The suit of wands refers to one of the four suits available in the Minor Arcana tarot deck. They represent day-to-day events. Associated with the element of fire, these wands are rich in energy, but they can also be temperamental and, sometimes, even volatile.
The element of fire is an important consideration when drawing wands in a tarot reading, as most interpretations grab some of its energy. But enough with the general symbolism, let’s dig deeper and find out what each card means for you.
Meaning of the Suit of Wands
Generally speaking, the suit of wands signifies your willpower. It often defines your creative side and how it can affect your inspiration. It’s a solid source of energy, which can be used positively or directed the wrong way.
The suit of wands refers to you in terms of energy. When you see such cards in your reading, they refer to your potential and can underline themes of ingenuity and drive. Of course, each card can signify a different direction.
Using the Suit of Wands in Tarot Readings
The Suit of Wands is focused on reading based on energy, inspiration, determination, ambition and thought. The cards can also refer to spirituality and strength, not to mention one’s intuition. From a modern point of view, the suit often relates to work and personal accomplishments.
Enjoying the rewards of hard work and ambition is a significant aspect of this interpretation.
Other themes may include a new start in life, endings or creative destruction, so the cards can also go in a negative direction. The association between wands and fire means the card grabs some of the fire energy, too.
For instance, the Two of Wands could indicate the necessity to leave your comfort zone in order to grow. On the other hand, the Six of Wands could show recognition for your hard work. If this is a career reading, you’re likely to be promoted or rewarded.
Strengths of the Suit of Wands
In the best possible case, the wands are associated with great inspiration. They define your personal passion, but also your courage and motivation to make things happen.
Behind most of our decisions or actions, the wands aim to push us to change something in particular. They basically recommend action in one way or another.
That’s the reason why the suit is often associated with energy. From some points of view, such a card could be the element of strength pushing us towards action.
People associated with wands or those who see many wands in their tarot reading are usually known to be very passionate. They love action, and they don’t mind embarking upon a new adventure. They’re open to new things, and they’re ready to put the work in.
Weaknesses of the Suit of Wands
The suit of wands isn’t perfect, though. In fact, it may have some weaknesses as well. Generally speaking, it’s considered a powerful suit, but it could also be destructive.
This suit can be seen as a fire. It could be warm, but it could also be light. However, given its ferocity, it could also become a problem in the long run. Again, this suit could refer to your temperament. Things can change overnight.
Most cards are positive in an upright position, but they can become volatile and reckless when they show up reversed.
Most Popular Correspondences for the Suit of Wands
The suit of wands is associated with the element of fire. It corresponds to things like personal willpower, drive, creativity and energy. In fact, these are the main keywords for this suit. The duality is active.
As for astrological zodiac signs, the suit of wands is mainly representative of Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.
The wands are sometimes referred to as clubs, rods and scepters, depending on the tarot deck and interpretation. Their Jungian function is intuition, but it could also translate to your instinct.
When it comes to the direction, the suit of wands corresponds to the south. As for the perfect time to grab positive energy, the summertime is ideal. Given the fire association and hot element, the suit of wands can also correspond to noon.
Cards in the Suit of Wands
Each card in the suit of wands has its own interpretations, which vary based on the position of the card.
Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands is the first card in the suit. It’s the card that dictates the flow of the cycle, leading to a series of events. It could be about birth or maybe new beginnings. It could be anything, any type of new project. It shows inspiration, but also motivation. When reversed, it’s about lack of energy.
Two of Wands
The Two of Wands means you’re already on a journey. This is when you’ll leave your comfort zone. Keep it realistic, but think about long term goals. You may have to make some big decisions as well. Regain your energy and deal with potential issues upfront. When reversed, it shows a fear of change.
Three of Wands
The Three of Wands shows balance. That’s what you need to keep going. You need to show patience, but also trust the process. It’s about the energy you need to accomplish great things. The card is also a reminder to keep looking for opportunities. When revered, it shows obstacles and frustration.
Four of Wands
This is when teamwork kicks into play. The card indicates the necessity of coming together to make things happen. If you see this card, you’re probably renovating something, starting a project, getting married and so on. It’s a card of foundation. If reversed, it indicates a constant lack of support.
Five of Wands
Your ambition and work will be met with all kinds of struggles. You need to show success but without making others feel bad. You may have to make some decisions based on the bigger picture. Even if you try your best, others could be hurt in the process. When reversed, it shows the need to avoid conflict.
Six of Wands
When you see the Six of Wands in a reading, it’s a sign that you’re about to get some recognition for your work. You’ve accomplished something, a small goal in a bigger plan. Believe in yourself and enjoy the praise and success. Seeing it reversed shows a lack of recognition or even excessive pride.
Seven of Wands
The Seven of Wands tells you that you’re almost always successful in showcasing your point of view. You’re accomplished in what you do, but remember, being successful won’t make you invincible. You can still make mistakes. If you see the card reversed, it’s a sign of giving up and losing confidence.
Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands tells you that action will unfold out of nowhere. And it won’t be slow. You need that change, but you also have to challenge yourself. This is the time to get things done. Right now! However, if the card is reversed, it tends to indicate panic and the constant need to wait for something.
Nine of Wands
The Nine of Wands is a warning sign. You need to rest. Whether or not you’ve achieved something, you need to get ready for the next big obstacle. You’re replaceable, that’s what the card is trying to tell you. If reversed, the Nine of Wands shows fatigue and exhaustion. You may end up questioning your instincts.
Ten of Wands
The Ten of Wands is another call to action. You can’t rest right now, but you need to work through the situation. You’re close to completion, so you’re in the last stage. It takes a bit of effort, but it’s doable. However, if reversed, the card tells you that you’re close to burnout. You’re unable to delegate.
Page of Wands
The Page of Wands shows your independent nature. You’re a rebel, but in a positive way. You’re very powerful, though, not to mention your passion. Explore your interests and find out what triggers you. When reversed, the Page of Wands shows you have no direction. You’re likely to procrastinate, too.
Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands indicates great energy. Your passion means there’s no time to worry about consequences. Think about your attitude, as well as the intensity of your actions. Intensity is a good sign, but not always. If reversed, the Knight of Wands symbolizes anger, as well as an impulsive behavior.
Queen of Wands
When you see the Queen of Wands, you’re a doer. You have a good energy and everyone loves you. You like a good challenge, but you’re also encouraging. Act with confidence and you’ll succeed, especially given your grace. If reversed, the card shows insecurities and a feeling of jealousness.
King of Wands
The King of Wands is the hero. You’re ambitious and ready to become successful. But this also means you could get bored easily. You have a good energy and you’re ready to lead with your charming attitude. When the card is reversed, it shows an impulsive attitude, but also unachievable expectations.