Tarot Reading for Self-Reflection and Personal Development

With more and more psychic advisors turning professional and offering readings all over the world, tarot has become one of the most powerful divination tools in today’s society, able to provide answers regarding the present to help with various decisions in the future.

While many people associate tarot with fortune telling and other similar practices, the truth is tarot readings won’t reveal the future or tell you what to do next. Instead, they’ll focus on the present, so you can understand your past and learn to make better decisions in the future.

With these thoughts in mind, tarot is now a common tool for self-reflection, as well as personal development. These concepts are split into a few different categories, each of them connected to your personal growth. All in all, here’s how to use tarot for your own growth.

Self-examination and reflection through tarot readings

While people often misunderstand tarot and don’t associate it with personal growth, self-examination is a realistic solution associated with your readings. Tarot cards provide an introspective result into your present.

Basically, forget about the past or the future. Focus on the present, and the puzzle will naturally fall into pieces. Certain things in your past will make more sense when you understand the present. As for the future, it’s tightly related to what you go through in the present, too.

This self-examination is about your personal beliefs, emotions, and even thoughts. You’re supposed to look deep down inside you and figure out why you go through this present and what it truly means. The concept describes an informal process, indeed, which may seem difficult to some people.

A similar process is used in psychology, where experts try to help you learn about yourself.

On the same note, self-reflection is also doable through journaling, a common technique among tarot “fans” that can help you process difficult thoughts and feelings.

You’ll learn more about your life experience, and once you understand yourself, strengthening the connection between your mind and body will only be a matter of time.

Tarot readings follow the same principles. You’ll be able to process your beliefs and emotions, so you’ll find better solutions to the obstacles in your life. After all, once again, that’s all about the present, rather than the past or future.

To gain as much as possible from your experience, you’ll have to rely on a professional reader. When interpreted correctly, tarot cards will help reveal what you’re truly going through. It’s about understanding your feelings, thoughts and what actions you should take for the future.

Personal development through your inner wisdom

Building a connection with your inner wisdom is a difficult task, but not impossible. Again, you’ll have to rely on a professional psychic reader to gain from this experience. While all cards in a tarot deck can help, three of them stand out in the crowd.

  • The Hierophant is about trusting your psychic reader with their knowledge and experience. This card implies following someone who can help you overcome obstacles, just like a teacher. It’s a positive card when personal development is your main goal.
  • The High Priestess is an invitation to stop talking and start listening. It’s about observing how you think or feel but also about your perception of things. On the same note, this card also tells you to follow your intuition in difficult circumstances.
  • The Sun reminds you of who you are and what makes you special. Like everyone else, you have some gifts that you bring into this world. Not everyone may be aware of their own strengths, but this card can help you figure them out.

Ways to use tarot cards for personal development

There are more ways to use tarot cards for personal development, and all of them involve relying on a professional reader. But on the same note, there’s also the possibility to improve yourself by using tarot cards without professional help. Here are a few useful ideas:

  • Meditate with tarot cards. Meditation gives you a way to connect with tarot cards. Draw a card and focus on it. See yourself in it and find out what it’s trying to tell you. Put yourself in the middle of it and see how the official interpretation matches your current circumstances.
  • Focus on reversed tarot cards. There are quite a few ways to work around reversed tarot cards, but one of them implies focusing on the card’s energy internally and not externally. In consequence, the respective card will tell you what kind of changes to make for personal growth.
  • Focus on a card for healing. Tarot cards can also help if you’re struggling with a personal issue, whether it’s quitting a bad habit or perhaps overeating. To make it happen, focus on the card for 10 minutes and take everything you see. Start writing about it and focus on the deepest notes.
  • Understand your birth cards. Tarot birth cards reveal a lot of details about yourself, as well as your unique identity. Birth cards will also help you understand your potential in life, strengths, and possible weaknesses in the long run.
  • Journal your experience. Whether you meditate on a book or a spread, make sure you journal your experience. Write about the card or cards you get and keep track of what happens soon after that. You’ll gain more experience with tarot, but you’ll also learn more about yourself.

Bottom line, tarot cards can be used for a wide variety of things, and personal development is one of them. Most people who seek help from a tarot reader are after some sort of personal growth, whether officially or not.

The idea of learning more about yourself will help you figure out why you feel a certain way or what your thoughts are trying to tell you. In the long run, the outcome is beneficial and can help you make more informed decisions in the future, regardless of how you use tarot cards.​