Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Six of Wands is one of the most inspiring cards in tarot readings. It’s mainly about success in all fields, as well as recognition of different achievements. Seeing this card is mostly associated with an accomplishment.

Does it have a twist too? Absolutely! The way it’s interpreted depends on its position, so here’s what you have to know.

Meaning of Upright Six of Wands

In an upright position, the card shows access to a milestone. It’s mainly about reaching a goal. It could be a small goal, part of a long-term objective, but it could also be a significant goal. If you see this card, you’ve already done it, or you’re extremely close to doing it.

This means you’ve been through a series of challenges, so it’s the perfect time to reap some rewards now.

On the same note, the card also tells you that others appreciate and see your success, so get ready to get some praise for your hard work.

Upright Six of Wands in Love & Relationships

If you’re in love reading, the Six of Wands underlines a harmonious relationship. You and your partner have never been better. You get along, you’re happy, and you share common objectives. You support each other and celebrate on a regular basis.

There’s nothing to worry about if you’re single, either. This card in the upright position tells you that you’re close to the love of your life. You’re attracting quality partners, so feel free to explore.

Tarotoo card

Upright Six of Wands in Money

When it comes to your finances, the Six of Wands is all about wealth and success. You’re triumphant, so your career may bloom now. Maybe you’ll get a raise or a promotion. If you’re after a new job, it’s likely to come anytime now.

Again, your hard work pays off, so get ready for financial stability.

Upright Six of Wands in Career

Your career is ready to explode. You’ve been trying hard lately, and you’ve done everything by the book, so the upright Six of Wands indicates that you should get ready for that boom.

Upright Six of Wands in Health & Wellness

If you’ve had health problems lately, this is your sign that things are improving. You’re about to overcome an illness that bothered you for a long time. Your healing journey is reaching an end.

Even if you’re healthy, your efforts to stay that way or perhaps improve your well-being will pay off now. You’ll find yourself stronger and more energetic than ever.

In terms of spirituality, you’re often seen as a leader. You have a leadership role in your spiritual journey, so don’t be afraid to guide others in the process.

The Six of Wands isn’t necessarily a pregnancy card. However, if you’ve been trying to conceive for a long time, a pregnancy is likely to come soon.

If you get the Six of Wands when asking how someone feels about you, the card shows admiration and love. The respective person is inspired by you, but you also bring in the best of them.

Concerned about someone’s intentions? The card shows positivity. The respective person has good intentions and tries to make this bond even stronger.

Curious how someone sees you? You’re a force at this time, and everyone around you knows it. That individual is interested in creating a solid future with you.

In terms of action, the upright Six of Wands encourages you to keep doing what you’ve done so far. Everything seems to work wonders, so you just need to continue.

Meaning of Reversed Six of Wands

In a reversed position, the Six of Wands is pretty much the opposite. The good news is unlike the major success you’ll experience in an upright position, the card isn’t that bad in a reversed alternative. Instead, it’s only a temporary setback.

A bit of discouragement can also occur, not to mention disappointment, when you see your effort doesn’t bring in the expected rewards.

At this point, it’s essential to persist and keep consistent in your work.

Reversed Six of Wands in Love & Relationships

In your love life, the Six of Wands in the reversed position shows a lack of acknowledgment from whoever is close to you. Support is limited as well.

There are more causes for it, such as poor communication. Maybe you can’t express yourself properly, so your partner can’t fully understand your needs.

It’s imperative to be open about your needs and expectations.

On the other hand, if you’re single, you’re less likely to find the love of your life anytime soon, so you’ll need to work harder.

Reversed Six of Wands in Money

Your finances won’t do very well if you see this card reversed either. Your recognition is delayed, while success is still far.

In other words, you must get ready for some potential challenges which are likely to affect your progress. To succeed, you may need to reassess your position, change your strategy, and find support from those around you.

Reversed Six of Wands in Career

Keeping your goals in mind and working towards them will get you there eventually, whether it’s your career or finances. From many points of view, this card is all about encouragement.

Reversed Six of Wands in Health & Wellness

Seeing this card in a health reading tells you that you must pay more attention to your personal care and well-being. You’re not doing very well, so overlooking your health can cause even more trouble in the long run.

Maybe you’re working too hard, or you’re pushing yourself over the limits. Sure, reaching success is a goal, but you don’t have to compromise your health.

Instead, plan your life and make sure you include plenty of rest as well.

A pregnancy won’t appear out of nowhere because there are a few things you’re doing wrong. A little change could make all the difference in the world.

Curious how someone feels about you? Drawing the Six of Wands in this position means they don’t feel like you appreciate them. They feel neglected and their confidence is low.

The intentions towards you aren’t the best because they’re often fueled by jealousy. Such feelings are normal at times, but they could affect relationships if not addressed immediately.

On the same note, if you’re asking about how someone in particular sees you, the card shows a deep lack of appreciation. Insecurities are normal at times, but they can become a serious problem if left like that.

What you should do depends on the situation, but overall, the card tells you that something in your big plan is wrong. You need to be flexible and try a different approach.

Spiritually, you’ll have to keep grounded. At this point, it’s important to be humble rather than too arrogant. Making a bad move can affect your spiritual growth, which will inevitably affect your connections with those around you.

Numerological Meaning of Six of Wands

Like other tarot cards, the Six of Wands can also be used in a numerology reading and does have its own interpretations, depending on the style and type of reading.

For example, the number 6 is very often related to the sun. It relates to its radiant energy and shininess.

On the other hand, in traditional numerology, the number 6 is mainly associated with joy, happiness, and the power of a vibrant attitude.

These energies are often combined together. Therefore, if you get the Six of Wands in a numerology reading, you should associate it with happiness, success, and inspiration.

Of course, your psychic advisor can interpret it deeper, based on your concerns, worries, and guidance necessities. But overall, the Six of Wands is seen as a positive and successful tarot card in numerology.

Astrological Meaning of Six of Wands

From an astrological point of view, the Six of Wands is often matched with the energy of Jupiter. It’s a victorious tarot card with good associations that will most likely benefit you.

The mix of Jupiter and the zodiac representation of the Six of Wands (Leo) will trigger beauty, harmony, and success.

But at the same time, the Six of Wands can also translate through wealth, fulfillment, and triumph.

Zodiac Correspondence of the Six of Wands

The Six of Wands has a solid association with Leo. The zodiac sign is known for its confident power, as well as its charisma.

Simply put, these characteristics make Leo a leader in life. Creativity is part of the game, too, not to mention the fact that the Leo will never experience any issues expressing themselves.

If you get the Six of Wands in your reading, it normally relates to the positive characteristics of this zodiac sign.

Yes or No Meaning for the Six of Wands

In a yes or no context, the Six of Wands has different interpretations, depending on its position.

In an upright position, the Six of Wands is definitely a yes. It’s a positive and inspiring card that will encourage you to win. No matter what your goals are, big or small, success just cannot be avoided.

The card is practically pushing you from behind, so no matter what you have in mind, you will most likely triumph.

The problem is if the card pops up in a reversed position. In this case, it’s a no in a yes or no context. It doesn’t mean no in a literal way. Basically, you can do whatever you hope for at some point, but not this time. It depends on the circumstances.

When getting the Six of Wands in a reversed position, you’ll most likely need to reassess your situation. Simply put, step back a little and try to determine your objectives. Are they realistic? Is there a chance to achieve them?

If you can answer positively to these questions, simply try to find an alternative way to succeed, as the current one is associated with no warning.

Key Actions

Based on the position of the Six of Wands, you can do different things to gain as much as possible from the outcome.

Getting the card in an upright position should give your ego a boost. Go out there, be confident, and enjoy success. You’re winning at life, so don’t be afraid to show it. On the same note, if you’re not sure whether or not you should do something, this card tells you to go for it. You’ll succeed.

Stop confronting unreal fears, but follow your instinct, motivation, and goals instead. Ask for a raise, apply for a job, ask someone out, and so on.

In the reversed position, you may have to think twice. The Six of Wands is a setback in this case, but not a permanent one. You must be patient and reassess where you are.

Your goals and long-term objectives are still achievable, but you may have to rethink your strategy and go from a different direction.

Bottom line, the Six of Wands encourages individuals to celebrate victories while staying grounded, acknowledging that obstacles may still arise despite current successes. While this card may be positive or negative, the truth is its negative sign is only a warning. It’s only a wake up call, not something permanent that can take you down. If you think about it, it’s still a positive element to keep in mind.

Full list of suit of wands cards: