Seasonal Tarot Spreads

If you think luck and seasons have no relation at all, you’re wrong. They are, in fact, quite synonymous! Similar to the way winter departs and spring blooms  in, our luck comes and goes too. Tarot spreads also shift persistently to reveal what’s looming for the new season.

So if you’re intrigued by the ways of a seasonal tarot spread and eager to peek into what one can attain from it, you’ve landed in the right place!

Seasonal Tarot Spread — What is it?

If you’ve been in the tarot game for some time you’d probably be aware of how a tarot spread can be utilized all year long. However, do you know how certain spreads adapt with the seasons?

Yes, that’s right! In each tarot spread, elements like season & timing can be regarded so that you can smoothly incorporate them into your tarot reading. For instance, swords and winter are linked while wands are matched with spring. This is owing to the symbolic similarity of both being sharp & cold.

How Is A Seasonal Tarot Spread Used?

Take out your deck and ponder on the different questions you can ask the cards. Breathe and reconcile yourself to the outside world. Look through the deck in front of you and pick a card that interprets into the upcoming season then put it on the table. For the next few cards you can think of these as their respective representations: “What will turn my season into a more eventful one?” or “What’s something new that I will experience?


This time of the year signifies growth and rebirth of all living things so as the world blooms the tarot cards also make it out of the long winter hibernation. The Empress, The Fool & The Page of Cups align with this season and they constitute a renewed beginning that can enhance creativity as well as emotional maturity. You can factor in these cards to obtain clarity on the season’s energy and what spring has stored up for you, along with the kind of goals you must set.


The summertime is filled with sunny & gleeful days signified by the sun being at its hottest and cold nights being short-lived. Picking tarot cards for summer can include the Ace of Cups, the Sun & the Four of Wands. They don’t just show you happiness-filled with festive moods but also emotional fulfilment. Furthermore, the spreads can be applied to develop positive links with energy.


When a tree filled with sun kissed leaves transforms into a balding one it can only mean one thing – it’s autumn time. It is known for its shortened days, warm air, with just the right hint of cool breeze. For this, cards like the Tower Death & the Seven of Swords can be used to represent the season in order to display the essence of transition, disengagement and change. Placing such cards within the spread can assist in collecting this autumn spirit and revealing it to figure out what does not work anymore in the current life.


Finally, we have the fan favorite season – Winter. It stands for the incoming joy of holidays and its particular links to relaxation and rest which bring about periods of self reflection. So, the cards the Hanged Man, the Hermit and the Four of Swords are used to connect with Winter and can show solitude and introspection. These cards can be properly applied to gain understanding of yourself and also achieve clarity on when to take breaks.

Seasonal Spreads to Easily Incorporate in Your Tarot Reading

You can have a look at the list of tarot spreads which have been curated to transform tarot readings into a creative and insightful activity.

Seasonal Full Moon Spreads

Many tarot readers often utilize full moon phases to conduct a reflective session whereby they look into the past and then set goals for the near future during these solstices. It involves picking out a 5-card spread which includes:

  • The first card represents the events that occurred in the last six months along with its lessons;
  • The second signifies a periodic change or growth of self and the many details of this regard;
  • The third card offers one the chance to release all that’s doing you harm before the new season arrives;
  • The fourth card stands as a guidance manual for the new season;
  • Finally the fifth card is there to provide insight into the necessary actions along with renewed energy to be taken in the new season.

Seasonal Three-Card Spread

This is a pretty plain and simple tarot spread but the results are always close to magic. It’s just a three-card spread which is aligned with the concept of seasons:

  • The first card involves what to look forward to as well as embrace in one’s current season;
  • The second card reveals what’s needed to leave behind in the old season;
  • Lastly the third card symbolises what the result of following this advice is like.

Benefits of Seasonal Tarot Spreads

Seasonal spreads are always an excellent way to invoke growth introspection and self-reflection in one’s life via tarot reading. Every passing season holds a distinct energy that even despite the  new beginnings that await you there’s always some remnant of the past that requires dissecting and contemplating.

Therefore setting goals for one’s future with a proper reflection on one’s past can assist in helping one grow and gain emotional maturity. Moreover, there are specific themes one can focus on as each season wilts away. This allows one to prioritize and align specific aspect of your life.

To keep track of your development day-by-day, interacting with seasonal spreads is the best option because you can easily find any bad patterns and change them. By keeping milestones for each solstice reading your path can become an insightful and productive one.

The quintessential meaning of our purpose changes from season to season. Seasons call upon us to employ various tarot spreads in order to attain a deeper view of self & comprehend the world beyond us. Whether an amateur or accomplished expert, you can delight in seasonal-themed spreads to boost your knowledge and reattach yourself with nature. Hence, if you notice leaves falling from the trees outside, it may be time to bring out your trusty tarot deck and perform a seasonal spread to dive into the profound depths of your mind.