How To Use Tarot For Finding Life Purpose And Direction

Some call it a mid-life crisis while others find existential crisis more accurate. Whatever the name, it’s safe to say that they both mean the same thing, that is, being clueless about life and having no drive and or sense of where you’re headed or want to head.

Let’s face it, all of us probably know what it feels like to not know what you want to do or even what you have to do. There are days you just don’t know where you want to head in life.

This feeling of being directionless and with a purpose can be scary and stressful. You may even wonder and ask how others make it seem so easy to have everything figured out. We’re guessing they made use of tarot reading. Yep, you heard that right.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe the answer to all your troubles is a tarot reading?

Many people who have gone for a tarot reading when they felt lost in life have nothing but positive reviews about their experiences and outcomes. Tarot being a powerful divination practice is capable of showing you your true path. It makes it easier for you to not only see your goals but also achieve them.

Come and find out what tarot for finding life purpose and direction is all about.

Feeling Lost?

We get it, it happens to almost everyone. A time comes when most people experience self-discovery. It’s often triggered when goals and direction become hazy and blurry and motivation is hard to find.

But what’s the fun in being stuck at the same spot forever? Not moving forward in life and not knowing what to do with life are probably two of the biggest tragedies. But there’s good news in store for you.

Your journey of discovering your life’s goal and direction is not something you have to do alone. If you’re feeling lost, remember that there are so many methods of self-discovery. And guess what? Tarot happens to be one of them.

What started as a mere game of cards during the 15th century has now become one of the most powerful divination methods today. So, if people can turn to tarot to fix their love, finances, or family bonds,  you can also consult tarot to help you get to your life’s purpose.

Basic Things To Remember

Understanding and following some basic tarot guidelines goes a long way in the journey of your discovery. Your intuitive skills may be strong and excellent, but they can easily get better if you follow some simple steps.

  1. Get Familiar With The Cards

If you plan on using tarot to find out your life’s true purpose and your hidden potential, the first step is to understand the basic nature of tarot. This means that you need to invest some time in learning the cards.

But you have to go beyond simply memorizing the names of the cards and the types of cards. Although you will get better at it over time, it’s crucial to know how you can use and connect the cards to your life.

For instance, the minor arcana cards divided into cups, pentacles, wands, and swords provide clues into your emotions, your creative side, the world around you, and even your intelligence. As you can see, familiarizing yourself with tarot makes it easier to read the card’s messages, and finding your life purpose and direction becomes a lot easier.

  1. Situation Matters When Interpreting

In the practice of tarot, perhaps the most important thing you need is your intuition. It is usually the little voice in your head and your heart that tries to speak to you.

Tarot readings are powerful but it becomes even more potent when you let your intuition guide your readings. A card can hold several meanings depending on the context and your current situation. Listening to your intuition will reveal how you need to interpret the card’s message.

If the goal of your reading is to find a passion for life again, you need to interpret the cards accordingly. Whether you pull out a major arcana, a minor arcana, or both, don’t be in a haste to interpret the card in a literal sense. Rather what you can do is try to connect the card with your personal goals and beliefs.

  1. Meditate With Tarot

Tarot and meditation are a good choice for anyone struggling with finding their life’s calling. Meditation alone is a powerful tool to get in tune with yourself as it allows you to communicate with your inner self and your subconscious.

However, when you combine meditation with the power of tarot, you best believe you won’t be stuck and directionless for long.

Before meditating, go to your deck and pull out some cards with the intent of finding your life’s purpose. To not make it complicated, start by pulling two or three cards and gradually increase over time if you need more clarity. The cards that pop out will speak to you and tell you what you need to know and do to reach your life’s destination.

  1. Try Custom Spreads Designed For Life Purpose

With tarot becoming increasingly popular with each passing year, the number and type of tarot spreads are also on the rise. There’s a tarot spread for any occasion and this includes tarot spreads for finding life purpose and direction as well.

A popular choice is the soul purpose tarot spread which uses four cards to answer the questions of who you are, what your purpose is, what is holding you back, and what is the best route to get to your destiny.

Tarot is a powerful tool and when you know how to use it, the cards will show you the path you need to take in life.

  1. Look For Repetition

Repetition in tarot is never accidental. Whether you’re taking your tarot cards into your meditation sessions or you’re trying different spreads, if the same card keeps popping up, it means the card is trying to find you.

Cards that keep appearing in your readings are important and should not be avoided. So the next time a card keeps repeating, pay close attention and be mindful of the message it is conveying.

Everyone is born with a purpose and a calling. For some, it’s to lead the nation while others may make better nurturers and teachers. However, most people struggle with finding out their purpose and calling in life and only end up wasting their good years battling existential crises.

The good news is you don’t need to be stuck forever and your ticket to finding out your life’s purpose is tarot. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, we suggest you try tarot for finding life purpose and direction. You’ll be surprised how good of an advice tarot can give you about your life’s path.