Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Two of Wands is one of the most fascinating cards in the tarot deck, and for some good reasons. It’s often related to planning the future by taking smart decisions. However, the way it’s interpreted can be intriguing to some.

Let’s go through all the potential interpretations of this card and what it means for your present and future.

Meaning of Upright Two of Wands

The upright position of the Two of Wands puts it in an advantageous and positive position because it relates to a bright future based on exploring new horizons. It pushes people out of their comfort zones, only to help them reach their true potential.

Upright Two of Wands in Love & Relationships

If you’re worried about your love life, the Two of Wands indicates a stagnating relationship. Restlessness is part of the game, too. It doesn’t sound like something good, but some partners fail to see this without any guidance.

The card is trying to tell you that it’s time to make a decision. You either change something and light the flame or you explore a different opportunity.

Upright Two of Wands in Career

The card also pushes you to reconsider your long-term objectives for your career. If your reading is about finances, you may have to make some decisions to change your current position, which isn’t perfectly stable.

Tarotoo card

Upright Two of Wands in Money

The card may also indicate an expansion, a new career, or a promotion. When it comes to finances, that’s normally a good thing, but it won’t happen without you pushing it.

Upright Two of Wands in Health & Wellness

A similar message is sent in terms of well-being as well. You need to make some decisions to boost your health in the long run, perhaps change something or explore new ideas. Again, this could be related to jumping out of your comfort zone.

In terms of spirituality, you’ll be advised to rediscover yourself by exploring a new path. Discover, learn and try new things.

Pregnancy can be problematic at this time. No matter how hard you try, it won’t occur without changing the plan. If you’ve already conceived, the upright Two of Wands could also indicate a difficult pregnancy.

In reading about someone’s feelings about you, the respective person is happy and excited about your connection. They’re also ready to take some action.

Their intentions are positive. They’re about to take action, and they’ll include you in their plans as well.

You’re a potential partner, that’s how someone sees you. It’s not necessarily romantic, but it could also be professional, depending on who you ask.

As for what you should do, the Two of Wands suggests assessing each situation before making a decision, only to ensure you’re on the right path.

Meaning of Reversed Two of Wands

The reversed position of the Two of Wands indicates your indecisiveness. You’re basically in your comfort zone, and you don’t feel like coming out and making a change. It’s only a reminder that going further is the only way to grow.

Reversed Two of Wands in Love & Relationships

For your love life, this could mean that there’s no satisfaction in your relationship, whether you see it or not. However, it’s your comfort zone, so you have a fear in your subconsciousness. The card invites you to make a decision to confront your own fear.

Reversed Two of Wands in Career

For your career, this could mean that you’re afraid to take a risk to grow.

Like other people, you play it safe and choose to stay comfortable rather than try something new that may take you further in life.

Reversed Two of Wands in Money

The card encourages you to get over your indecisiveness and change something about your career and financial situation. Nothing is going to happen without action.

Reversed Two of Wands in Health & Wellness

Worried about your health? The Two of Wands is a warning. Fearing the less known means you’re afraid of making changes that could actually benefit you. A new approach (such as a new diet or a new treatment if you’re suffering) may change everything for the better.

Pregnancy won’t happen with your current plan. If it’s already there, it could be difficult, so you need to change something to ease it.

As for your personal growth, the lack of new ideas and attempts will set you back. Again, this card is all about exploring new ideas and horizons, as that’s the only way to push yourself up.

Interested in someone’s feelings for you? They may feel hesitant if you see the reversed Two of Wands. Love does take time and patience.

Intentions are positive and when they include you, they could be seen as a setback. The respective person needs a bit of time off to understand what’s going on.

You’re seen as a potential risk, so that makes people feel hesitant about you. If you’re asking the cards how someone feels about you, give them time because they’re unsure.

Not sure what to do? You’re indecisive, mainly because you’re not 100% prepared. Making a solid plan will push the fog away and give you some clarity.

Numerological Meaning of Two of Wands

Similarly to the upright or reverse positions of the card, the numerological meaning goes in the same direction and underlines the necessity of making a change.

The Two of Wands relates to number 2, which is associated with the zodiac sphere. From this point of view, the meaning of this card is about seeing the bigger picture. You need to see yourself and your current situation from an objective point of view, without any emotions or feelings.

As you see the bigger image, you’ll be able to make better decisions.

Now, from a numerological point of view, the traditional profile of this number relates to a wide variety of possibilities. All these opportunities are given by the moon.

In other words, you do have options, but you just need to explore them and find the best one. The card also relates to a clear vision, meaning you can trust your instinct when making decisions that push you out of your comfort zone.

The energy of the Two of Wands will literally push and support you. You’ll discover the boldness to follow your dreams with better and more daring decisions.

Astrological Meaning of Two of Wands

The Two of Wands is associated with the energy of Mars. Since Mars rules Aries, that’s also a further association of the card, meaning it’s incredibly strong. In an astrological reading, the card is seen as a powerful energy that initiates a force.

Obviously, nothing’s going to happen without you taking advantage of this force. The force is what could actually happen if you decide to leave your comfort zone and push for new horizons.

It’s a current of force that will help you grow, so the astrological meaning is often related to the upright and reverse associations of the card. Simply put, the card fuels your departure from your current state, which stagnates.

On a different note, the Two of Wands can also be associated with good energies, creativity, vigor, and an unknown ambition. The Mars association is extremely beneficial.

Normally, Mars has a constructive type of energy. It’s courageous and can apply in every field of your life, from love and relationships to health and finances.

Given the rushed energy, it could also be considered impatient. While the card does suggest a change, it’s imperative to be cautious about it. It’s time to get out there and do something new, but use your instinct to pick the best opportunity.

Zodiac Correspondence of the Two of Wands

The Two of Wands is associated with the element of fire. In terms of the zodiac, it’s also associated with Aries. It’s the first decan of the zodiac, so it’s considered a new start. In the northern hemisphere, that’s when spring begins.

That’s when everything comes back to life. The cold season is over, flowers are back, trees bloom, and so on. From this point of view, you might as well make a few smart decisions and start blooming and growing yourself.

The springtime and the Aries sign are associated with growth potential and new seeds. Therefore, the Two of Wands may have the exact same meaning. This is the perfect time to make some plans for expansion, whether you’re looking for the love of your life or a career change.

Yes or No Meaning for the Two of Wands

A yes or no meaning could be a bit challenging when the Two of Wands kicks in. Some other cards could indicate a crystal clear yes or no, but not the Two of Wands. This card encourages you to take a shot and try a new opportunity, though.

But then, it doesn’t tell you that the outcome is positive. The outcome can’t be determined, so you need to use your instinct.

Given the profile of the card, you’ll have to weigh all of your decisions before making one. Take time to identify the pros and cons of each decision, meditate, connect with yourself and figure out what would work for you.

While it may seem scary, that’s where the card kicks in, encouraging you to do it. Follow your heart and intuition, and making a bad decision would be nearly impossible.

If you’re not sure whether or not you should make the change (be it in love or perhaps your career), you’ll have to sit down and assess your current situation from an objective point of view.

The presence of the Two of Wands will most likely indicate the necessity of a change. If you analyze yourself, you may realize you’re no longer growing, but stagnating. Sure, it’s comfortable, but you need more than just comfort.

When it comes to finances, the Two of Wands may indicate the necessity of an even bigger decision. Be sure to assess it from all points of view before committing to anything.

Key Actions

In the end, the Two of Wands indicates the presence of opportunities more than the push to take one. However, common sense tells you that you should actually go for a change.

The card is quite encouraging when it comes to trusting your instinct. Your decision making process is well tuned with the card, so your intuition will most likely push you in the right direction.

The card advises you to appreciate the implications of any choice out there. Also, there’s no need to rush, but take your time to assess every point of view.

Meditate, think about it, observe the outcome and witness the force pushing you forward. Following these simple steps will give you clarity in decisions and put you on the right path in terms of reaching your long-term objectives in life.

Full list of suit of wands cards: