Page of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Page of Wands shows an elegant man holding a stick. There’s nothing around him, while his shirt has a unique pattern, similar to the appearance of a salamander. It’s a symbol of transformation and change.

The deserted land surrounding the man shows that he’s a strong leader, but in a world that hasn’t reached its full potential yet.

Is this a good thing? A bad thing? There are more ways to interpret this card. Here are all the explanations to make sure you follow your path correctly.

Meaning of Upright Page of Wands

The Page of Wands in an upright position is about being reborn. It’s about a young mind looking forward to exploring the world. There is plenty of passion involved, but the lack of experience means ideas are still in an incipient stage.

The wide land in the card shows the bigger picture, yet the man in it can still be distracted.

The Page of Wands tells you that something is there and will trigger you, but it’s up to you to make it happen. From some points of view, this is an encouragement card that should give you the courage to overcome internal fears.

Tarotoo card

Upright Page of Wands in Love & Relationships

In terms of love and relationships, the world has countless possibilities. If you’re not in a relationship, you’ll love the idea of meeting all kinds of people. There are plenty of choices, so keep open minded to explore all of them. You can also find the love of your life somewhere.

The Page of Wands is also about adventure, so let yourself fall in love quickly. But at the same time, you’ll also get bored in no time. Since you like trying new ideas, ending up in a long-term relationship could be impossible.

On the other hand, if you’re in a couple, the card tells you that you’re up for new things, not necessarily in the bedroom. You might as well try something new as a couple, such as a new hobby.

Upright Page of Wands in Career

For your career, the Page of Wands tells you that something new is about to happen. It could be a new project or maybe a new job. It shows success in your venture, so feel free to dive in freely. At the same time, the card also tells you to take risks.

A similar approach is given if you’re looking for a new job or perhaps your first one. You’ll find lots of opportunities out there, so feel free to explore.

Upright Page of Wands in Money

The financial side is not to be overlooked either, since the Page of Wands tells you that you may get some money anytime soon. This type of income could come in a wide variety of shapes.

Maybe you’ll get a gift or perhaps a bonus for your hard work.

It doesn’t mean you’ll do well, though. If you’re not cautious with money, you’ll end up with a problem, so this bonus comes at the right time. Temptations are everywhere, hence the necessity to be careful with how you spend your money.

On a spiritual side, the Page of Wands allows you to explore new things and maybe rediscover yourself from within.

Upright Page of Wands in Health & Wellness

Pay attention to your health too. The better you are at it, the better the rewards. Everything you’ve worked for will show great results soon.

For example, the Page of Wands may also indicate fertility, as well as a potential pregnancy and the possibility of enlarging your family.

If you’re curious about someone else’s feelings, you’ll be happy to know they’re passionate about you. There’s a good energy and an amazing vibe, which will lead to great things.

Intentions towards you are just as good, so the upright Page of Wands could indicate a new beginning or perhaps a new adventure.

You’re seen with positive eyes. People get excited around you, so if you ask about someone in particular, you should know that you’re of great interest.

What to do next depends on your goals, but you shouldn’t be afraid to try out new things, embrace adventure, and feel optimistic about your next steps.

Meaning of Reversed Page of Wands

The reversed Page of Wands is not as positive as the upright position, putting more emphasis on the negative consequences of drawing the card. For example, the card could tell you that you have too many ideas, so none of them will actually take you anywhere.

It’s a painful thing to learn about, but at the end of the day, it’s an issue a lot of people have without actually noticing it.

Reversed Page of Wands in Love & Relationships

For those without a partner, the card indicates someone who’s not ready to commit. It could be someone who’s unreliable or perhaps someone who’s still exploring. On the same note, you may not even know what you’re looking for.

Sooner or later, you’ll end up in a dead end. Perhaps you should step back a bit, decide what you look for in a potential partner and then go for it.

If you’re already in a relationship, the card tells you that you’re bored, so you may need a bit of extra work to make things happen again.

Reversed Page of Wands in Career

For your career, the reversed Page of Wands underlines a disconnection between what you’re doing and what you want to do. There are more causes for it. Maybe you do know what you want, but you’re not sure how to get it.

In the long run, it leads to frustration.

Those in this situation should understand where they are and what steps they need to take in the process. Even if they feel down, it’s not a permanent situation.

Reversed Page of Wands in Money

For your finances, this issue leads to instability. Maybe you weren’t cautious enough in the past, or perhaps you were overconfident. These days, as you reach a conclusion, you realize it wasn’t a great idea. Next time you’re financially stable, make sure you don’t repeat the same mistakes.

From a spiritual point of view, the Page of Wands in a reversed position tells you that you stagnate in your spiritual growth. You’re aware of it too, you just don’t know how to get out of this issue.

Reversed Page of Wands in Health & Wellness

Your health journey isn’t doing great either. You can’t see any progress, so you feel like giving up. No results, no success, simple as that. It’s mainly a matter of perspective.

If you’re trying to start a family, the reversed Page of Wands isn’t a good sign. Your work for a pregnancy doesn’t take you anywhere. Sure, you can try to keep your fingers crossed.

Someone in particular may feel indecisive about you. If your reading is about someone else’s feelings, they could be appealing at first, but they’re not too reliable.

Their intentions are good in the first place, but they burn pretty fast, so you’ll be left by yourself. In the long run, you’ll end up confused as well.

Despite someone else feeling good about being with you, how they see you is wrong. They don’t really know what their feelings tell them, so they’re uncertain.

As to what you can do, just stay curious. Keep being open minded and embrace change if it comes your way, it could be your way out of this stagnation.

Numerological Meaning of Page of Wands

Every page is associated with the number 10. This number closes a cycle before another one starts. It’s something you can’t change, so it could represent the beginning of something new. Even if you feel like your journey is over, there’s always something new waiting just round the corner.

When it comes to the Page of Wands, the energy associated with it revolves around the creativity of fire.

In classic numerology, the number 10 can also be reduced and associated with number 1. But at the same time, the 0 close to it amplifies and boosts its energy.

Number 1 has good associations and shows great motivation. Those with number 1 as a life path have an inner drive and constantly try to reach objectives that others find impossible.

Astrological Meaning of Page of Wands

The astrological meaning of Page of Wands depends on more associations, so different psychic readers may interpret it differently. Generally speaking, it’s associated with fire, but also with Mars.

The Mars association underlines adventure and cheerfulness. It signifies a free spirit in this interpretation, as well as good news overall for whoever goes for an opportunity.

At the same time, given the appearance of the card, it also signifies discovery and great potential. But of course, these things require hard work as well.

Zodiac Correspondence of the Page of Wands

The Page of Wands has a fire association with the zodiac signs of Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo.

All these qualities combined define enthusiasm and creativity, but also an inner passion to lead and succeed. After all, that’s the actual essence of the Page of Wands.

Such signs have a fiery attitude, which simply unveils an incredible potential. There are literally no limits to what anyone can do, especially with the energetic nature of the card.

Yes or No Meaning for the Page of Wands

Yes or no questions may go in different directions when the Page of Wands is drawn. However, the card is usually associated with positivity and success overall, so it aims to be a yes card, rather than a negative one.

The enthusiasm associated with it boosts its energy, which will naturally bring in numerous opportunities, both in the present and the near future.

Of course, like in any other reading, it’s essential to assess the context of the question before interpreting the card.

Key Actions

The Page of Wands is associated with limitless opportunities, growth and inspiration. This means that no matter what type of reading it gets drawn, it indicates embracing your inner self.

You’re a creative person, so use this creativity to find your passion. You must believe in yourself, set some realistic long-term objectives and come up with a plan to actually reach them.

This card is a reminder that there’s always room for more. In other words, you must keep your adventurous spirit high, not to mention your curiosity.

Open your mind, and don’t be afraid to try something new or perhaps have a different experience. This card will guide you accordingly, helping in your personal growth.

You burst with energy, and it should be channeled accordingly. It’s also a new beginning. Even if you’ve already worked hard for something in life, it doesn’t mean it’s over. A new chapter will open up, which will require a different plan.

However, this new chapter is based on your creativity and curiosity.

No matter how crazy your dreams might seem, it’s critical to follow them. Your imagination is part of the game, so trigger it in order to make your ideas flourish.

Bottom line, the Page of Wands is all about following your inner self and dreams.

Full list of suit of wands cards: