Alice Grist is a renowned tarot expert, author, and teacher who has dedicated her life to helping people navigate the mysteries of the tarot. With over two decades of experience in the field, Alice has become one of the most sought-after tarot readers in the world. Over the years, Alice has honed her skills as a tarot reader and has developed a unique approach to the art of divination. Her readings are deeply intuitive, and she has a remarkable ability to connect with her clients on a spiritual level. Alice is a former Huffington Post contributor. She is also an accomplished author. She has written several books on the subject of the tarot, including "The High Heeled Guide to Spiritual Living," "Dirty & Divine: a transformative journey through tarot" and "The Book of Tarot". With her vast knowledge of the tarot, her deep spirituality, and her warm and compassionate nature, Alice Grist is a true expert in her field, and a trusted guide for anyone seeking clarity and insight on their life's journey.