Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Indicating a man in robes on a cliff, the Three of Wands is about commitment and strength. It shows a man overlooking the sea to faraway mountains, showing progress and movement. However, the card can be interpreted in different ways based on the type of reading and position.

Not sure what to do next? Here’s a detailed explanation of every possible interpretation, regardless of the position it comes in.

Meaning of Upright Three of Wands

Generally speaking, just looking at the card, you can see freedom. But the Three of Wands is also about travel and adventure. It’s about trying something new, usually successful, far from where you are now. It also shows foresight, planning, and growth.

Upright Three of Wands in Love & Relationships

If you’re getting a love and relationship reading, the Three of Wands shows success regarding your relationship. It’s in a good place, and it’s moving forward, so that’s a good sign.

The card may also indicate moving along with your partner to different lands, whether locally or abroad. But given the distance, it may also show a successful long distance relationship.

If you’re not in a relationship, the Three of Wands advises you to enjoy the freedom for the time being. This is your opportunity to experience life to its fullest. Grow without any restraints, regardless of the field.

But being single isn’t all about being free as well. From the same point of view, you might end up in a long distance relationship or perhaps you’ll find the love of your life while traveling, so keep your eyes open, you never know.

Tarotoo card

Upright Three of Wands in Career

In terms of career, you’re likely to find a job in a different land, or perhaps you may have to travel for work. If that’s the dream of your life, maybe this is the right time to start looking for jobs in your ideal location. If you run a business, how about expanding it globally?

Your career will bloom very nicely, especially with all the work you’ve done lately. You may have had some setbacks recently, but you’re on the right path with your growth.

Upright Three of Wands in Money

It’s a great time to reap some rewards and enjoy the profits of your intense work. Your dedication will pay off, so feel free to spend. It could be a journey or perhaps a vacation, just make sure you don’t do it recklessly.

If there is something holding off because of financial reasons, the upright Three of Wands tells you to go for it.

Upright Three of Wands in Health & Wellness

Your health will also benefit from this card, as it shows recovery after a medical issue. It’s a travel card, so it may also show that you’ll need to travel abroad in order to be healthy. If you already have plans to do it, make sure you’re getting vaccinated upfront.

For pregnancy and babies, the card tells you that you’re nearly there, so keep pushing.

As for spirituality, it shows a content approach towards where you are now. It’s a good card that shows stability.

If you ask what kind of feelings someone has about you, they’re sure about you, and they feel confident about your connection. They know that you can only achieve great things together.

Intentions are positive. The person in question will try to strengthen the bond, only for even better results in the long run.

They see you as someone they can trust, someone they can build with, so they’ll try their best to team up with you, romantically or professionally.

If you need guidance on what to do, you should go ahead and plan your future because you’re in a great place right now.

Meaning of Reversed Three of Wands

From a general point of view, the reversed position of the Three of Wands indicates a return. You could be coming back home, but you could also feel like there’s no progress in your life. Poor choices and disappointment could be part of the game, too.

Reversed Three of Wands in Love & Relationships

For love and relationships, if you have a partner, the card shows no progress whatsoever. Even if you may not necessarily observe it, you’re not 100% happy in your relationship. You’re slightly disappointed with your choices as well.

If you’re not in a relationship, the Three of Wands tells you that you’re holding on to your part. You’re still living in the past, so you can’t progress. You need the ability to let go of the past in order to embrace adventure.

Reversed Three of Wands in Career

A similar issue can be observed if you’re getting a reading about your career and money. For instance, you might feel frustrated for missing an opportunity, such as taking a job abroad. If you run a business, you’re annoyed with the impossibility of taking it abroad.

Reversed Three of Wands in Money

For finances, everything is chaotic, so you need to take a bit of time to get things back under control. It’s a setback, but like any other obstacle in the past, you’ll be able to overcome in.

Reversed Three of Wands in Health & Wellness

In a reading about health, the Three of Wands may indicate getting ill while abroad, so make sure you’re vaccinated or you get travel insurance if you’re about to go away.

If you’re not feeling well, the card may show that you’re annoyed with how slowly you recover, so things can’t really get any worse.

Unable to conceive and start a family? The card strengthens your beliefs. You’re frustrated and annoyed, but eventually, you’ll be able to do it. It’s just the wrong time.

From a spiritual point of view, frustration may also occur due to a lack of progress.

If asking how someone feels about you, the card shows insecurity. They’re not certain about your future together, which may lead to frustrations overtime.

Their intentions are positive, but you might be an indifferent piece in their puzzle. That’s because they’re not 100% sure they can rely on you.

Trying to understand how someone feels about you? Insecurity will take over. It could be because of something you do or maybe some problems from that past.

What you need to do is understand that such setbacks aren’t failures, but just some obstacles you can overcome if you make some adjustments to your plan.

Numerological Meaning of Three of Wands

Like other tarot cards, the Three of Wands has a straightforward numerology meaning. It’s associated with number three, which is related to Saturn.

Now, from a traditional point of view, number 3 is associated with Jupiter. If you’re getting a numerology reading, this means you’re already successful, but you’re about to cover yourself with even more success.

Furthermore, the energy around you is vibrant and can attract other powerful energies.

In a spiritual context, number 3 is extremely powerful. People associated with it are normally understanding and honest but also deeply spiritual. Throw in the success side, and you’re likely to enjoy a beautiful spiritual journey.

Astrological Meaning of Three of Wands

Given the association with Jupiter, the Three of Wands shows a form of expansion and growth. This could also be translated through fortune, healing, and prosperity, depending on where you are in life.

But then, Jupiter is also about long distances and travel, so the meaning of the card could face a different interpretation.

The Three of Wands can be associated with Saturn as well. Saturn is about discipline and responsibility, but also about long-term objectives. Its overall influence might ask for a bit more from you, but the result is totally rewarding.

Zodiac Correspondence of the Three of Wands

When getting the Three of Wands in a zodiac reading, you should know that, like a few other cards, it’s associated with fire. On the same note, it’s also associated with the Aries zodiac sign, but mainly the second decan of the sign.

This means that the Three of Wands covers the middle of spring. Everything is in bloom at that time. Flowers and trees are already covered in color and flavor. Furthermore, this second decan of Aries is associated with the Sun.

This type of association brings in a mix of passion, personal warmth and a sense of leadership, a bit of everything.

Yes or No Meaning for the Three of Wands

If you end up with the Three of Wands card in your tarot reading, you should know that this is a yes card. This yes approach can be interpreted differently based on what you’re trying to do or why you actually need help.

For example, if you’re thinking about starting something new, the instructions are crystal clear. Go for it, as this is the right moment. It makes no difference if you think you’ve found the love of your life, or you’re thinking of starting a business or perhaps changing your career.

The card shows a clear indication that you need to go for it.

Now, if the card falls in an upside down position, the answer can go in a different direction. It doesn’t change its profile, though. Yes, you need to go for it, but not right now. Give it a bit of time.

This could mean more things. Maybe you need to remove a few roadblocks before reaching your objectives and making that major change in your life. Perhaps you need to keep working a bit more before fulfilling your dreams.

Based on your current situation, you should know precisely what needs to be done prior to your big move.

Key Actions

There are quite a few things you can do if you get the Three of Wands in a reading. The card is a guide for showing expansion but applying this guidance is entirely your responsibility.

Generally speaking, you should start planning. Embrace the process. Start planning your future, identify your long-term objectives, and design a road map to get there. It’s the easiest way to reach your goals.

Furthermore, get out of your comfort zone. Otherwise, you won’t be able to explore all the opportunities being thrown at you.

Challenges are part of the game, it’s perfectly normal. It doesn’t mean you have to avoid them. They’ll be on the path, so you can use them as learning and training opportunities. It’s worth noting that you may need to adjust your plans as well.

Don’t be afraid to seek inspiration from those around you either. Surround yourself with people who support your goals, as well as like-minded people who share the same dreams. Supportive feedback is a must in your network.

Seek balance between your actual plan and the action you take to get there, but also stay open to potential opportunities.

This means you may have to open your mind. Many of these opportunities won’t make sense. Some others will come out of nowhere. Being receptive can help you identify them. After all, personal growth often occurs when no one expects it.

In the end, you need to reflect on the progress you make and adjust as you go. Celebrate every small achievement on the way, as there’s nothing more motivational than seeing your plan come to life.

Keep in mind that the Three of Wands has a transformative energy that can guide you, but it’s up to you to unlock your entire potential.

Full list of suit of wands cards: