Life often throws complicated situations and problems at you when you least expect. And navigating through these predicaments on your own can become risky and dangerous. What if you make the wrong decision? How will your current choice affect the future? Have you considered all aspects of the situation yet? Maybe there are hidden issues of the situation that you need to take into account.
Finding explicit answers for all these questions seem impossible. That is, unless you have the intuitive and insightful power of Tarot spreads guiding your way. Tarot cards can reveal crucial guidance and information on any decision or problem you face.
And here’s all you need to know!
The Celtic Cross for Identifying and Solving Problems
The Celtic Cross remains one of the most trusted and popular spreads in any Tarot reading. And problem solving or decision-making is one of the most insightful ways it can assist you in navigating through important milestones in your life.
The layout for this spread should be easy if you’ve performed it before. However, here’s a quick description if there’s any confusion.
The Celtic Cross is laid as a ten-card spread with the first six cards forming a cross on the left and the remaining four cards forming a straight line to the right of this cross.
Here’s how you lay out the cards:
- Step 1: Lay down the first card in your chosen spot
- Step 2: Lay down the second card sideways on top of the first card forming a two-card cross.
- Step 3: Place the third card to the left of the first card
- Step 4: Place the next card to the right of the first card
- Step 5: Place the fifth card above the first card
- Step 6: Place the sixth card below the first card (Your cross should be complete now)
The remaining four cards should form a staff to the right of this cross.
- Step 7: Place the seventh card at the bottom of what should be the vertical staff.
- Step 8: Place the eighth card just above this card.
- Step 9: Place card number nine and ten above the eight card to complete the staff.
Here’s what you can draw from each card:
- The first card will help you identify the problem. It will help you recognize the cause if you’ve only been noticing the effects. Alternatively, it may help you confirm the problem if you’ve already had your suspicions about a specific matter.
- The second card will reveal the problem’s primary obstacle that you must overcome. Identifying this challenge will guide you towards forming solutions to fix the problem.
- This card will show you what you already know about this problem and the situation.
- The fourth card will point towards aspects of the problem that you are subconsciously hiding or denying. Confronting this revelation is crucial in moving forward towards the solution.
- The next card will show you what other factors and elements continue to influence the problem and its growth. These factors usually involve things outside of you and your actions.
- The sixth card may help differentiate factors and situations that do not influence the problem. This reading is helpful during times when you mistakenly consider an unrelated matter as part of the problem.
- The seventh card will reveal how your actions and decisions affect the problem directly.
- The eighth card will show you how your surroundings and environment affect the problem and its growth.
- The ninth card will address the affects of your emotions on the problem.
- Finally, the last card will point towards the direction you should take to solve the problem.
The Past, Present, and Future Spread for Solving Problems
This classic spread remains popular among readers who delve into readings about relationships, career, parenthood, etc. However, one of the most effective ways you can use the past, present, and future spread is to solve problems.
You can go for the simplest version of the past, present, and future spread. Simply lay out three cards in a single line and open them one at a time. Here’s what they may reveal:
- The first card signifies matters of the past. So, it may reveal the circumstances that gave birth to the problem or the root cause from the past.
- The second card will show you how the problem is manifesting and growing in the present.
- The final card will reveal where the problem is headed based on your actions and decisions. This third card is also a good way
The Simple Cross for Decision Making
When you’re faced with tough decisions to make, there is a simpler version of the Celtic Cross that can help you draw insights into how to proceed.
This five-card spread creates a cross when laid out. Here’s how you begin:
- Place the first card face down on where you want the center of the cross to be.
- Place the next card below the first card.
- Put the third card to the right of the first card.
- Place the fourth card above it
- Place the fifth card to the left.
Here’s how to draw meaning from the cards.
- The first card represents your present situation and the important decision that confronts you.
- The second card can reveal actions in the past that led to this situation. This gives you insights on how the need for this decision came about.
- The third card can reveal specific challenges that surround this decision.
- The fourth card shows the advantages associated with making the new decision.
- The fifth card will reveal how you should approach the decision. It may speak about the direction you must take, the mindset you should assume, or the general orientation with which you make the decision.
Using the right Tarot spreads for insights is one of the wisest things you can do when confronted with an important decision or a pressing problem.
Drawing the right meanings and insights requires using the right spreads and mindset. Consider these special spreads when using Tarot for decision-making and problem-solving to enjoy reliable guidance and direction in every aspect of your life.