6 Love Tarot Spreads

You’d have already guessed by now that love is one of the most popular exploration topics in the tarot reading realm. People going through this complex emotion have tons of questions that are too sensitive to share yet need to be answered.

Is my relationship okay? Is it worth saving? Does my crush like me back? Am I ever going to be in love?– We find ourselves contemplating, yearning for a little dose of assurance.

However, you’d be relieved to learn that for thousands of years, people have been asking the same questions about love as you are at this moment and have found their assurance through myriads of love tarot spreads.

Love Single Card Pulls

While the single-card pulls often do not offer a more in-depth understanding of complex situations, they reflect the general tone and offer quick, easy, and helpful answers to questions you’ve been contemplating on.

Trying to heal from a fresh breakup? Fought recently? Need answers on how you can take the relationship forward? The card you draw from the love single card pull will absolutely relate to the theme of your question, and give you a fresh perspective on how to handle it or offer advice on how to accept it.

3-Card Love Spread

One of the simplest yet most informational love tarot spreads is the 3-card love spread. There are so many types of love reading you can do with this 3 card spread technique and we’ll help you go through the best and most popular ones.

Lay 2 cards on top and a card just below the 2 forming a reverse triangle:

Relationship Spread

  • Card One– The first card represents you and the things that you are and do in this relationship. What kind of role do you take in this relationship? How do you view yourself and what does it do to the relationship or how does it affect it?
  • Card Two- This represents the person you’re in a relationship with, your lover. Their role, the way you view your person, and how that affects the relationship.
  • Card Three- This card represents your relationship and has the answers that you seek. The third card is pulled at random.

Additionally, there are other ways you can use the 3-card love spread technique. For instance, sometimes we find ourselves stuck between two potential love interests and making a decision becomes extremely difficult.

While the interpretation from a tarot reading is not absolute, it helps you gain a new perspective by allowing you to tap into your deepest inner self and aid in making the decision for yourself without any interferences.

To do this, lay the cards the same as the relationship spread:

  • Cards one and two represent your love interest.
  • Card three offers the path, the theme, or the standard of what determines your decision between the two potential lovers.

Crush Tarot Spread

The 3-card spread technique also works as a powerful crush tarot spread and offers irreplaceable insights into your situation, often helping people land that relationship they’ve been yearning for with their crushes.

Apart from the third card, the first two are completely identical to the relationship spread:

  • Cards one and two represent you and your crush
  • Card three relies on a higher power to reveal secrets and information you’re dying to attain. “What does my crush think of me?” “Will we ever be together?” “What do I need to do to make them look my way?”

Additionally, here’s a more in-depth 4-card crush tarot spread that you do:

  • Card One- The person’s feelings towards you
  • Card Two- The person’s view of you
  • Card Three- This card represents the obstacles.
  • Card Four- Card 4 represents the future, the path ahead.

5-Card Love Spread

While being similar to the spread above, the 5-card love spread technique offers a more in-depth exploration of the entire theme in question. It even delves into the past, present, and future of relationships making it perfect for individuals that have been in a very long one.

To start, draw 5 cards at random and place them in the shape of a cross:

  • Card Three- This card is placed alone at the top, just above card 4, and represents the past. Particularly the past foundation of your relationship. How did our relationship start? What forces played a part in uniting us?
  • Cards one, four, and two- These cards are placed in the center. Card one represents the role you take in the relationship, card 4 represents the current state of your relationship, and card two represents your partner’s role.
  • Card five- Card five gives answers to questions related to the relationship’s future.

Other Love Tarot Spreads

Self-Love Spread

Love spreads are not just for relationships but also for strengthening love towards our own selves, ultimately aiming for self improvement. For the self-love spread, we’ll be drawing 4 cards.

  • Card one- This card represents something you love dearly about yourself.
  • Card Two- Reveals something that you need to be more patient with yourself.
  • Card Three- Card three reveals something that you need to be more kinder with yourself.
  • Card Four- This card shows you the path and the course of action you need to take to develop a healthier relationship with yourself.

Soulmate Manifestation Spread

We’ll be doing an 8-card technique for the soulmate manifestation spread.

  • Card One- This card represents the soulmate that you’re trying to manifest. (Physical Characteristics, personality traits, etc.)
  • Card Two- Answers to how you can attract this person.
  • Card Three- Reveals a path to receive this soulmate
  • Card Four– A trait that you might not expect from your soulmate.
  • Card Five– Reveals how you will meet them
  • Card Six- Your thoughts upon meeting the “soulmate”
  • Card Seven– How you will automatically know it is them
  • Card Eight- Shows a path for you for a better understanding of the attraction law.

These are some of the most popular love tarot spreads that have been passed down from generation and are still used in modern years to gain insights into various issues and outcomes regarding the complex emotion called Love!