Creating Custom Tarot Spreads

If there are questions you need answers to, a great way to go about is by getting a tarot reading. And guess what? There are lots of ways to go about getting a tarot reading.

Yes, we’re talking about spreads. In tarot reading, several types of spreads exist that best deal with certain questions or situations.

But hang on. Are they effective every time? Well, the answer depends.

Sometimes, the answers you look for simply evade you no matter what spread you use. In such cases, might we suggest creating custom spreads?

Simple, effective, and easy to learn are some ways to describe custom spreads. If you’re unaware of this kind of spread, you need not worry. By the time you finish reading this post, you’ll be an expert!

What Are Custom Spreads?

Let’s start with the obvious question- what are custom spreads?

Well, sometimes when reading for others or going in for a reading, you’ll notice that you’re not connecting with the reading. Maybe it’s because you have specific questions or situations. What do you do?

Normally, trained and expert readers will resort to creating a unique spread. Such spreads are usually custom and help tackle situations and questions that are difficult to answer.

The next time you wonder why your spread is not resonating with you, consider switching it up.

More often than not, it pays off to design and customize your own spread.

Here Are The Basics

By now we’re sure that you are interested in learning more about custom spreads. If that’s the case, let’s go through some of the basic things you need to know.


  1. It Answers Specific Questions

The reason why most people turn to custom spreads is to deal with specific questions.

There are certain questions that other spreads may struggle to give clarity. This is when going rogue and designing your own personal spread comes in handy.

So it is always a good idea to start with a specific question if you’re planning to use this technique.

  1. Simple And Effective

When we think of custom spreads, most people usually think of a complicated reading. But this cannot be farther from the truth.

An effective way of using your unique spread is to keep it simple.

There’s no need for several cards. Most tarot readers find that three or four cards are enough to provide a clear picture.

  1. It’s A Flexible Reading

So you’ve chosen four cards for your unique spread. But do you still need more clarity? Do you still have some unanswered questions?

The great thing about a custom spread is you should never shy away from drawing another card from the deck.

  1. Positions And Practice

One of the most important things about a custom spread is that positions matter. Some common positions tarot readers all over the world stick to include:

  • Past
  • Present
  • Future
  • Where are you heading
  • How to handle
  • What is the outcome

The more you practice, the more skilled you will become in the art of positioning in tarot reading.

Remember this, you can always add, take away, and modify positions as you keep on reading.

Tips For Perfecting Custom Spreads

So now that you know what a custom spread is, are you interested in learning how to do it?

If you think it’s hard, think again.

Believe it or not, there are some easy ways to help you perfect the art of creating custom spreads. Let’s have a look.

  1. Start With Something You Know

An easy way to practice customizing your own spread is by sticking to something familiar.

If you’re already versed in some other spreads, start there.

Depending on your questions at hand, you can modify and adjust the positions in the spread. And voila! You have your own custom spread.

  1. Do Not Give Up

It may sound super obvious but don’t give up easily. The key is to keep on practicing again and again whenever you can.

The more you try to create a custom spread, the easier it gets the next time around.

Mastering a custom spread requires not only skills but also patience. You should not be thinking of giving up after a few bad attempts.

  1. Divide And Conquer

Are you nervous and not very confident about creating a custom spread? Don’t worry. Here’s a simple tip. Divide your questions.

We know by now that custom spreads are good for dealing with specific questions. But you can always break up this question for more clarity.

When you divide your questions and approach the deck for a reading, your questions act as a compass to determine the positions of your custom spread.

  1. Get Familiar With Positions

Here is where it gets a little tricky but there’s no need to worry. Whether you’re planning to read for yourself or someone else, it’s always best to know how to craft your positions.

Using the information you have about yourself or the person you’re reading, your job is to start thinking of developing positions. It’s not that hard.

Think of things like the circumstances and situations, think of what might be affecting these situations, and also how to deal with the problems at hand to arrive at a desirable outcome.

Once you start thinking of these things, you can easily map your positions. In no time, you’ll become an expert.

When Do Try A Custom Spread?

A good tarot reader knows when to use which type of spread. So what about a custom spread? When should you consider trying out a custom approach?

It’s not hard trying to figure out when one should switch things up and customize their tarot reading approach.

There are questions you will face that no other spread might fully do justice to. You’ll notice how you simply do not resonate with the readings or the answers are simply avoiding you.

If fate’s fickle fingers brought you such a situation, it’s time to go custom.

Tarot reading is the new go-to for so many people to find comfort and seek solutions for questions and problems. The beauty of tarot reading lies in the fact that there are so many ways to go about it.

A fun, effective, unique, and easy way to deal with your questions is by customizing your own spreads as per your needs. If traditional and classic spreads are not doing it for you, maybe it’s time you try your hands at custom spreads.