5 Self Care Tarot Spreads

Tarot spreads are an effective tool in unraveling hidden messages and wisdom. There are many variants to it catering to different kind of spiritual guidance. In this case, Self Care tarot spread helps you in tuning to yourself. More precisely, investing in yourself.

In these days of social media and constant comparisons, it’s important to tune in to yourself. The Self Care tarot spread provide guidance in healing and enriching your soul.

Find out more about this tarot spread below.

Best Self Care Tarot Spreads

Tune in to yourself with the best four selfcare tarot spreads.

Three Card Tarot Spread For Self Care

If you’re new, a three-card reading will be perfect for your self care routine. It allows you to reflect and asses yourself. We would also suggest doing it on weekend, preferably Sunday, as it allows you to take a look back at the week that has just been.

The three-card spread allows you to asses, focus on the present and also plan for the week ahead. It’s an effective tool to check your emotions and keep your mental state intact.

While there are different variants of three card tarot spread, the most common is past, present and the future structure. You can check every week or once/ twice a month.

  • The Past card is pretty influential in moving forward to the present and future. It allows you to take a look back yourself and the lessons learned. However, don’t dwell too much in the past. Absorb the good part, and let go of the emotions that is holding you back.
  • The Present card takes care of your current moment. It assesses your present emotional and mental state. Suppose, you get Ten of Swords in current situation, and Seven of Wards for the past. It means you have fought through some something previous week and is likely burn out indicating a complete rest.
  • The Future card shows what your focus should be on in the coming week or days. Know that messages from this card are not 100% accurate but tells you how it will turn out if you listen or follow the signs.

Four Card Tarot Spread For Self Love

This tarot spread for selfcare focuses on your top four qualities. Knowing your best qualities helps you acknowledge yourself. It also allows you to work hard on yourself and embrace those qualities. In short, it’s an empowered card enabling you to appreciate yourself. All you need is to ask questions and draw four cards. Each card reveals quality that you need to work on and embrace it.

This spread focus on the four elements of ourselves. Here are the four cards pull and their references:

  • Card 1 refers to our mind.
  • Card 2 directs to our body.
  • Card 3 directs to our spirit.
  • Card 4 refers to our subconscious.

This spread is pretty general and easy to understand. Card 1 represents your mind and its current state. Card 2 connects your mental state to your physical health. Both are vital and need equal care. Card 3 represents your spirit, which also direct towards self-reflection. Card 4 is our subconsciousness which helps in understanding our current position.

Ten Card Tarot Spread For Self Care

The ten-card tarot spread is a bit complex than the classic but easy to check. It’s a spread which enables a deep dive in to yourself. Through this spread, numerous questions about yourself are answered. Some of the questions are:

  • Past Self: How has your past influenced the current situation?
  • Present Self: What is your current state? Who are you now?
  • Higher Self: What is your true potential without limitation or baggage?
  • Limitations: What is stopping your from achieving your higher self?
  • Family Influences: How has your family upbringing affected you?
  • Personal Problems: What are the personal issues that is preventing you from making a decision or a choice?
  • Conscience: What does your conscience tell you to do?
  • Desire: What is your true desire? What do you really want?
  • Lesson: What are the things you must learn or develop to be your best version?
  • Advice: Guidance and advices going forward.

Five Card Alignment Tarot Spread

The five card alignment spread is beginner friendly. It answers or clarify doubts about yourself. At some point or situation, we question if we are true to ourselves. Are you honest to yourself? Through this spread, all your hidden doubts about yourself are cleared.

  • Card 1 identifies what you are currently going through and what you need to left behind.
  • Card 2 reveals what you need to be. It directs you to start anew or bring some changes to current self.
  • Card 3, 4 and 5 reveals how it’s going to happen. These cards show what you what need to do achieve your hidden desire.

Some of the questions you can ask for yourself are:

  • Who are you currently?
  • Are you on the right path?
  • What is your main obstacle?
  • How do you make progress?
  • Understanding your present situation

Six Card Tarot Spread For Self Care

The six-card tarot spread highlights your best self. Loving yourself is equivalent to selfcare and sometimes you need encouraging signs to move forward. Additionally, you need to hear from others of your positive qualities. This spread is perfect as it speaks to you acknowledging you.

  • What makes you wonderful?
  • What are the past accomplishments that you are proud of?
  • What positive vibes do you bring to others?
  • What are you good at?
  • Why are you feeling bad about yourself?
  • How do I show love to myself?

Investing in yourself is vital in this era of technology and fast paced environment. Fortunately, tarot can be your advisor or guide in understanding your true self. Through selfcare tarot spreads, you can heal and appreciate yourself more. It’s important to tune in to ourselves to maintain a health mental and emotional state. Choose the best selfcare tarot spreads above suitable for you to lead  a stable and healthy self love routine.