Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

Major Arcana cards in a tarot deck relate to lessons about life, as well as big themes that could influence our souls for enlightenment. Such cards are extremely important and deep in meaning. While they may look complex, the truth is they hold inner truths that could truly represent your consciousness structure.

Sometimes referred to as the trump cards, this set includes 22 numbers. The main character is the unnumbered card, also known as the Fool. This card travels through all the other cards, gaining valuable lessons from each.

This journey underlines the story of your life, as well as the meanings of each card. With these ideas in mind, let’s see what you need to know about these cards, as well as their meanings when drawn in a tarot reading.

Brief History of Major Arcana Tarot Cards

Tarot cards were initially used in Italy, back in the 15th century. They were actually added to the classic four suited pack. It brought in 22 cards, which haven’t changed overtime. The numbered cards are known as triumphs, while the odd one is the Fool.

Unlike most expectations, the Fool isn’t the original version of the modern Joker, which was added later on in the 19th century.

Back in the day, tarot cards had esoteric and allegorical meanings. The occult symbolism kicked in during the 18th century. Ever since then, it hasn’t changed much.

Significance of Major Arcana Tarot Cards

The so-called Fool’s journey is basically a lesson of storytelling. It’s a route on the map of your life, meaning you’re going from one point to another. It’s a tale of growth, contraction and expansion. You’ll understand better where exactly you are in life, but you’ll also learn more about your destination.

This Fool’s journey is a structure in time that has been designed through the Major Arcana cards. Apart from significant stages in your life, you’ll also discover the lessons that have changed your life, not to mention the elements that have the potential to do it later on as well.

Major Arcana Meaning in Tarot Readings

There are all kinds of lessons you’ll explore in a tarot card reading. Each card has its own meaning and significance, based on your circumstances and type of reading. When you see a Major Arcana card, you’re basically invited to reflect on your life.

You’ll have to dig deeper and find the themes that you’re currently going through, as well as the lessons you’re about to learn. Such a card isn’t random. It won’t just blend in. Instead, it will usually set the décor for the whole reading.

Most other cards in the reading will practically relate back to the core, which is the interpretation of the Major Arcana card.

Readings Dominated by Major Arcana Cards

While this isn’t very often, you shouldn’t be surprised if your tarot reading is dominated by Major Arcana cards. Seeing more Major Arcana cards can happen, which indicates some massive changes in your life. Of course, there will be some long term effects as well.

At this point, progress is determined by the lessons you learn, hence the necessity to pay attention to everything.

There’s a catch, though, as the positions of these cards are just as important. If most of them show up in a reversed position, they indicate the fact that you’re not paying sufficient attention.

Major Arcana Cards Explained

Each card signifies an interaction (or, better said, a lesson) for the Fool. Here are all the cards in Major Arcana and what each of them could mean to you.

The Fool

The Fool is the unnumbered card. When shown in an upright position, it indicates new beginnings and a free spirit. It relates to innocence, as well as a spontaneous nature. When reversed, the card symbolizes the idea of holding back, which isn’t always great. It also relates to recklessness in your actions.

The Magician

In an upright position, the Magician tells you that you’re the magician of your own life. It shows manifestation but also resources and action, mainly based on your inspiring nature. The reversed position isn’t that positive though, defining a sense of manipulation and poor quality planning.

The High Priestess

The High Priestess refers to your spiritual journey before anything else. It’s about knowledge and intuition, but also the subconscious mind. It’s a feminine energy that could also show disconnection if the card is reversed. It shows a silent feeling of withdrawal.

The Empress

The Empress represents your connection with nature. It also has a feminine energy, but it provides a nurturing feel, nature and beauty. It could also signify abundance. In a reversed position, things go in the opposite direction, meaning you may experience a creative block or perhaps you depend on others.

The Emperor

The Emperor sets rules for stability and balance. Getting this card upright symbolizes establishment and authority, but it could also be associated with a father figure. The reversed option takes things to extremes and may show the necessity to control everything. Unfortunately, this issue won’t lead to discipline.

The Hierophant

Spiritually, the Fool will always try to advance and that’s when the Hierophant kicks in. Spiritual wisdom is the keyword here, but religious growth is just as important. Tradition is part of the game too. The reversed card signifies personal beliefs, as well as a feeling of freedom.

The Lovers

Craving for someone to join you in this journey will push you towards the Lovers. The card clearly indicates harmony, peace, balance in love and a perfect alignment. Of course, it can also be reversed. In this case, it reflects the opposite and may lead to all kinds of disagreements and conflicts.

