Nothing beats the steadfast energy and the ambitious spirit of the Capricorn, yet the mystical approach around this zodiac sign can reveal even more about people born in it. Identifying the tarot card that resonates with the sign will take things even further in understanding its capabilities.
While normally associated with the Devil card, the Capricorn shouldn’t worry about it because it doesn’t indicate a negative approach. This being said, let’s find out together what the connection between these two elements is and how the symbolism of the card will reflect over the traits of Capricorns.
Exploring the Traits of Capricorn
The symbolism of Capricorn reveals numerous layers of ambition, determination and stability. The Capricorn is referred to as a goat. Given the energy of the goat, people in the Capricorn sign have a restless drive in reaching their long term goals.
From an astrological point of view, Capricorn is associated with Saturn, a planet that redefines discipline. That’s why people under this sign are considered pragmatic, but also serious. They have very high standards and believe structure can help them achieve anything.
The Capricorn has traits like practicality and diligence, but the sign is also patient in its steady approach. Imagery associated with the Capricorn may show mountains and rocks as well, underlining the capability to get over challenges with exquisite resilience.
Becoming familiar with the traits of this sign allows you to understand how it can relate to the Devil tarot card, too.
Association of Capricorn and the Devil Card
Capricorns have very high aspirations, just like the Devil card. While normally associated with deep concerns, the Devil also relates to those born under the sign because it signifies materialism. On a negative note, the card defines superficial success. From some points of view, it’s a wake up call.
In a tarot reading spread, the card asks you to sit back and assess your priorities in life. Sometimes, you could be focusing too much on money and ignoring your personal life or perhaps your spiritual growth. Capricorns are driven by personal ambitions, so they often find themselves in this position, too.
When associating the Devil tarot card with the Capricorn, it doesn’t indicate failure but the necessity to find a bit of balance in life. Capricorns commit themselves too much to their careers, which will affect their overall balance, as they overlook other aspects of life.
Understanding this message from the universe will help you find some stability between your goals, actions and personal values.
Furthermore, the Devil also relates to being free. The card inspires breaking barriers and overcoming self-imposed limitations. This is perfectly natural for Capricorns, who are extraordinary at overcoming obstacles. Their discipline and ability to make plans can help them go through any challenge.
From this point of view, the card recommends perseverance, but at the same time, it advises you to be flexible as well. Rigidity is seen as a trap. Being a structured person is likely to go in that direction, hence the necessity of being flexible.
Other Important Card Associations
The Devil may add different layers of interpretation to your reading based on other cards in the spread. It could be associated with every card in the deck, be it a Major Arcana or Minor Arcana one.
If the Devil is associated with the Ten of Wands, it shows an uncomfortable working environment. Basically, you’re being dominated at work. It’s not always a bad thing, but given your nature, it could be a problem.
If mixed with the Knight of Wands, the Devil indicates a bully. The interpretation goes in two directions. You could be the one bullied, but you may also be the negative person, so you should watch the situation from an objective point of view.
When it turns up in reading along the Two of Swords, it shows your dedication to avoiding conflict, but that means you’re also trying to please everyone around you, including people who may take advantage of you.
Symbolism and Meaning of the Capricorn Tarot Card
Chains in the Devil card represent a visible feature, showcasing the commitment that could be limiting Capricorn’s growth. The chains are shown loose, though, meaning that you can release yourself.
The devil is also a prominent figure in the card, showing material temptations. Again, it’s mainly about an internal challenge, such as a fear.
The reversed pentagram shows there’s some sort of a disruption in the natural order. You’re practically too focused on your success, so you risk losing contact with more important values.
The figures under the devil show the subjugation to materialism.
All in all, key symbolism relates to limitations, the possibility to break free, material bondage and overemphasis on money.
Taking these symbols into consideration will give you a better meaning of what the Devil card means over a Capricorn. You need to figure out when your ambition becomes greed and when your innate discipline turns into domination.
The Influence of the Capricorn Tarot Card in Readings
The Devil tarot card may showcase materialism, but it’s actually about the journey a Capricorn will go through in order to find its place. You may already know about this conflict in your heart. Well, the Devil mirrors this issue.
Your innate traits, such as discipline and responsibility, are essential in finding success. But the card also encourages you to beware of potentially chaining yourself to these goals.
The Devil card defines the importance of this journey, but it also amplifies your amazing qualities. It’s a reminder that you’ll need to work hard in order to reach your goals, but there’s also a time when you’ll have to celebrate small successes.
After all, there’s a very fine line between working for success and becoming a slave.
In the end, the Capricorn spirit is definitely unique, but the Devil tarot card shows some extra insights. It’s a reminder from some points of view, but also a warning that you could lose the concept of personal fulfillment if you take it too far.