Advanced 9 Card Tarot Spreads

Popular 9 card tarot spreads are among the deepest and most complicated options out there. However, they’re in great demand because they offer depth and attention to small details.

What makes these spreads different is the way they’re read. All in all, let’s explore these spreads and find out how to make as much as possible out of them.

Practical Applications of 9 Card Tarot Spreads

Seeing nine cards and having to interpret each of them may seem like plenty of hassle. However, the best part about the classic spread is that you don’t need to use everything. You’ll also have to use your intuition when reading the spread.

The spread can be used for love or happiness, yet it can also be adjusted for career, financial, or health readings. Before digging deeper, let’s check out the original design of the cards.

9 Card Tarot Spread for Happiness

To help you understand this spread, imagine a grid with three columns and three lines.

Reveal the first card, which showcases yourself. It shows your identity, as well as your roots. It defines the most important element of your inner self at the moment. It could be anything, including a part of your body. This card is located in a central position, on the bottom line.

The second card goes far up, on the right side of the first one. It’s basically the far right top corner. It relates to your partnerships and connections. It will also teach you how to nurture connections that are healthy for you at the moment.

The third card goes on the middle line, on the left side. It showcases your creative expression. Basically, you can ask the tarot cards what kind of creation you can foster in order to support your happiness and joy.

The fourth card goes further up, in the left corner of the first line. It signifies the elements of peace in your life. Basically, you’ll discover what you need to do before peace can settle over your person. The answer could be anything.

The fifth card is right in the middle of the grid. It’s considered one of the most important cards in this spread because of its central position. It’s about transformation. It tells you how a random change can make you feel happy and alive again, so it’s a guiding card.

The sixth card goes in the bottom right corner of the grid, to the right of the first card. It symbolizes environmental peace and harmony. It will tell you who or what can support your move towards a happier self.

The seventh card goes right above it, so it’s practically on the middle line, on the right. It’s mainly about proving yourself. It may reveal a certain test or challenge that will give you more experience in life but also some confidence.

The eighth card goes in the bottom left corner of the grid and showcases your current issues or reasons for dissatisfaction. However, the same card will also help you get over them in order to reaffirm your personal values.

Finally, the ninth card completes the grid on the top line, right in the middle. It helps you find your purpose. It will give you insights about what you’re doing at the moment, as well as why you’re at this particular point in life.

Extras About the Classic 9 Card Tarot Spread

Corner cards can be read clockwise and can be connected one to another. At the same time, they can also be read in pairs, based on what makes sense. For example, if you get two cards from a suit and two more from a different suit, you can usually read them in pairs.

These cards provide some context to the central card in the spread.

You can also have this spread starting from the top left position and going to the third card on the first line, then moving on with cards 4, 5, and 6 on the second line and so on, in an order.

The first row is about your thoughts. The second one is about your reality, while the last one showcases your subconscious mind.

If you need a reading about your past, present and future, arrange the cards in the same order and read them vertically. The first column is the past, the second one is your present, and the third one defines the future.

9 Card Tarot Spread for Love

This nicely ordered setup is also among the popular 9 card tarot spreads for love. Basically, start at the top with three cards, move on to the second line with another three cards, and complete the grid with three cards on the last line.

The card in the middle revolves around your love interest at the moment. It could be a potential partner or perhaps a situation. Or maybe you just want more from the relationship you’re already in.

The corner cards tend to give you insights about the other person. They’ll give you some clues about how that person feels about you. Maybe they’re open to a relationship with you, or maybe they see you as a close friend only.

Middle cards on the top and bottom line revolve around your potential partner’s past. They can provide some clues about their past, their status, or even their preferences. As for the remaining cards, they showcase a potential future if you two end up in a relationship. ​

In the end, the list can obviously go longer than this, but the above mentioned spreads stand out in the crowd. They make a good choice for seasoned readers, yet you can also adjust them as you become more experienced.