Basic Guide to Blending Numerology in Tarot Readings

Cards that represent the universal mortal experience, mostly known as Major Arcana cards, can be pulled with the help of numerology. This combination can aid in earning a greater understanding of your emotions, purpose, as well as fortune.

Incorporating numerology in tarot readings is a profound tool that can liven things up for you or your client. If you’re interested in such a concept, this article can help you find your path with the help of a number. So, let’s dive right into it and find out why these two are a perfect match!

Tarot and Numerology — How Do They Pair?

Tarot has been used as a fortune teller’s tool and tarot cards are known to be strong symbolic elements that can unveil the deepest mysteries of an individual and the world around them. As you pull out a card or two, they tell tales of a wide range of life events and the people experiencing them. In the same manner, the science of numbers, Numerology, can offer a valuable understanding of an individual’s situation with the help of numbers linked to dates, names, and milestones in life.

Pairing the two can instill a refined sense of perception over one’s choices and feelings. For example, one can add up the digits in their birthday to obtain their ‘Life Path number’ and this can enlighten them about their strengths, weaknesses, and obstacles present. With the addition of tarot cards to this mix, one can gain more insight into how to tackle these ingredients of life.

How to Start Incorporating Numerology in Tarot Readings

You can easily incorporate Numerology and Tarot and open the doors to new realms with this pairing. Whether you’re an expert or an amateur, this combination can ingrain personal growth and enthusiasm, you just need to follow a few steps.

Card Combos

As you are performing a reading, there can be multiple cards that pop out on the table. What you can do is combine each card with their consecutive numbers. An example would be the sum of 6 (The Lovers) and 2 (The Empress), which will be 8 (Fortitude). This can be interpreted as you being a brave yet compassionate person who takes charge of different fields of life.

Special Year

Personal Year can be calculated using your birthday and the year number. For instance, if 14th July is your birthday, and the universal year is 9, then you can add up 1, 7, and 9. The sum will be 17, and to get the card number just take 1 and 7 and sum it up to get 8. This personal year numerology technique can help you draw the matching card and find out what awaits you this year.

Life Path Number

As mentioned before, your Life Path number can reveal many things, so calculating it will be the first move. Performing a tarot reading upon the calculated number will be next and you can illuminate how this personal number is demonstrated in the different aspects of life. Take a breather and absorb the cards, then pull out those that speak the strongest to you.

Numbers With Their Unique Energies

Listed below are the numbers in numerology along with their special meanings. Knowing this will help you become a better tarot reader.

  • 0 – Here zero is represented as an Ace. A flow of energy that keeps on moving no matter what obstacles it faces.
  • 1 – The number of creation. To new beginnings. It represents the power to start a new path.
  • 2 – This is the number of balance and unity. This number talks about the choices we make to restore balance.
  • 3 – It represents the number of Growth. Expansion of energy.
  • 4 – The number of stability and safety. The four walls of our home, the four legs on a chair or table. It supports us and grounds us.
  • 5 – The number of humanity and human experience. As we move out of the comfort of the number 4 we face the realities of the world.
  • 6 – The number of love and achievement. This is when we enter a place of harmony again. We find a new part of ourselves to explore.
  • 7 – The number of spirituality and luck. The number is linked with synchronicity and spiritual awakening.
  • 8 – The number of resourcefulness and hard work. This is about building long-term stability and showing pure resilience.
  • 9 – The number 9 is the number of abundances. It is the last step before we step into a new chapter of creation.

If you have gone through all the numbers on the list, you see that these are the paths in life we go through, even if it’s filled with obstacles and challenges, we somehow manage to go through them. And that’s the beauty of life.

Tarot And Numerology

Once you get to know about the numbers and their special meanings, it becomes easier for you to apply numerological meanings to your tarot meanings. When you understand the numerological meanings of the numbers in tarot cards, you can gain more knowledge about the messages unfolded by the cards.

Through this practice, it adds a layer of complexity to tarot readings which will allow you to understand the answers present in the cards.

Following is the list of tarot cards with their meanings and their numerological answers.

  1. 0 – The fool

The card of absence and Openness. This is someone who has an open heart and is always the one who is up for adventures.

  1. 1 – The Magician

The number of attractions and manifestations. This is when you can manifest anything if you set your mind to it and when you believe in your abilities and dreams.

  1. 2 – The high priestess

The card of power of polarity.  This means your instincts are always right and that is why you should always listen to your inner voice.

  1. 3 – The Empress

The number of abundance and expansion. Which means you have a deep connection with nature. This card represents all the positive energy and emotions.

  1. 4 – The emperor

The card of strength and protection. When you need to set up boundaries in your life to be successful in your work.

  1. 5 – The hierophant

The card of challenge and growth. Someone with a strong faith and foundation that leads you to embrace ethics.

  1. 6 – The Lovers

The card of balance and harmony. When you give most of your importance to partnership and harmony you have also found the mindset to see both sides.

  1. 7 – The Chariot

The card of faith, healing, and growth. When you have a goal on something you want to achieve in life, you set focus and willpower which are your main strengths.

  1. 8 – Strength

The card of strength and neverending. When you make solid decisions for yourself as well as give life advice to others. These are the qualities that make you brave and strong.

  • 9 – The Hermit

The card of advancement and expansion. You focus on what is true and use the skills of your mind to make the way for yourself.

  • 10 – Wheel of Fortune

The card of accomplishment and renewal. When you have a connection with your body, mind, and spirit, it helps you accomplish your dreams.

How To Apply Numerology In Tarot Readings

Both tarot and numerology are popular divination practices. However, they can come together as well. In numerology, every number denotes a special meaning.

In tarot, every card comes with a number. Finding out the numerological meanings of these cards becomes crucial to giving good tarot readings.

So how do you find a card’s numerological meaning? It’s simple. You can follow this formula- for instance, you drew the Sun card from the tarot deck. This is a major arcana carrying the number 19.

But in numerology, we boil down double digits into a single digit. So we add the digits as 1 + 9= 10 and since 10 is still a double digit, we add again as 1+0= 1.

Hence, we see that despite the tarot number being 19, the numerological number of the Sun card becomes number 1 and now we can start to add more meanings to tarot readings.

To sum up we can say that exploring the world of numerological land of tarot cards is like unwrapping a treasure that reveals the card’s hidden meanings and answers where you get to experience it all the way. So get ready to go on a journey where your answers to all your doubts await.