The Chariot

With the things you’ve learned so far, you can apply discipline and lessons to be successful. That’s when you get to the Chariot. This card shows willpower and determination. Your ambition will naturally draw success as well. When reversed, it shows good discipline but also a lack of direction.


All these lessons will also make you stronger and more confident and that’s when the card dominates. The Strength is self-explanatory. Moreover, it suggests persuasion and courage. But be careful, if it turns out to be reversed, it could show low energies and even the concept of doubting yourself.

The Hermit

The Hermit shows up with your life experience and wisdom, as you reflect on things around you. It’s about searching for your soul and even being alone while guiding yourself. When reversed, the card indicates isolation, as well as an overall feeling of withdrawal.

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is likely to turn up when things are going in the right direction. Your expectations are just as important in the process because, well, you’re not going to be wrong. The card indicates good luck and karma but also a turning point in life. When reversed, it shows bad luck.


The universe will somehow balance things in your life, no matter what happens. It’s about karma, the truth, the cause and effect, you name it. Things fall into a puzzle like they should, so your expectations will most likely become reality. The reversed version shows a lack of honesty and fairness.

The Hanged Man

The Fool can also become the Hanged Man if there’s no support around. Sometimes, you may feel like you’re by yourself. The card could indicate the necessity to take a break or just let things go. It’s about pausing for a bit. When reversed, it shows indecision and even delays in your actions.


The Death card isn’t as bad as it seems. It tells you that you’re no longer the person you thought you were. It’s about transition and transformation. A cycle will reach an end, so you’re about to reinvent yourself. When reversed, the card symbolizes an unnatural resistance to change.


Patience is extremely important in the process and could be the final element for balance and stability. This card indicates moderation but also some purpose in life. Of course, everything changes in the reversed position, and it goes in the opposite direction, showing a negative excess in life.

The Devil

Moving forward, there will be times when you’ll feel overwhelmed. There will be times when you’ll feel like the past is still holding you back. That’s when the Devil turns up.

The Devil shows some form of addiction but also attachment. It’s about shadowing yourself, which won’t lead you anywhere. When reversed, the card relates to the possibility of exploring dark and negative ideas.

The Tower

All the above mentioned attachments become history when you elevate yourself. Basically, that’s when you reach the Tower. The card shows a sudden change, whether expected or not. It’s about awakening.

When reversed, the Tower refers to a fear of change, which could actually prevent you from growing.

The Star

As you set yourself free and you keep growing, you become the Star. This card is like the light at the end of the tunnel. It shows purpose in life, but also faith and spirituality. It also shows a great degree of hope in life.

The reversed position isn’t that great, indicating disconnection from elements and despair, even if these things aren’t obvious.

The Moon

Often considered an opposite card to the Star, the Moon relates to all the fears preventing you from growing. There’s a subconscious anxiety that will affect your decision making skills, not to mention your instinct and intuition.

The reversed feature of this card is actually the positive one, showing your capability to release yourself from all these fears.

The Sun

Once you’re done working through your fears and anxiety, it’s time to arm yourself with light and see the brightness again. That’s when the Sun is likely to show up in your tarot spread. The Sun isn’t all about warmth, but also about positivity and success in the long run.

The reversed position defines your inner child. You could feel down, but also overly optimistic.


The Judgment card relates to your purpose. You can finally see some purpose in this journey. There’s no room for fake promises and entities, so you know precisely where you stand. The card could also indicate rebirth, not to mention your inner calling.

When reversed, it’s mainly about self-doubt. Given these doubts, you’re ignoring important calls in your life.

The World

Last but not least, the World indicates the end of the journey. You’ve been through all the stages to complete a cycle. You’ve learned some lessons, too, which can be applied later on. The card indicates accomplishment but also travel opportunities.

In a reversed position, it could signify unexpected delays. It could also refer to your necessity to find personal closure.


Still unsure about the Major Arcana tarot cards?

What’s the difference between Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards?

Major Arcana cards are considered more important. They most commonly relate to major events in life, such as life changing happenings and decisions. That’s why they tend to dominate readings when they show up. On the other hand, Minor Arcana cards refer to day-to-day happenings and events.

What signs do the Major Arcana represent?

Each zodiac sign is represented by a card in the Major Arcana suit. For example, Aries is associated with the Emperor, while Taurus relates to the Hierophant.

What’s the purpose of Major Arcana cards?

Mostly relating to big events in life, Major Arcana cards represent a sequence that can show you more about your personal evolution, as well as your spiritual growth. Different types of readings come with different interpretations.

How many Major Arcana cards are there?

There are 22 Major Arcana cards. The unnumbered one shows your personal journey, while the numbered ones show different stages in life.