Libra is a sophisticated zodiac sign defined by characteristics like harmony, justice and stability. Just like any other sign, it does have its own tarot association as well. Most commonly relating to the Justice card, the two elements resonate well and can enhance their abilities and strengths in a unique manner.
As you discover the symbiotic connection between them, you’ll be fascinated by Libra’s unique capabilities. However, its representation in the tarot deck could go in more directions. Let’s explore this connection together and find out what the card is trying to tell you when it shows up in a spread.
Exploring the Traits of Libra
Libra is most commonly represented by the Justice tarot card in the Major Arcana. This card showcases its main characteristics, such as harmony and fairness. The symbol depicts scales, just like the zodiac sign. The scales may represent an obvious symbol of the constant pursuit for balance.
People in the Libra sign have a solid sense for what’s right or wrong, hence the association with the Justice card. That’s why such people can often appreciate meditation. They like diplomacy and the law, but they can also make objective decisions.
From an astrological point of view, Libra runs under Venus, a feminine planet that shows beauty and love. While the Justice card defines the ethical profile of the Libra, the astrological influence underlines the idea of a partnership, as well as aesthetics.
As you discover this card, don’t see it as a quest for balance only but also as a consistent search for personal relationships
Association of Libra and the Justice Card
The Libra zodiac sign is about balance and justice. The Justice tarot card is self-explanatory, hence this association. The card relates to the number 11, which is also tied to the balanced scales associated with the sign. In a tarot reading, the card shows equilibrium and fairness.
As you dig deeper and observe the small details in the Justice tarot card, you’ll observe a figure and two pillars. You can see a sword in one hand, as well as scales in the other. That’s what shows the pursuit of balance and fairness.
The sword is about logical decisions, while the scales underline measurement.
The Venusian influence is more obvious in love and relationships readings, where the card may show up to advise on the necessity to weigh everything with clarity. Since Venus is associated with beauty, the card prompts the necessity of such a consideration as well.
Seeing the Justice card may also imply considering your very own impact in life, whether you may not feel perfectly fair or balanced in a particular situation. The card asks you to open your heart but also stand still in front of injustice. Your decisions are meant to solve conflicts with harmony in mind.
The card also showcases the importance of being diplomatic in these decisions.
All in all, this connection isn’t all about understanding symbols but also about identifying the traits of Libra around you. For zodiac signs, tarot cards act like mirrors, so they often reflect such traits back for you to see them.
Other Important Card Associations
The Justice card may show up in any type of reading. It could be surrounded by other Major Arcana cards, but it could also grab some characteristics from Minor Arcana.
When it shows up with the Ten of Wands, for example, it could indicate some sort of corruption in your workplace. Something’s not right there, so you’ll need to find balance in it. You may also have to fight to restore justice.
When associated with the Two of Cups, it asks you to seek balance in love and relationships. You’re drifting away, as one of you feels like they do too much. Finding balance implies reassessing the relationship to identify what’s wrong.
On the other hand, when associated with the Queen of Pentacles, the Justice card suggests a good balance between work and home.
Symbolism and Meaning of the Libra Tarot Card
The Justice tarot card embodies the main characteristics of the Libra zodiac sign. A figure balancing scales and a sword makes it pretty obvious. It’s important to weigh all options in order to find stability. Balance, responsibility and impartiality are the main keywords here.
Scales aren’t there just for the sake of balance. They represent a reminder that no matter what action you perform, it will have a reaction. Maintaining the balance is your responsibility only. The sword also signifies the idea of cutting through the truth only to display transparency.
When upright, the Justice card shows honesty, karmic justice and positive legal matters. If reversed, it’s the opposite. It shows unfairness, imbalances in life and no accountability from your side.
As you dive in, the Justice card also underlines the cause and effect process, asking you to weigh everything you plan to do.
The Influence of the Libra Tarot Card in Readings
As you assess the influence of the Libra zodiac sign, balance isn’t all about life. Instead, balance is also about the Libra abilities and the Justice meanings. In readings, the scales in the Justice card encourage you to sit down and reflect on your own balance.
Apart from balance, the Venusian influence also showcases the importance of fine things for you. This is often a call to acknowledge beauty not just around you, but also within yourself.
The Justice card may showcase scenarios relating to interpersonal relations, asking you to double check your dynamics or perhaps strive for something more balanced.
Remember, tarot is interpretative. Each reading is personal, so this is a guide, rather than something set in stone. Your life experience and circumstances will give your reading color and add unique symbolism on top of the basics.
In the end, finding the Justice card as a representation of Libra pushes you to be more aware of yourself. This mix opens the door to deeper and more profound interactions. It’s just as important to embrace balance and fairness in life, only to enjoy a more harmonious experience.