Horseshoe Spread: Advanced 7 Card Spread

Have you ever noticed that different tarot readers resort to different card layouts? Some choose to pick 3 cards from their deck while some may even prefer four or five cards in their readings.

Whether you’re someone new or experienced in tarot reading, at some point or the other, you must have noticed that tarot readers have different ways of using their cards. Whether it’s the shape of the layout or the number of cards, tarot readers choose this intentionally.

Different tarot readers may find the need for different card layouts based on the needs and questions presented to them.

So, there’s more than one way to perform tarot? The answer is yes. Card readings like tarot have been around for years. It is only natural for several techniques and styles to come up.

One technique that is quite popular is the horseshoe spread. Many also refer to this technique as the seven-card spread. If you’re interested to know more about this method of reading tarot, stick around.

Find out everything you need to know about the horseshoe tarot spread in this short article.

Why Is It Called Horseshoe Spread?

Curious to find out the reason behind the name of this particular spread?

The name comes from the shape the cards form on the surface. For the horseshoe technique, tarot readers select 7 cards from their deck and place them in the shape of a horseshoe.

And guess what? The 7 cards all represent something different such as matters about your past or the future, problems you may face, or even what you can do to overcome challenges you are currently struggling with.

All in all, it is quite a comprehensive spread capable of illuminating different corners of your life.

Breaking Down the Seven Cards

Now that we know where the name of the spread comes from and that there are seven cards in this spread, let’s have a detailed look at what these cards mean.

We’re going to break down the seven cards and their roles for you.

  1. The past

Card number one is the card that deals with your past. This will be the first card in the layout of the spread.

Whichever card from the deck pops up in this card will tell you important things you need to hear about your past. The first card speaks about your past events that affect your current state.

So if you have questions from the past troubling you, this card will bring it to light. If a major arcana card pops up here, pay closer attention as major arcana cards always deal with important and major themes.

  1. The Present

The second card in the horseshoe technique relates to your present and current situations and how they may be affecting you positively or negatively.

The present plagues us just as much as the past and future. It is only natural to have questions about your present self. If you’re seeking answers to deal with current problems and situations, do not ignore this card’s message.

  1. Unseen Influences

There are so many things that we don’t know that might affect our lives. At any given moment in our lives, multiple unseen influences are working, either against us or in our favor. And it’s only natural to be curious about such things.

Whether these are positive or negative influences, finding them out is important if you want to be prepared for any surprise life might throw your way.

Well, this particular card which sits in the third position in the spread can reveal these hidden influences and the things that have not occurred yet and bring them to light.

  1. The Self or the Querent Card

The fourth card in the horseshoe technique deals with the querent themselves. In simple words, if you’re the one pursuing a tarot reading, this card is going to give insights about yourself.

One interesting thing to note here is that this card sits at the center of the spread. This highlights how the querent himself or herself is at the center of everything. Hence paying attention to what this card has to say is extremely important.

To connect deeply and personally with the messages from the rest of the cards in the horseshoe technique, the querent needs to know themselves properly. Only then can they resonate and absorb the messages from the readings.

  1. Outside Influences

We all live a life connected to one another. In this particular spread, we also get to witness a card that sheds light on how the actions of others around us may directly or indirectly affect us.

We’re constantly in contact with one another such as friends, family, or strangers. And in one way or another, we all influence each other either positively or negatively.

The fifth card in the spread helps you understand your surroundings better. If friends are plotting against you or your family has ill intentions towards you, this card will reveal everything you need to know.

  1. Action

Answers, answers, and more answers. The whole purpose of doing a tarot reading is to find answers to questions that are bothering you.

The sixth card in this spread is the action card which informs you what actions you need to take.

It does not matter whether these questions are about your love life, your work, or even about friendships and family. The action card will show you what steps will be your best possible option.

  1. The Outcome Card

We’re on the seventh card of the spread now. Most tarot readers refer to this as the outcome card, and rightfully so. This is because this card concludes the reading and ties up everything. When tarot readers interpret this card, they will make sure to let you know where you’re headed.

In any reading, the concluding moments are the most important. It links the entire reading together and presents solutions and outcomes for your questions and doubts.

All of the previous six cards are factored in while reading the outcome card. Think of the outcome card as a sort of summary of your reading.

Why Horseshoe Tarot Reading?

There are several reasons why the horseshoe technique is a popular choice among tarot readers. Listed below are some of the reasons people opt for this technique.

  • The horseshoe technique provides detailed and comprehensive insights into various aspects of a person’s life.
  • It helps people identify hidden problems while at the same time providing them with proactive solutions.
  • Being a technique that is a little advanced, the horseshoe technique is capable of providing accurate and reliable readings.

Whether you’re new or advanced in the world of tarot reading, the horseshoe spread is something you must have heard about. And why wouldn’t you? It’s such a popular choice among tarot readers because of its ability to provide comprehensive readings.

If you have questions about your past, present, and future, this spread will definitely prove helpful in getting the answers you need. You can try it today and find out just how fun and insightful this particular reading can be.