Tarot Spreads for Beginners

Gone are the days when common folks would consider tarot cards as part of an occult practice. Today, these cards are seen in its true light, which is simply a form of therapy and meditation.

Yes, that’s right! These cards are more than a spooky halloween decor and are actually considered as a way to immerse and connect with your inner self completely. This way, tarot can help in validating experiences, identifying possible outcomes, and aid in decision-making.

Interested to learn more about tarot cards? You’ve landed at the right page. After all, you’ll have to be aware of different tarot spreads, especially if you’re a beginner. So, let’s get started!

But first, in what way are tarot cards used?

If you’re keen on creating a deeper bond between the universe and yourself, tarot cards are essentially what assists you in forging that bond. It’s a method of getting in touch with your inner aspect and looking beyond to seek a different perspective over a situation.

Due to this, tarot has evolved beyond the tagline “parlor tricks” and is indeed a great therapy tool in times of need. But what exactly do you do with a deck of tarot? Well, each card holds a meaning and is linked to different keywords. As you ask a question and draw a card(s), the symbols imprinted on them helps interpret the answer. The placement of the card is what changes the entire narrative of a person’s reading and the result is what will guide the person’s intuition to make the next steps in life.

Different Tarot Spreads for Beginners

Drawing cards usually don’t require any grand or specific method since you can create your own style. But, if you’re looking for a clear and concise way to pull cards, here are some ideas you may want to try out.

Tarot Spread with One Card

For beginners, it’s always recommended to start simple. You may start with just one question and pull one out from the deck. As you see the card, look it up and interpret its meaning (make sure to journal the interpretations as well). It can be used to draw on a daily basis as the card of the day for you to understand your situation better. One card reading is the best for people seeking answers to just particular question as it is quick and easy unlike other readings which are complex and time consuming.

Yes/No Tarot Spread

Although these are not well suggested, this particular spread is still encouraged among amateurs as it is quite effective. This is usually used to enquire about the outcome of a specific situation. For instance, “Should I go for the job?”, and then two cards can be pulled from the deck. As they’re laid beside each other, the left represents “yes” and right represents “no”.

You need to ask the outcome of a situation you’re dealing with, for example, “Will I break up with my partner?”, and then pull out two cards. As you lay them beside each other, the one on the left represents the answer yes and no on the right-hand card.

Past, Present, Future Tarot Spread with Three Cards

Now, this is a spread that even experts love due to what the pavements entail. Each card suggests the past, present, and the future of the person. For those curious about the status of something, three cards are pulled, with each representing a particular time frame. Left for past, middle for present, and third for the future.

The cross

The card layout for this reading includes cards 1, 2, 3, and 4. The cross tarot card reading is usually used to answer confusion and also while seeking a piece of advice. For both readings, card 1 is the topic and card 4 is the result or the outcome. The main purpose of the reading in both cases is to differentiate between card 2 and card 3.

Mind-Body-Spirit Spread

Aura and energy are extremely important aspects of tarot reading. However, there are also internal elements such as the mind, body & spirit – all of which helps one discover more about themselves. To start with this, the rules are pretty simple. Pull three cards from the deck and each will represent the internal elements mentioned above.

Tarot Spread with Five Cards

If you’re serious about putting in extra hours for deeper insights, pulling in five cards from a clockwise direction is the ultimate spread for the win. The first symbolizes the present situation one’s facing, the second is the response, third is the obstacle to the situation, fourth implies how to overcome, and the fifth reveals the result.

The Blind spot reading

Blind spot reading consists of four cards. The card placement should be in a box-like spread. The first card is placed on the left corner on top of the box while the second card on the bottom right. The third is placed beneath the first and the fourth should be above the second card. #1 interprets what everyone knows of you. #2 interprets what no one knows. #3 interprets what only you know. #4 interprets the blind spot and is the result of the whole reading. Blind spot reading is best for enhancing self-awareness in a person.

Yin-Yang Spread

As the name indicates, this involves two card spreads that introduces the connection between the  external and internal domains. The first card pulled reveals the yin (unseen side of the question asked) and the second reveals yang (the visible part of the question).

Relationship Tarot Spread with Five Cards

This spread is a gem for those seeking live advice. You’ll have to pull out 5 cards horizontally. The first one will reveal both the person’s perspectives regarding the start of the relationship, the second represents past experiences, the third represents the current situation, the fourth represents the future, and the final fifth card shows the end result.

Relationship spread with Seven Cards

The reading has 7 cards to interpret the common ground of any relationship you have put up for interpretation. The three cards in the middle represent the past, present and future of the relationship.
The cards on the side columns represent the roles of each person in the relationship. For example, what you or a friend bring to the table.
The cards 1 and 2 indicate the personality types thus forming a bridge with what each person brings to the table for the relationship.

The horseshoe

One of the most common card placements is the Horseshoe which consists of seven cards. As the name suggests, these seven cards are placed in a shape of a horseshoe. The horseshoe reading is simple and versatile. Below is a brief description of the seven cards in a horseshoe spread.
1. The past: anything that has happened that is affecting your current queries.
2. The present: your current situation because of your past that is in question.
3. The hidden factor: things you are not aware of
4. Obstacle: the challenge you might have to face. Whether to face it or deal with the obstacle is the difficult part.
5. External factors: things you are not in control of. For example people’s thoughts and actions.
6. Suggestion: The advice or recommendation for you on what to do with your circumstances.
7. Result: outcome of the previous suggestions in determining your queries.
A horseshoe spread is a straightforward interpretation therefore if you are looking for a question concerning what might be influencing your current situation or looking for a guide in case you have a plan then this is the best and versatile spread for you.

The Celtic cross

Celtic cross spread is one of the oldest and the classics among the tarot spreads. The 10 cards placement helps in answering any types of questions. The Celtic cross reading is in fact the most commonly known reading for its versatility in answering all kinds of queries. These ten cards are placed in a cross like structure along with a staff. The first 1-6 cards make a cross and the remaining cards from 7-10 make a staff.
Card 1- the outside factors influencing your current queries.
Card 2- the forces for good or the evil.
Card 3- past
Card 4- future
Card 5- your conscious thoughts
Card 6- unconscious thoughts: beliefs
Card 7- personal influence
Card 8- outside influence
Card 9- fears and hopes
Card 10- the outcome of the reading
The important thing here is the pairing of cards 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 8, 6 and 10.

Downward Pyramid

This last spread is probably a fan favourite among tarot lovers and it requires a whopping six card spread. But, there’s no set limit to this and the spread can go smaller or bigger as wished. If you go with the 6-rule, you’ll have to pull out 3 cards first and this will present the current situation. Pull two more cards and place it under the first set and this will present the problems surrounding the situation. Finally, the last card pulled will show the final outcome surrounding the situation.

Choosing the right tarot deck

The first key to trust while choosing a tarot card is to trust your intuition fully. Secondly, there are popular options like the Morgan Greer tarot and also the Universal Waite Tarot to help beginners understand the solid foundation for learning the Tarot. These options are widely available for anyone trying to learn the basics of Tarot Card placement and readings.

Ready to put your tarot deck to good use now that you’re up to speed with all the fun spreads? We certainly hope the answer is YES. After all, it’s great to be able to introspect on yourself and others.

But before you begin, always remember to stay clear headed and centre your thoughts into the reading. You may even clear out your surroundings of any negative aura/energy present and maintain a calm presence when shuffling and drawing the cards. Trusting yourself with a clear mind is key in maintaining a steady pace while learning the ropes of tarot reading.