Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Ten of Wands shows a man struggling to carry a burden made of wood. Those are the ten wands tied together. He’s not far from the town either. The simple and direct explanation is simple to understand, as the card represents someone who has been through a lot of obstacles before reaching success.

But most people don’t care about the past, they need to know what the future has in store for them. Here’s how to interpret this card to ensure you understand its guidance.

Meaning of Upright Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands is generally seen with positivity because it shows you’ve already been through a series of challenges and obstacles. After wasting an immense amount of resources to find success, you’re finally there.

It was difficult and stressful, but it was totally worth it. You can now reap the rewards. At this point, no matter what the reading is about, you’re in a world of abundance.

While it may seem amazing, the truth is your responsibilities are still there. You are now the most successful person in your circle. This means you have more responsibility than ever before. And if you don’t pay attention or learn to prioritize, you risk getting back to square one.

What the Ten of Wands is trying to tell you is the fact that once you reach success, you don’t have to overwhelm yourself with too much responsibility.

Tarotoo card

Upright Ten of Wands in Love & Relationships

Digging deeper, if you’re having a love and relationship reading, the card probably tells you that you’ve overlooked your love life in order to focus on your career.

Stress and other difficulties in work have kept you away. There’s nothing wrong with that, feel free to ask for help and your partner will understand.

If you’re not in a relationship, spend a bit of time rediscovering yourself. You’ll never be able to focus on a new partner if you don’t focus on yourself first, simple as that.

Upright Ten of Wands in Career

Given the burden, the Ten of Wands suggests that you’ve worked too much. Sure, you’re successful, but learn how to delegate tasks, or you’ll lose it. Collaboration is another good option.

Upright Ten of Wands in Money

In terms of finances, the interpretation can go in more directions. You may struggle with some old debt or perhaps a big loan. Solving such a big issue requires professional help, so don’t be afraid to ask for it.

Upright Ten of Wands in Health & Wellness

The new cycle means you’ve been successful in your well-being venture, but that also means you’re about to face something else at some point, so caution and extra safety measures are needed.

The Ten of Wands in an upright position may also indicate a late stage pregnancy, given the end of a cycle. But at the same time, it could also be the beginning of a new one.

When curious about how someone feels about you, the card tells you they’re under great stress. It could be an obligation or perhaps a duty. One thing is for sure, they see it as burden.

Their intentions are crystal clear and straightforward. Sometimes, this could mean you’re about to face a brutal truth. The best part is you’ll know exactly what’s going on.

On the same note, it also means the respective person sees you as a burden. This could be in love or even your career.

The best thing you can do is take some responsibility. Your should reassess your commitment and make a change.

Meaning of Reversed Ten of Wands

The reversed position of Ten of Wands shows a great burden. It’s not the ideal card, but the good news is things can be sorted with a little planning.

Many of the issues in your life aren’t necessarily yours. Reassessing your situation and finding solutions will take you out of trouble. In some cases, the solution is as simple as dropping all the burden, only to feel free. Many of them aren’t really worth it anyway.

Reversed Ten of Wands in Love & Relationships

All in all, when it comes to love and relationships, it’s worth noting that both partners need to deal with challenges together. However, one of them could be a bit weaker than the other and this is what can ruin a relationship.

You’re meant to be a team, yet one of you carries more responsibility than the other.

It’s not always done with a bad intention. If you’re the one taking more responsibility, you might be doing it to protect your partner. When you see the reversed Ten of Wands, that’s a sign that you’re doing it wrongly. Your partner can help as well.

Reversed Ten of Wands in Career

If your reading is about your career, the reversed Ten of Wands is a great sign. It means your burden is over now.

You can get in this position in two different ways. Ideally, you should’ve learned how to delegate tasks to the right people. If that’s the case, you’ve probably realized that doing too much work yourself won’t get you anywhere, hence the necessity for help.

The second option is the one you don’t want, and that’s failing under too much responsibility.

Either way, the hassle is over now, and you can start all over in a clean manner.

Reversed Ten of Wands in Money

In terms of finances, the reversed Ten of Wands has two interpretations. In one of them, you’ve just recovered after a financial problem. You’ve taken some steps to get back on your feet, so the card is a confirmation of your success. Your finances will get better in no time.

The other option implies being even deeper in trouble.

From many points of view, the Ten of Wands is situational to life. In other words, how you control your finances will help you understand the right interpretation.

Unless you get a single card draw, other cards in the sequence may help the psychic advisor determine which interpretation is more appropriate.

You can usually answer this problem by thinking about your finances. If you haven’t taken any steps to control finances, chances are the interpretation is the negative one.

Reversed Ten of Wands in Health & Wellness

What applies to your love and finances will also apply spiritually and to your well-being, with the reversed position being considered the less positive one.

If the upright position shows a pregnancy, the reversed position could indicate going into labor.

When you get this card asking about someone’s feelings, it tells you that they’re overwhelmed. They feel like they have to do everything, yet they’ll internalize their pain.

Intentions aren’t always good. Someone may try to exploit you and your feelings. If someone looks stressed, they could be manipulative.

You’re not seen as a helpful person, so they feel stressed about it. In some situations, they could feel scared.

What you need to do is get rid of responsibilities that no longer match your goals. Let go of bad habits, unnecessary commitments, and even expectations that could draw you down.

Numerological Meaning of Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands is associated with the number 10. It’s a round number with incredible strength, and it’s often associated with maximum success in life, whether in school or in ratings online, just to give you a few examples.

But at the same time, the number 10 is also considered a round one. It’s a complete number, as well as the first number consisting of two digits. Once a cycle is complete, another one begins and that’s what 10 is about.

Energies associated with fire are merged together for maximum creativity, yet that’s the type of creativity that can also become destructive at some point.

Astrological Meaning of Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands is often associated with Jupiter, but it may also be associated with Saturn. In traditional astrology, most psychic readers see Jupiter as the ruler and Saturn as the sub-ruler.

This type of configuration offers a more positive approach because it’s forceful and offers great support.

Zodiac Correspondence of the Ten of Wands

The zodiac sign associated with the Ten of Wands is Sagittarius. But at the same time, the Ten of Wands also has connotations with Aries or Leo.

If you’re thinking of doing something and you’re not sure about the timing, the times of these zodiac signs make a pretty solid suggestion.

Yes or No Meaning for the Ten of Wands

Like other cards, the Ten of Wands has different interpretations based on its position.

In an upright position, the Ten of Wands is a no, but not a hard one. You’re successful, and you’ve reached the peak. It’s time for a new cycle to begin. Therefore, at some point in the future, things may get harder again, hence the lack of a profile.

In the reversed position, the Ten of Wands is a yes, but then again, there’s a catch. It’s the type of yes given with plenty of caution.

Generally speaking, you should totally take an opportunity or move on, but be cautious. Assess the situation and its pluses and minuses before making a final decision.

Key Actions

Getting the Ten of Wands in an upright position tells you that you’re nearly there. Your destination is in sight, so all you have to do is complete the last steps.

Whatever you’ve been doing lately, keep doing it because it seems to work. However, like for anything in life, if you want to achieve something big, you must put in the sweat.

What the card is trying to tell you is the necessity to persevere. Burdens may seem heavy on your shoulders after all the hassle you’ve been through, but the message is clear. Don’t quit now.

The Ten of Wands in an upright position also suggests some responsibility. If you can take on more responsibilities, whether in love, health, or career, go for it. Anything will do, and while it feels rough, you’ll have to keep going.

In a reversed position, you’ll need to chill down a bit. Instead, you have to learn how to relax. It’s alright to say no to tasks and responsibilities you don’t want, so learn to refuse. Being nice doesn’t always benefit you anyway.

Reassess the relationships around you and set some boundaries.

If you’re going through a challenge, the Ten of Wands advises you to work harder to complete the job.

On the other hand, pay attention to how you feel as well.

If you feel like you work too hard and you’re close to burnout, take time off. Go on a holiday or a weekend getaway.

Bottom line, the Ten of Wands is a card about being successful. You’re there, but you need the last few steps to succeed, so it offers some form of guidance and encouragement based on its position. You may have to go harder, but you might as well need a bit of time off.

Full list of suit of wands cards: