What It Means When Tarot Cards Repeat During Your Readings

If you’re into tarot readings, you probably want to find out something new whenever you get in front of an advisor. It’s perfectly normal, people relying on tarot readings are trying to find out as much as possible about themselves or perhaps the future.

If you get the same thing twice in a row, it feels like a waste of time. But with all these, while rare, repeating sequences are not unusual at all. If you get tarot readings on a regular basis, you may have noticed that certain cards keep repeating.

It’s not something unusual, but what does it really mean? When a card keeps repeating, it’s basically shouting something. You missed the message on your first reading, so it’s back to make it even more obvious. At the end of the day, it depends on the reading, context and purpose.

With these ideas in mind, here’s what it means when you see tarot cards repeating in your readings.

Symbols behind repeating tarot cards

The idea behind tarot cards that keep repeating is simple to misunderstand. Most people assume there’s something they’re avoiding. That something is back again and again until they pay attention to it, whether they ignore it on purpose or unconsciously.

On the same note, it could also be something that’s still to be processed. Whether positive or negative, it’s still waiting to happen.

But then, it depends on how you think of tarot. In theory, this is only energy. When you see tarot as an energy, you’ll find it easier to understand why some cards keep repeating. Each card has its own message of energy.

As it keeps hanging around and turns up every now and then, it means the respective energy is still around you, too. Be it positive or negative, it makes no difference. Negative cards mean you’ll still have to try hard and overcome the respective energy.

On the other hand, while similar in theory, positive interpretations mean the card is still around for your benefit, or perhaps you’re still waiting to grab that positive thing.

As a general rule of thumb, if you keep getting the same cards in your tarot readings, make sure you write everything down. Discuss them with your advisor as well.

Repeating numbers and their meanings

There’s no such thing as a general meaning or interpretation when you see repeating numbers. But on the same note, there are a few general rules to consider when interpreting the repeating cards.

Numerology is one of the top concepts associated with tarot readings. When a certain message is sent through numerology, it will most likely turn up as a repeating number, rather than a repeating card. For example, consider the angel number 1111.

Now, the same rule applies to tarot readings. All the twos, for instance, could relate to an upcoming big decision. You haven’t made it yet, but it’s getting closer and closer, so the number clearly keeps repeating. It’s not all about decisions, though, but also about balance.

Imagine getting the Two of Pentacles, Two of Swords and Two of Wands. This means you need to shoot for a better balance overall, from your spiritual and mind side to the mental and body side. When cards keep repeating in a tarot reading, it means you can conduct your interpretation in a clearer manner.

Of course, your psychic advisor will also be able to conduct a better interpretation if the message is clear.

Repeating cards in the Major Arcana

Cards in the Major Arcana refer to the major things in life. If a particular archetype keeps popping up throughout your readings, it means it’s an incredibly powerful presence at the moment and shouldn’t be overlooked.

Generally speaking, an archetype will pop up when you need to make a big change. It could be any type of change. Maybe it’s something within yourself or perhaps something within the surrounding world. The point is that once you get an archetype, chances are, something will change.

Getting the same card more than once depends on how you see it. Try to see it as an obstacle, right in front of you. It tries to tell you something. It won’t let you walk any further, meaning you’re stuck there. You need to figure out why it’s there and how you can overcome it.

Spend a bit of time with that particular card and try to take it on your journey. It’s probably the only way to find an answer, but more importantly, find out why it won’t get out of your way.

Obviously, it’s much easier to have this interpretation with a professional advisor rather than by yourself.

Repeating cards in the Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana can show up in a few different ways. It could be a single card, but it could also be a suit or perhaps some numbers. The suit is one of the most popular ways to encounter it. And when you keep getting the same suit in your readings, the message is about where your energy sits.

For instance, if you get a series of cups, your energy is right in the middle of your heart. Swords? Your energy is around your head space. Wands underline the sacral and solar plexus area, while pentacles relate to the root chakra.

When you keep getting the same card, there’s a challenge in front of you. You’ll need to find a way to overcome it. Think about the energy and all the reasons behind it. It may take a while to get the answer, hence the necessity of a professional advisor.

Bottom line, repeating cards are trying to tell you something. They’ve tried it before, and you’ve missed it, so they’re back to send the exact same message. A psychic advisor is likely to interpret repeating cards in tarot readings more effectively, though.

On your side, the best thing to do is see these cards as guests. A card keeps showing up, which is just like a guest who keeps knocking on your door. What do they want? What does the card try to tell you? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Dig, and eventually, you’ll get the answers you’re after.