Celtic Cross: Classic 10 Card Tarot Spread

Out of the many Tarot spreads used for discerning insights about life, few combinations offer such a comprehensive and intuitive reading as the Celtic Cross. This well-known Tarot spread remains a preferred spread for querents, readers, clairvoyants, and oracles.

However, its popularity also means there is more room for misinterpretation, misuse, and inaccuracies when reading. The only way to draw correct conclusions from this classic combination is to understand it correctly, including how it works and what the cards imply.

To that end, we’ll take you through a complete breakdown of how the Celtic Cross works and how to draw meaning and purpose from this intricate Tarot spread.

Understanding the Celtic Cross Layout

The first step to any worthwhile reading is to get the layout right. The Celtic Cross features a specific and relatively complicated layout that many get wrong on their first try. Here’s how to identify and lay the cards correctly.

The Celtic Cross features a six-card figure that looks like a cross on one side and a four-card vertical line on the right. Follow these steps to lay down the cards in the correct arrangement.

  • Step 1: Lay down the first card in your chosen spot
  • Step 2: Lay down the second card sideways on top of the first card forming a two-card cross.
  • Step 3: Place the third card to the left of the first card
  • Step 4: Place the next card to the right of the first card
  • Step 5: Place the fifth card above the first card
  • Step 6: Place the sixth card below the first card (Your cross should be complete now)

The remaining four cards should form a staff to the right of this cross.

  • Step 7: Place the seventh card at the bottom of what should be the vertical staff.
  • Step 8: Place the eighth card just above this card.
  • Step 9: Place card number nine and ten above the eight card to complete the staff.

Meaning and Significance of Each Card

  • The first card represents your present. It may reveal situations or circumstances you’re facing at the moment. It can also signify your impression and idea of your current situation.
  • The second card typically signifies an existing or oncoming challenge in your way. This particular challenge is significant because its presence indicates impending troubles and resolving this challenge will be important.
  • The third card indicates events of the past and their bearings on your present and future. For instance, this card may carry meanings and indications of what the aforementioned challenge is and what caused it.
  • The fourth card reveals the direction of the near future. It may indicate how the challenge will unfold over the coming months and what other elements it might entail.
  • The fifth card will indicate your general orientation towards the desired goal. It reveals what you hope to achieve or the outcome you wish to see, regardless of the challenge at hand. These desires comprise of what your conscious and intentional objectives are of the situation.
  • The sixth card reveals your true objectives regarding your present situation or expected future. While the fifth card shows your outer and conscious goals, the sixth card reaches deep into your being and reveals desired outcomes that are not obvious in your outer consciousness.
  • The seventh card presents guidance on the right course of action considering all that has been revealed from the previous cards. It may show the recommended decisions or actions you have to take in the current situation. Alternatively, it may also indicate the mindset and understanding that will help you resolve the situation correctly.
  • The eight card reveals the different influences that will affect your situation and actions. These are outer influential factors beyond your control or manipulation. This card helps you take stock of what to expect and how to make peace with factors that you cannot help.
  • The ninth card reveals your aspirations and apprehensions. Practice care with this card because it’s open to misinterpretation and mistakes too. However, its correct understanding opens up an insightful world of hopes, dreams, fears, and dreads you may be struggling with in your current situation. So, it also presents the opportunity to take your actions to a higher and better level.
  • Finally, the tenth card reveals the general energies that will determine the results, consequences, and conclusion to this journey. Results may turn out positive or negative based on your perception. However, reading this card correctly will go a long way in choosing the correct way forward.

Expert Tips on Ensuring an Accurate Reading

The Celtic Cross can reveal a hidden narrative to your story that isn’t obvious at first glance. And you can draw more meaning and significance from the entire spread if you refer and compare specific cards intentionally.

Here are some key comparisons and readings you or your reader can try to establish a stronger connection with the results.

  • Look at the fourth (future) card and the tenth (results, conclusions) card and compare their significance. What anticipated outcomes await you in the future and how can you begin preparing to meet these experiences?
  • Study the sixth (desired goals) and ninth (aspirations/apprehensions) cards. What do you wish to achieve or unravel vs. what hopes, fears, or worries will you face? This comparison can help you uncover internal issues that are otherwise difficult to identify.
  • Look at the seventh (guidance) and the tenth (results, conclusions) cards. Consider what the last card says about possible outcomes in the future. And see what the seventh card reveals about the right advice and direction you should take. Uniting the readings from these two cards may also provide a clear direction and sequence of actions needed to arrive at the right outcome later on.

The Celtic Cross spread remains a widely-used and often-consulted spread in Tarot readings. That’s because its effect and insights prove invaluable to beginners and experienced readers alike.

A crucial aspect of performing the Celtic Cross spread is to understand the narrative it builds and the conclusions it reveals. This accurate reading takes experience, attention, correct mindset, and correct comparisons. This guide serves to help you understand the format correctly and the significance of each card in relation to the overall story and outcome.

Approach the Celtic Cross with a clear focus, undistracted attention, and a receptive mind to ensure that its advice, revelations, and outcomes are true to your life and experiences.