Daily Tarot Practices for Spiritual Growth

Tarot reading can be used for spiritual development because it provides valuable insights into what is weighing you down and the necessary steps to move forward. Tarot for spiritual growth is like a compass when you get lost in a vast ocean. It does not solve all your problems but it can act like a lighthouse to help us navigate through our problems.

Every card in the deck depicts a distinct aspect of life, ranging from triumph and joy to adversity and sorrow. One can learn more about oneself and their role in the world by exploring the meaning and symbolism of the cards.

Tarot can help us become more self-aware and see and comprehend our strengths, weaknesses, and areas where we need improvement.

It offers the perception of the past, present and future as well as the direction for making decisions and resolving issues.

It helps you acquire insight into your thoughts, emotions, and behavior and strengthens your inner wisdom and intuition. It also gives you access to your subconscious mind. So these are daily tarot practices for spiritual growth:

  • Draw a card before you start your day.

Pull a card for the day and meditate on the energies for a few minutes before you begin the rest of your day.

It doesn’t have to be right after you wake up. You can freshen up, eat something and relax your mind before you draw your first card of the day.

Morning Draws can be a way to see what energies are in store for you for the day. Or you can ask something along the lines of ‘What energy do I need to be aware of today?’.

Whatever your intention is for using daily draws, try to convey your positive intention into the card so that it works in your favor.

  • Draw a card before you end your day.

This is similar to morning draws but instead of asking what is in store for you, can ask the cards what reflections can be made based on the day.

You could also ask about the next day, or about the meaning of something that happened during that day that you didn’t completely understand.

One great thing about doing daily draws either night or morning is that you get to know your deck well and can apply the predictions to real-world experiences and with people.

  • Create your intention through the cards.

Another way you can use your tarot for daily growth is by invoking the energy of the cards. This is a very interesting way to work with the power of the tarot.

Let’s say you have a big meeting at work or a presentation that you would like positive energy for. You can pull the tarot card that aligns with giving you a boost of courage or signifies success. Use that energy to aid you during the day.

To do this, you can pull your card and leave the tarot card on your altar or you can even carry it with you to help you be extra aware of the intention you have invoked in your card.

  • Meditation

A very obvious practice but one that all tarot readers should incorporate into their daily routine. There is no specific time to meditate and can be done according to your schedule.

Some people like to meditate to clear their minds by sitting in a comfortable space with no distractions whereas some readers prefer to meditate on a card.

Meditating with a card can be done by drawing a card from the deck and focusing on its meaning and symbol to create a form of connection. This meditation can improve your capacity to read the cards as you connect with them.

  • Daily Spreads

Laying your daily spreads is also a good way to improve your spiritual growth and intuition. Reading tarot cards requires us to draw energy from our spiritual pool. So, when we lay our daily spread to ask anything from the cards it makes us use our spiritual energy which will grow stronger over time as we continue the practice.

  • Journalling

For those of us who like to write a lot, journaling is great because you can do it any way you choose. You can write about your day using the card as an inspiration for art, poetry, fiction, writing, etc.

It is a great way to express your findings through tarot as well as record your ideas. The only thing you should avoid while maintaining a tarot journal is not to censor yourself in any way. Let your thoughts run free because as simple as a small idea or image can form a connection of dots to a bigger problem.

It is helpful to take notes on your readings, studies, and meditations. Writing something down helps in memory retention. In addition, the process of putting concepts from your mind onto paper compels you to elaborate and finish what you have written. Lastly, keeping a record of your readings enables you to review them and learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. This is a learning process in and of itself.

  • Reading tarot books

Resources found in tarot books can be a good means to increase the pace of our spiritual growth. Not only do the books provide us with information regarding the various techniques of tarot reading but the experience of other readers and their perspective allows us to understand how every individual has their way of understanding and navigation.

  • Consistency

Promoting spiritual growth is a slow process and takes time to nurture. In any way, someone cannot attain spiritual maturity overnight in fact, it is a lifelong journey for many.

Spiritual growth happens when we understand our subconsciousness and mind in a balanced manner where they cooperate to understand the answers shown by the cards.

And this level of understanding can only be achieved through consistent practice and dedication. But, to achieve this you don’t have to spend a whole chunk of your time to attain a certain level of growth. Allot a small amount of time for these practices daily with the main goal being ‘consistency’.