Dreaming is a universal experience. We’ve all had them- from nightmares about being chased by something bad to dreams about superpowers. But did you ever stop to wonder what these dreams could mean?
The moment you close your eyes and go into deep sleep, you start dreaming. In the psychic world, dreams are powerful tools and sometimes even omens trying to tell you something that might happen soon in your life.
What you dream tells so much about what your inner self is trying to communicate to you. For so many people, dreams are important messages, ones you need to decipher and interpret in order to make sense of what is going to happen.
Recurring dreams in particular are ones you should pay close attention to. This sort of dream really wants to put a message across to you but you’re simply not getting it. For instance, are you going to get a promotion? Will you be successful in becoming a parent? Is it going to be a girl or a boy? There could be so many important meanings attached to a dream trying to reach you.
But how would you know? This is where tarot comes in. If you’re struggling to make sense of your dreams, turn to the cards and see what they have to inform you.
Tarot cards are powerful divination tools and are extremely helpful in interpreting dreams. In this post, find out all you need to know about tarot for dream interpretation.
Connection Between Dreams And Tarot
We all experience dreams that haunt us and trouble us in our waking life. These are the sort of dreams that simply do not go away even after we wake and the only thing we can do is seek answers.
We’re here to let you know that such a reaction is only a normal thing. Moreover, if you cannot seem to forget a dream and you think it’s trying to say something, it probably is. Some dreams are just too important to turn a blind eye.
If you’ve already exhausted all your options and still do not understand what your dream is trying to tell you, tarot is an excellent alternative. It’s easy, safe, and reliable.
Because tarot has powerful qualities of divination, it becomes an ideal option to interpret dreams and many tarot readers have started to incorporate cards into their efforts of dream interpretations.
Dreams may be secret clues, warnings, or even advice. So it only makes sense to use tarot cards to get to the bottom of these meanings quicker and more accurately.
How Tarot Helps With Interpreting Dreams?
In recent years, tarot has grown so much in popularity so much so that tarot readers even recommend this ancient practice for unraveling your dreams and finding possible messages trying to reach you.
Here are some pointers to remember when using tarot for interpreting your dreams.
- Get To Know Tarot And Its Basics
The first step in using tarot for your dream interpretation is learning the cards. Without a proper grasp of the basic meanings and ideas behind the cards, you cannot interpret them and connect them to your dreams.
A good way to start is making use of the help guide or the manual that comes with your deck of cards. It will include a breakdown of all the cards and what they mean. Other ways of learning include making use of online content like videos and articles about tarot.
- Have You Tried Journaling?
A helpful tip that goes a long way in dream interpretation using tarot cards is journaling. The older we get, the easier it becomes for us to forget our dreams. There are times we even end up forgetting the contents of our dream in a matter of minutes after waking up.
However there’s no need to panic. Keep a journal and a pen by your bedside. The minute you wake up and you have an interesting dream you want to interpret, start writing down everything you remember from the dream, even details you think might not be i
Once you write them down, you can revisit your dreams anytime and interpretation becomes easier.
- There Are Dream Tarot Spreads
Different kinds of tarot spreads are available for interpreting dreams. Expert tarot readers from all over the world devise their own spreads and some of them are designed especially for interpreting dreams.
Have you heard of a two-card spread? It focuses on the theme of the dreams and the meaning it wants to convey. Whichever cards pop up and whatever position they pop up in, whether they’re inverted or normal, can tell you so much about your dreams.
Other spreads use 5 cards, some use 6 and then there are some that even use 7 cards. These spreads add the additional questions of what the dreams are trying to teach you, if anything from the past has influenced such dreams, and even the reason you’re not being able to receive this message in the real waking world.
Whether you believe in the power of dreams or not, you cannot deny that certain dreams are prophetic and contain important messages. The minute you realize that a dream might be trying to reach out and communicate with you, tarot should be your go-to tool for interpretation.
Who would’ve thought a deck of cards could help uncover the secret meanings of your dreams right? Well, tarot is just not any deck of cards but powerful divination objects. So the next time you’re having trouble interpreting a dream, remember that tarot for dream interpretation is going to be an option you’ll soon fall in love with.