Popular 6 Card Tarot Spreads

There are quite a few popular 6 card tarot spreads out there. They’re most commonly used when you need a deep insight, but without going into small details like past lives or hefty plans for the future. Six card spreads are somewhere in the middle and can be used for anything.

Obviously, you can come up with your own spread, but there are a few models out there that seem to be quite helpful.

Keep in mind that number 6 is associated with harmony and good vibes, so creating such spreads is simple and fun. These being said, let’s check out some of the best spreads out there.

Modified Celtic Cross Spread

This spread features a cross. There’s one card in the middle, one on each side, and another one on top of the first one, but in a sideways position.

It all starts with the central card. This is you. The card reveals your current situation in life, where you are on this journey, or your status based on what the reading is about. It could be about love or perhaps your career.

The second card goes on top of it but in a sideways position. This is the main issue you’re facing. It could be something you’re aware of, yet most people don’t see it directly, so it may come as a surprise as well.

The third card goes to the left and showcases your limitations in this particular situation. It could be seen as some sort of guidance, too, because that might be what you’ll have to focus on.

The fourth card goes above the first card and represents your conscious mind, as in what you actually see. The fifth one goes under the first card and signifies the unconscious mind. It could be a revealing card showing things that won’t make sense at first.

Last, but not least, the sixth card goes to the right of the first one, creating a cross. It symbolizes the outcome of a situation.

This is one of the most popular 6 card tarot spreads, but it could also be extended into a 7 card spread. If you’re not happy with the outcome, ask how you can change it and what you need to do, so pull another card for the answer.

Supernova Spread

This spread involves developing an idea. It’s about guidance and perhaps expanding an idea you may already have. It relates to goals and objectives, so it can reveal the final details of a big plan.

The first card goes in the middle and represents the concept, the main goal. It’s the element you’re hoping to explore at some point. It could be a new relationship, career, job, or business, maybe a fitness plan.

The second card goes to its left. It defines logical actions or better said, the next steps in making things happen. It will most likely target your analytical thinking, so it should make sense.

The third card goes to the right of the first card and refers to creative action. It targets the right part of your brain. It defines things that light you up but may not always make sense to everyone else. For instance, this card could ask you to get in touch with someone you haven’t seen in 10 years.

You’ll have to find a common ground between the second and third card because they require balance.

The fourth card goes under the second card and symbolizes a physical guide. It’s someone who will influence your idea, such as a person or maybe a situation. It will most likely refer to a person. If you can’t figure it out, put it back and pull another one until you find some sense.

The fifth card goes under the third card, and it’s your spiritual guide. It signifies the character of your guardian angel, such as a person or even an animal. You’ll find clarification regarding how this guide will influence your ideas.

The last card is the outcome and goes on top of everything above the first card. It’s a conclusion of your reading and may showcase the direction of your idea.

Linear 6 Card Tarot Spread

This is one of the simplest, yet most popular 6 card tarot spreads because it can apply to anything, from love and health to career and money.

The six cards go in line, starting from the left, one next to another.

The first one is your focus, showing the main topic of the reading based on your question. The second one defines the challenges associated with it, such as obstacles you’re facing in reaching your objectives.

The third card signifies the direction you’re heading to. It provides some sense regarding what to do next or what to actually pay attention to.

The fourth card is your path. It’s an opportunity or perhaps an idea. This is the element that should lead you on the right path, so just like the third card, it offers a bit of guidance.

However, the fifth card offers the highest degree of guidance because it’s the action card. It tells you what to do next, how to overcome an issue, or what actions to follow.

Finally, the sixth card goes in a similar direction because it’s the card of assistance. The guidance it offers relates to nothing but positivity. This is what you have to do in order to ensure the outcome is positive.

Bottom line, there are all sorts of spreads out there, some more popular than others. While they’re great once you get used to tarot, more experienced readers also adjust these spreads and even create their own in order to seek guidance in different directions.