3 Winter Solstice Tarot Spreads

The winter solstice is associated with long nights and silence. It’s a good time to reflect on yourself, your life, and where it’s taking you, not to mention your journey throughout the seasons. Leaving the fall season behind, the winter solstice has a lot to offer. Winter solstice, being the longest night of the year, provides the perfect time for thoughtfulness. It’s a chance to look back on the past seasons and think about where you’ll be headed next.

There are more winter solstice tarot spread options out there, and they usually depend on what you’re after. All in all, let’s explore together some useful spreads for this time of the year and what they can tell you about life.

Six Card Winter Solstice Tarot Spread

This particular spread counts a lot on your intuition. Feel free to let your instincts guide you on your way through the shadow of life. It needs six cards, arranged on two lines.

Draw the first card and place it on the table. Ask the card, what’s in the darkness? What exactly hides in your shadow? There are things in your subconscious that may need some exploring, but you need guidance identifying them.

The second card goes to the left of the first card. As you face your shadow self, you’ll need some strength. Again, it might be difficult to observe this strength, so that’s what the card is trying to tell you at this point.

The third card goes to the right of the first one and will indicate what exactly you need to leave behind. Keep in mind, this isn’t necessarily something you have to forget about forever, but just something that may need a break during the next months.

The fourth card is above the second card and tells you more about it. There’s an aspect of your life that may require some peace or, better said, hibernation throughout this season. This card will indicate what it is.

The fifth card goes above the third card and showcases all the benefits of this hibernation. It shows you why you need to let something go for the season.

Finally, the sixth card goes above the first card and reveals the lessons you’ll learn during the next months. It’s basically the outcome of following the tarot guidance and how it will benefit you in the long run.

Alternative Six Card Winter Solstice Tarot Spread

Sometimes, you may need more guidance and more specific answers. This alternative six card winter solstice tarot spread will pinpoint a certain direction you have to follow, at least for the next few months.

The six cards are arranged in a clockwise design, starting with the first one at the top.

Pull the first card and reveal it. This card will reveal what you’re ready to see in the shadow. It’s something that you have to see and take advantage of in one way or another. It’s just under your nose, but you miss it, so the card will make it all clear.

The second card defines what exactly you’ll gain from seeing it. Observing something different about yourself will give you a certain degree of wisdom. You’ll find out what you can learn by making this observation.

The third card is about something in your life that can be released. It no longer serves your purpose. Again, it could be something temporary, as well as something that you’ll never need again.

The fourth card tells you who or what to follow, as it showcases some form of guidance in your path.

The fifth card also shows something that’s under your nose. It showcases what you want to manifest in order to grow, even if you can’t see it normally.

Finally, the last card is about guidance. It will reveal what, in particular, will ignite your passion in order to achieving your goals.

Four Card Tarot Spread for Wisdom

This spread only requires four cards. The first three are aligned in a line, one next to each other. The fourth one goes under the middle one, looking like a reversed T.

There are more interpretations for each card, so you’ll need to assess the position based on what you need to find out.

The first card tells you about something you’ve lost. It’s something that you cling to. It’s something that broke you on the inside, so you’re grieving. You may not realize it’s there, but it is, indeed, holding you back. This is the darkness card.

There’s a chance you’ll get a positive card with joyful interpretations in this position. However, you may need to take it for its reversed meaning instead.

The second card goes right next to the first one, and it’s the promise or renewal card. The winter solstice is seen as a time of dawn. Nights are long, darkness settles in quickly, and everything feels quiet. This card shows the promise of renewal coming with the winter solstice.

In this particular spread, the second card could be positive or negative. If it’s a positive card, it’s a form of encouragement. If it’s a negative one, it acts like a warning sign.

The third card reveals the integration of dark and light. It tells you how these two elements can combine and provide some sort of wisdom, so you basically discover something you might learn from this collaboration.

Finally, the fourth card is the gift of the darkness. What kind of gift is hidden in the darkness? This winter solstice tarot spread will show you precisely what to pay attention to and how it can benefit you in the long run.