Can Tarot Cards Predict Love?

Love is defined by a myriad of words for a lot of us- from feelings to actions to thoughts. There’s not just one definite answer for this but one thing is for sure- everyone looks for love and wants the best version of it. However, the bittersweet truth when it comes to love is that it can happen so suddenly and abruptly that you are usually not prepared for it.

For centuries, since the tarot became almost mainstream practice, people have sought guidance from these cards for direction and guidance in their love lives. Because who wouldn’t want to predict love? It’s the assurance that we all seek and tarot readers have been trying to predict this in people’s romantic lives.

But can you trust this prediction? Can it really predict love? And if so, how accurate is it? You will find the answers to all these questions in this article. So saddle up and let’s dive right into it!

Can Tarot Cards Really Predict My Love Life?

While tarot card reading has always been at the forefront for different aspects of our lives like guidance in personal development and predictions about the future, it is not a solid truth. Going into tarot reading, the one thing you have to understand is that the “predictions” that these cards make rely more on the kinds of decisions that you make and the energy you give out.

Even more important is the role of the tarot reader- having an experienced reader tell you the meanings of your tarot spreads will carry more weight than the ones that come from a new reader or an amateur. There’s more to it than the blatant textbook meaning of your cards. It depends on how the reader analyses your energy, how you respond and what kind of insights they gain from the answers you give.

It’s safe to say that depending wholeheartedly on tarot for your love life is not the best way to go about your romantic pursuits. However, it is true to some extent that just having an expert read into your questions, answers, energy and vibe can give you meaningful insights about your life- be it romantic or otherwise. At the end of the day, it is truly a decision that you make as an individual and how you choose to respond to the situations that life throws your way.

The Major Arcana Love Cards:

The Lovers

This card is a representation of love, partnerships and choices. The directs you to a potential romantic connection or it can also to some serious decisions that you have yet to make regarding your romantic life.

The Empress

This card symbolizes abundance and nurture so it makes sense that when it comes to matters of the heart, this card signifies the joys of having a loving relationship.

The Emperor

This card is the embodiment of stability, structure and authority. It might mean that there is a need for a healthy power balance in your love life which can come in the form of setting clear boundaries with your love interest.

The High Priestess

This card signifies the subconscious and intuition. In a love prediction, it nudges you towards trusting your instincts and listening to what your heart wants.

The Wheel Of Fortune:

This card serves as a reminder that all relationships face their fair share of ups and downs so there’s nothing to stop it but only to embrace your experience.

The Hanged Man:

This card shows how sometimes letting go is essential in your love life. It might mean that you have to let go of being in control and perhaps a change in perspective.

Minor Arcana Love Cards:

The Ace Of Cups:

This card can indicate the beginning of a flourishing relationship or even rekindling an old flame.

2 Of Cups

This shows a love that is committed. It is also often interpreted as the “soulmate” card.

10 Of Cups

This card points towards a type of relationship where you can take the next big step like marriage or having kids.

Knight Of Cups

This card predicts that there might be a new love interest about to enter your life.

Queen Of Cups

It indicates a compassionate and nurturing love

King Of Cups

It indicates a stable and mature relationship

How To Read Tarot Cards To Predict Love

A love reading will usually involve dealing three cards that are indicative of the following:

  • First card: It is a representation of you or your partner
  • Second card: The connection that you share with your partner
  • Third card: Whatever is in store for you in this relationship.

Interpreting these cards is solely dependent on how the reader perceives it so it is important that you always have a reader who is knowledgeable about all the imagery and symbolism in Tarot Reading.

It’s very important in Tarot Reading to not go into it like they are soothsayers or fortune tellers who can tell you about your future. Rather, it is more about guiding you and helping you understand your situation by way of introspection into your intuition.

Tips On How To Understand A Love Reading

  • Always trust your gut and intuition during the reading
  • Focus on your emotions and pay attention to how you feel throughout the process
  • Don’t take things at face value. Rather, look at the context and the bigger picture
  • Understand the symbolism that comes with tarot readings.
  • Have a positive outlook no matter the reading outcome.

While it’s always an open invitation to however want to do a tarot reading at any point in their life. It’s a good idea to keep check of how you are emotionally before you dive into a reading. If you are emotionally vulnerable or in an unstable emotional state, you might end up interpreting the readings all wrong.

You should always make it a point to do a love reading only when you know that you understand your emotions and have a clear headspace so you know just what to take away from it without a biased or clouded judgment.