The Seven of Wands represents a man on a hill, challenged by more people at the bottom of the hill. It looks like someone who’s defending a position but also ready to attack if the opponents get too close. This kind of reflection applies when the card pops up in a tarot reading as well.
Its interpretation could be confusing at times, so let’s see what you need to know about your present and future once you get this card.
Meaning of Upright Seven of Wands
From many points of view, the Seven of Wands is similar to the Five of Wands. It shows some struggles in life, as well as being on uneven grounds. But then, the Seven of Wands has a different approach.
Unlike the Five of Wands, this card in an upright position doesn’t ask you to fight to reach a position. Instead, you’re already up there, so you’ll have to retain your position.
You’re already successful, but difficulties are just starting. There’s competition, so you need to keep proving yourself. After all, everyone wants your position.
This means you’ll go through a plethora of challenges from the opposition. The idea behind this card is to retain your position, protect your idea, and maintain your ground regardless of what’s thrown at you.
Upright Seven of Wands in Love & Relationships
In love and relationships, you may face some discomfort by setting new boundaries. Your relationship is a bit challenging, so you’ll need to up your game and do more in order to keep your partner nearby.
Objections will also arise from those around you, such as friends or family. To make it last, you must get ready to make some sacrifices.
While all these things could put you off, at least you still have the confidence that things will work out in the long run.
On the other hand, if you’re single, you’ll face quite a few challenges with your next partners, none of them being suitable for you.
Upright Seven of Wands in Career
For your career, the Seven of Wands shows perseverance. You need to keep working in order to maintain your position, meaning you’ll face one challenge after another. In theory, this card sounds negative. It will make you feel paranoid about it.
However, the issues you’ll face can be easily outweighed with confidence and hard work. You’ll have to go through them either way, so you might as well do it in a fearless manner.
Another good news is you’ve already been through all these in order to reach your position, so despite going out of your comfort zone, you should be pretty experienced.
Upright Seven of Wands in Money
As for your finances, you’re quite stable and solid. You have a decent foundation, but instability may arise and could threaten your earnings. A bit of financial planning is mandatory, whether it’s an investment, a new home, or perhaps a retirement fund.
The Seven of Wands also underlines others’ jealousy, so don’t be surprised to find out that some people around you dislike your success.
Upright Seven of Wands in Health & Wellness
Your health is alright. You’ve done well to look after yourself, but get ready for an illness or an issue in your fitness journey. It’s not all about being cautious, but also about improving things, only to prevent problems.
If you’re trying to conceive, the upright Seven of Wands means you’ve done well so far, but an issue may arise out of nowhere. What you did until now was good, but you need to up the game to avoid potential issues.
What someone feels for you should be encouraging because you’re worth it. If you’re asking about someone’s feelings, the card means they’re willing to fight for you.
No matter what people say, that person feels confident about you, and their intentions are positive. You’re worth the hassle.
There might be people doubting your connection, but that doesn’t mean anything. How someone sees you is amazing from your point of view because they’ll defend you and stick to you.
As for what you should do, make sure you protect your position. Whether it’s about love, career, or health, make sure you stay steadfast in front of potential problems.
Meaning of Reversed Seven of Wands
The reversed position of the Seven of Wands is about vulnerability. You may often feel overwhelmed because all the challenges hitting you seem difficult to cope with. Such challenges could occur anywhere, anytime.
Reversed Seven of Wands in Love & Relationships
In love and relationships, the Seven of Wands in a reversed position tells you that you and your partner are shaky. Things aren’t going in the right direction, so you need to work hard.
The problem is everyone around you sees it, even if you’re not 100% sure about it. All these concerns represent a challenge as well, apart from the actual relationship.
Sticking together is more difficult than ever, but totally doable, especially if you have this relationship for the right reasons.
Reversed Seven of Wands in Career
The Seven of Wands in reverse indicates an issue in your career as well. You’re already successful, but you’re not fully prepared for it. This means you may not be able to defend your success.
Your previous hard work can’t protect you at this point, so you need to do something else, especially since others want part of your success, too. Always be on guard for people around you because they can always try to undermine you.
No matter what you’ve done to reach triumph, you’ll have to do much more now.
Reversed Seven of Wands in Money
Your finances are likely to suffer as well, hence the necessity of extra care. It makes no difference how stable you are or how strong your investments seem to be. Financial stability is only an illusion at this point, so you may face an unexpected fall out of nowhere.
Even if you have a successful business or a solid income, a dip is just natural. It’s part of life, and that’s exactly what this tarot card is trying to tell you.
As a result, you must be cautious about spending your money on things you don’t need. Instead, try to focus on your future and make some effective plans.
The bad news is you may not even see signs of a potential downfall, so the element of surprise can seriously affect you.
Reversed Seven of Wands in Health & Wellness
Your health may be affected too, usually because of external factors. Keep your eyes wide open, and get ready to defend your well-being.
For example, a pregnancy is less likely to occur at this time because all you’ve done so far could be ruined due to a bad decision or an external attack.
Someone’s feelings for you could be in denial. Therefore, they’ll adopt a more defensive approach, which could explode at some point.
Their intentions aren’t great. If they haven’t done it already, they’re planning to harm you, so you must be extremely cautious about the person in charge.
You’re to blame, so they’ll try to put up a wall while attacking from behind it. How they see you isn’t perfectly clear, so attack seems to be their best defense.
What you can do is find a compromise. If you can avoid conflict, do so. There are no doubts about it, you’ll end up in some sort of a conflict, but you can get out of it if you plan everything in the smallest details.
Numerological Meaning of Seven of Wands
The Seven of Wands is naturally associated with the number 7, meaning that your numerology reading will most likely revolve around this number and its meanings.
Generally speaking, the number 7 is related to Venus, which is all about passion.
But when it comes to classic numerology, the number relates to Neptune. Neptune is about incredible amounts of energy.
All these things combined will give you a good energy, which is exactly what you’ll need to outweigh all the challenges you’ll go through.
Astrological Meaning of Seven of Wands
The two associations with Venus and Neptune mean you grab some of their energies. Venus is about love and beauty, romance and art. This is how you express yourself and your personal values. Your values have taken you so far, so you might as well stick to them in your upcoming struggles.
On the other hand, Neptune is about idealism and consciousness. It’s about evolution, but it could also bring in some illusions regarding your reality.
All these energies work very well together and will push you through your challenges. Indeed, they might be different from what you’ve experienced so far, but your current status should help out.
Zodiac Correspondence of the Seven of Wands
The Seven of Wands is most commonly associated with Leo. This sign is also associated with fire. This means you’re usually driven by passion and confidence. You’re a natural born leader, and you’re not afraid to lead when you have to.
The representation of this card follows the same principles. It shows someone standing with confidence and defending their position in front of everyone, which is exactly what the typical Leo has to go through when challenged.
You have a strong personality, and you’re often bold, so you’ll always support what you believe in. Challenges are part of your life due to your personality. So, just because you’re about to face some obstacles, it doesn’t mean they’re impossible to overcome.
The connection between Leo and the Seven of Wands also displays a theme of courage.
Yes or No Meaning for the Seven of Wands
Whether the Seven of Wands is a yes or no card depends on the position. If you’re asking a simple yes or no question and this card pops up in the upright position, the answer is yes.
It makes no difference what the question is about. It could be about love, relationships, finances, career, spirituality, health, you name it. You’re brave, and you got this, so express yourself in a natural manner in order to face your challenges.
The answer is different if the card pops up in the reversed position. Again, it’s irrelevant what kind of reading you go through. You’ll be overwhelmed, so you’ll have a hard time. It’s hard to see things from an objective point of view, but this guidance should help you understand everything.
Key Actions
The seven of Wands is a warning tarot card. Obstacles are coming your way, so you’ll have to defend your current position.
The best thing you can do is arm yourself with courage, dedication, and strong beliefs because you’ll need to work hard to get everything sorted.
The card is challenging as soon as you learn about it, but at the end of the day, you’ll have to step out of your comfort zone a little and apply your vast experience in order to succeed. If you think about it, all these challenges will only help you grow in the long run.
No matter how successful you are at the moment, obstacles can and will hinder your growth. Be cautious about everything, from your personal relationship to your spending habits.
The more cautious and careful you are, the easier it will become to overcome these challenges. It could feel tiring after a while, but you can only go forward.