Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Five of Wands shows five men holding wands in the air and having an argument. However, the card doesn’t underline a clean conflict, but one without any sense. Different outfits underline different backgrounds and beliefs as well.

It could be a positive card, but it also has a negative connotation. Let’s go through all the possible outcomes and what this card is trying to tell you if drawn in a reading.

Meaning of Upright Five of Wands

In an upright position, the Five of Wands is about conflict and competition. It’s not necessarily the positive type of competition, as it occurs with an argument or a disagreement.

A competitive approach is one thing, but what this card does is showing the bad type of competition, the one that leads to struggles and constant opposition.

From many points of view, it’s a reminder that you may have to make some changes and find a balance for cooperation. Instead of working on your personal gain, you might as well work on finding effective solutions. After all, success can be shared.

Upright Five of Wands in Love & Relationships

In love, the card has the same meaning. Egos, personal gains, arguments, disagreements, rows, you name it. There’s no harmony whatsoever, leading to frustration on both sides. In the long run, it will lead to an aggressive type of relationship with no actual success.

The card is given as a warning. If both sides choose to leave a little and open their minds, the relationship could actually go in the right direction.

Tarotoo card

Upright Five of Wands in Career

If you’re getting a career reading, the Five of Wands shows harsh competition in your working environment. Personalities and egos will naturally clash, so none of the sides involved will ever find success.

Instead, people should just collaborate with an open minded approach. Don’t be afraid to accept someone else’s point of view, it’s the only way to move forward.

Upright Five of Wands in Money

Financial instability will naturally occur when there are conflicts too. Money related conflicts require some extra effort from your side. Maybe it’s time to cut on your expenses or perhaps stop spending as much as you do.

Stability is only one step away, you just need to work and find solutions to restore it.

Upright Five of Wands in Health & Wellness

Your health is likely to face challenges too. Nothing major though, but just small inconveniences every now and then.

A pregnancy is less likely to be associated with the Five of Wands, especially a planned one. So, you may leave conceiving for another time.

As for a spiritual approach, the Five of Wands in an upright position shows internal conflicts.

Your spiritual growth stagnates because of these conflicts. Finding a solution is not necessarily about working along with others, but about seeking harmony and peace within yourself.

People feel conflicted about you, so they’re not really sure what to believe. They like you, but they’re also intrigued by certain aspects.

Despite these conflicts, the good side will win and the respective person will choose to stick to you, hoping things will get better.

They normally see you as a confusing individual, hence their internal conflicts. They won’t walk away immediately, but it’s up to you to make things better.

That’s part of the action. Stand still and confront conflicts as they appear. Without action, they’ll be internalized and will explode at some point.

Meaning of Reversed Five of Wands

When showing up in a reversed position, the Five of Wands underlines peace. It’s basically the end of a conflict. It’s about cooperation and harmony. Simply put, it shows that you’re about to leave a conflict and find a well deserved resolution.

You’ve managed to find a solution and overcome conflict, so it’s an indication that you should go with it. It also defines your capability to suppress your ego and big personality only to avoid confrontation and promote a safe environment.

Reversed Five of Wands in Love & Relationships

A love reading showing the reversed Five of Wands is like a piece of advice from the universe. It advises peace and compromise. Avoiding conflict is about finding a common solution that both parties can benefit from.

Harmony is only one step away. But on the same note, reaching this peace also means that you should learn how to suppress your frustration. Address it, talk about it and find a solution, only for a bit of balance in your relationship.

Reversed Five of Wands in Career

Your career also benefits from the Five of Wands in the reversed position because it reveals cooperation and good relationships at work.

The environment will no longer be covered in tension. Instead, you’ll find a more relaxing approach to anything related to work.

Reversed Five of Wands in Money

Your financial aspect is not to be overlooked either. No matter what financial difficulties you faced in the recent past, the Five of Wands is a sign that your struggle is about to reach an end.

It makes no difference if these financial disputes affected others or just yourself. This is an opportunity to regain control of your money. Make sure you’ve learned from the previous experience and build a solid foundation for the future.

Last, but not least, your spiritual growth will restart now that inner conflicts are over. You feel more peaceful where you are right now. You’ll also learn how to embrace new opportunities and focus on finding a solution, rather than fighting all the time.

Reversed Five of Wands in Health & Wellness

Being too aggressive in this venture could lead to injuries, so you need to slow down a bit. If you’re into extreme sports, for example, take a break before it’s too late.

A pregnancy is less likely to be successful at this time. If you want to conceive, leave it for the moment and try later, or you could experience difficulties.

People feel alright about you, but they want to challenge you. However, they’d rather internalize their pain, so conflicts are likely to arise at some point.

Their intentions are passive-aggressive. They fail to tell you what they truly expect from you, so they’ll engage in all kinds of mind games, making the situation even more confusing.

That’s because they see you as someone who they can’t open up to. They can’t be 100% honest, mainly because they don’t like confrontations.

If you’re not sure what to do, simply seek peace. Avoid conflicts if you can. Try to take a step back and see the bigger picture. In the long run, you’ll make better decisions.

Numerological Meaning of Five of Wands

A numerology reading displaying the Five of Wands has similar interpretations, most of them revolving around conflict, whether positive or negative.

Normally, the number 5 is associated with Mars, which is a feisty sign.

However, when it comes to classic numerology, number 5 is associated with Mercury, which is seen as a lighthearted sign.

When mixed together, such energies can be quite challenging and intense, but then, they won’t cause any major issues. They’re not among the worst in the suit of wands.

Some would compare these energies to the dog that keeps barking without biting.

Other than that, there’s a secret you need to remember about number 5 in such a reading. The influence of the number comes very fast, so you may have to react as soon as you complete the reading. On the same note, it goes just as fast, so the more you drag it, the less likely you are to benefit from it.

Astrological Meaning of Five of Wands

The Five of Wands has more associations. It’s most commonly associated with the sun. Now, this sign is considered the core of everything that you represent.

It could be about your vitality or perhaps about how you feel about yourself. It’s a sign of individuality, motivation, and personality.

This means drawing this card relates to the original tarot interpretations. It’s about conflict. You have a strong personality that might get you into trouble, meaning you’ll struggle to find peace and harmony unless you find ways to suppress your ego.

The sun is a motivation, as well as a personal identity.

In other interpretations, the Five of Wands can also represent Saturn in Leo.

Zodiac Correspondence of the Five of Wands

Given the association with Leo, the Five of Wands shows that you’re always trying to be in the middle of everything. You like the attention in the spotlight. However, the association with Saturn at times shows discipline, which is mandatory for you to succeed. Without it, you won’t be able to find peace.

The idea is fairly simple to understand. If you’re in the middle of the show, you won’t really be able to progress. To win a situation, you may need help from those around you, hence the necessity of a top-notch discipline.

Yes or No Meaning for the Five of Wands

In general, the Five of Wands means no. It’s the type of card that shows conflict. It’s associated with chaos, so no matter what you do when heated, you won’t make things better. That’s why it’s related to no. Simply step back, think, reassess the situation, and make more informed decisions.

Given the challenging interpretation that screams competition and conflict, the Five of Wands isn’t always as straightforward as you’d like it to be. Indeed, it shows disagreements and arguments, which you’ll have to navigate in one way or another.

But then, that no is not crystal clear. It could also mean that you’re about to end a conflict, so you’re on the right path.

Key Actions

The Five of Wands tells you that no matter what you’re after, it’s about to happen soon. If all looks good, conflict is likely to arise. If you’re already in a conflict, it might reach an end. Apart from the Leo association, the Five of Wands is also interpreted along with Sagittarius and Aries.

Being in a conflict and the likeliness of a no card should be seen as a warning. This conflict won’t end soon unless you do something and the best thing you can do is stepping back.

Leave it as it is, time will heal all wounds. Meanwhile, try to learn from it. Identify your mistakes, things you’ve done the wrong way, as well as the good things about it. Only change can promote a healthy and harmonious environment, be it in work or love life.

Even if you’re about to end a conflict, it doesn’t mean things will change by themselves. But if you’re already there, it means you’re making the right changes, and everything is slowly improving.

Simply put, the Five of Wands defines conflict in one way or another. It could be seen as a warning, as well as a necessity to make a change.

Understanding where you are and what needs to be changed will clearly move you forward and give you the harmony you deserve. Just open your mind towards a potential change.

Full list of suit of wands cards: