3 Soulmate Tarot Spreads

Like for pretty much anything in tarot, there are more spreads relating to soulmates as well. Such spreads and questions can go in more directions, depending on your unique circumstances. With these thoughts in mind, let’s take a look at a few different soulmate spread options in tarot and what they mean.

What Does a Soulmate Mean in Tarot?

While different elements or aspects of life have completely different meanings in tarot, there aren’t too many differences when it comes to soulmates. A soulmate isn’t just someone you like physically but someone with whom you have a deep emotional connection.

Of course, unconditional love is part of the game, too, but blinded by love, people often fail to realize what they’re getting into. Fortunately, a professional tarot reading can offer a bit of guidance in terms of who you’re spending your time with.

How to Find Your Soulmate Spread

If you’re still looking for a soulmate, this 10-card soulmate spread will give you a bit of guidance regarding what works for you, where to look, and how to recognize your potential partner. The spread also gives you some insights into your past connections, helping you learn what works for you.

The first card relates to the physical appearance of your soulmate, while the second one defines their leading personality trait. The third and fourth cards relate to strength and struggle. You’ll know what they excel at, as well as what they have to cope with.

Sometimes, failing to find your soulmate is because you’re still clinging to the past. The fifth card in this spread will let you know what you have to let go of in order to find your soulmate.

The sixth card will reveal where you might meet or provide details about the place, while the seventh card reveals the main qualities in common.

They’ll obviously appreciate things about you, so the eighth card will show your strength. These are the main qualities your soulmate will appreciate in you.

The ninth card will reveal how you can prepare in order to meet your soulmate. As for the last card, it reveals the aspect about your connection, such as things you two can teach each other.

If interpreted properly, this soulmate spread will provide accurate details but with a twist. Remember, tarot spreads can be interpreted in different ways. However, once you get all these details, you’ll be surprised by how many things will match.

Soulmate Spread After You’ve Met Someone

If you’ve met someone and you feel a connection with him/her, you’re probably thinking they’re your soulmate. While a bigger spread will give you more details, a simple five tarot card spread is usually more than enough to answer this question.

In this five card soulmate spread, the first card is straightforward. Is this person your soulmate? You’ll find clues indicating a positive or negative answer. The second card should be about what makes your bond so strong. If you feel a connection, you need to find out more about it.

The third card in this soulmate spread goes in the opposite direction. What are the weaknesses or struggles of your connection?

In the fourth card, you’ll learn some lessons. Like any other connection in our lives, this one may also teach you something. This card will reveal what.

And regarding the last card, ask what you need to do to get ready for your soulmate. If your current connection isn’t your soulmate, there are things you can do to get there quicker.

A soulmate isn’t necessarily a romantic soul. Instead, it’s a strong connection, sometimes spiritual or karmic. It may sound disappointing, but there are times when a soulmate isn’t even a life partner but just someone close to you. Using this soulmate spread will give you some clarity.

Quick Three Card Soulmate Spread

A quick three card soulmate spread can give you some insight into what to expect. Even if you’ve already met your soulmate, it’s worth knowing more about what connects you and what you can do to strengthen this connection.

Again, it makes no difference if your soulmate is your romantic partner or just someone in your life.

This spread can be done in a simple line or perhaps an inverted pyramid.

The first card will show you the energy your soulmate has for you. It reveals how they connect to you and what this energy actually means.

The second card is similar, but it represents the energy coming from your direction. It shows the positive aspects of this energy, as well as things that you could change.

As for the third card, it wraps up the connection between you and your soulmate. It reveals the current state and the energy associated with your relationship at the moment.

This spread is quick and easy, so you can do it whenever you need a bit of clarity in your life, especially if your connection isn’t perfect.

It’s useful if you feel overwhelmed with someone’s positive energy and you want to ensure you keep this energy at the highest levels. You’ll also want to know what to do in order to make your soulmate feel the same.

However, this soulmate spread is even more beneficial during times of tension. If you and your partner go through a conflict, you’ll need to identify the source, what makes the energy feel like this, and what you can do to put it back on track.