Popular 8 Card Tarot Spreads

The more cards you add to a reading spread, the more comprehensive your reading will become. The interpretation can also go in more directions based on all the insights and details you’ll reveal. While definitely not suitable for beginners, popular 8 card tarot spreads are quite popular for their relevance.

There are a few different types of spreads out there, each suitable for something in particular. Of course, experienced readers can also come up with their own spreads. All in all, let’s explore some of the popular 8 card tarot spreads and how they can provide guidance in your unique circumstances.

8 Card Tarot Spread for the Past, Present and Future

While such spreads can be done in different ways or shapes, the ones explained here are simple and linear. Grab the first card, reveal it, and align the others next to it in a line, going to your right.

Like for other readings, it’s important to reveal all the cards before starting to interpret them based on their position.

You can find a spread like this with nothing but three cards. But getting eight cards involved will reveal much more.

The first card showcases the theme you’re actually going through. It defines what you need help with. Unlike other similar past, present, and future spreads, you can get an insight into your past starting with the second card. As for the third card, it reveals the present, followed by the fourth card, the future.

Things are getting more complicated, starting with the fifth card, which defines the best course of action. This is some sort of guidance. It doesn’t necessarily tell you what to do, but it showcases the best thing to improve your current situation, as well as the future.

The sixth card goes to influences in your life. Such influences can be just as varied and may include people, situations, things from your past, jobs, you name it. Anything could influence your current circumstances.

The seventh card could be seen as something that’s holding you back. It showcases your fears and worries in life. But at the same time, this card reveals opposite things because it will also signify your hopes in the long run.

The eighth card is the outcome. This outcome is given based on the current situation without making any changes. However, making some major changes based on the guidance you receive can change the profile of this card.

8 Card Tarot Spread for Love and Relationships

This is one of the popular 8 card tarot spreads because it reveals details about your partner that you may not be aware of. The spread isn’t all about the relationship but also about understanding your partner.

The first card relates to your partner. It tells you how they feel about themselves. It reveals their level of confidence and happiness, so this card should have nothing to do with the actual relationship.

That’s when the second card kicks in, which will reveal your partner’s views on your relationship, but also on yourself. This is one of the most insightful cards in the spread.

The third card signifies your partner’s necessities in this relationship, as well as their desires. It will make more sense if you match it with the second card. The fourth card represents how much of a leader the partner is in the relationship. It’s basically an analysis of the balance of powers in your connection.

The fifth card could be another revealing card for you because it tells you how the relationship makes your partner feel. A negative interpretation here could signify the necessity of an urgent change. The sixth card reveals your partner’s actions, as well as their impact on your connection.

The seventh card goes back in time a bit because it defines how much your partner has contributed to the foundation of your relationship. As for the last card, it defines the challenges affecting your connection, whether obvious or not.

8 Card Tarot Spread for Your Soul

This is one of the most spiritual and popular 8 card tarot spreads for those who need inner guidance. It will give you some insights into what to do to improve yourself, mainly spiritually.

The first card describes your soul in the current state. The second one shows how you normally keep your emotions and thoughts quiet and under control. The third one is a guiding element because it teaches you how to use your intuition for better results.

If you feel wordless at times, the fourth card will educate you on how to express the truth from your point of view, without feeling restricted. As for the fifth one, it represents the things in life you’ll have to accept because you simply can’t change them, so it’s not worth trying.

The sixth card embraces you on things you’ll have to embrace in order to heal or even elevate your soul. These elements must be implemented into your mindset. It’s another card that guides you, just like the seventh one, which teaches you how to improve.

The seventh card pinpoints the best version of yourself, hence its importance. That’s who you could be, but you’re not there yet.

Finally, the last card carries an important message. It’s the card that connects you to your soul. Your soul is trying to send a message and struggles with it. This card will make it crystal clear.

In conclusion, compared to smaller spreads, big spreads aren’t that varied. Sure, there are a few front runners, but you won’t find many classic spreads in this category. The good news is you can create your own. As you become more experienced, you can come up with your own questions for guidance.