to rest, take some time for yourself or meditate upon who you truly want to be? There is no need to rush to an answer, but trust that you don’t need to stay stuck for too long. Now is the time to begin to reconsider certain choices and find ways to unstick yourself from the rut you have found yourself in.

The chariot usually means that we are overcoming the past. However, in the reversed position it might suggest that things from the past are causing you to be at a standstill, unable to move forward. Momentum and motivation are your birth right, so take time to seek help guidance and support on any past issues that are slowing you down or causing you to freeze.

Take this opportunity of stillness to bring your attention to your life as you currently experience it. Being in the present can be even more powerful than moving forward quickly. You may need to take some time in the here and now, to really figure some stuff out and begin to find freedom from within the confines of your circumstance. Don’t wish to be elsewhere, be here, see what is happening and find paths to empowerment that are already within your circumstances. Trust that this current place and position, whilst perhaps not ideal, is the place from which everything you want begins. Focus your attention on the day to day, on getting yourself aligned with inner truth and making sure that everything in this moment is in order. Trust the stillness and the present moment and see where it leads you.

Yes / No meaning: The Chariot is a very buoyant and passionate YES! It suggests that you may have to be the catalyst to your heart’s desires, you may have to make the choices and walk the walk, but that your energy and motivation can compel your dreams alive! Consider that whatever you want is yours for the taking, you simply have to be willing to put that into motion. Trust your inner compass and move forward with strong bold moves to claim the life you are desiring.