The Scorpio sign is among the most mysterious ones in the zodiac, and for some good reasons. It’s an intense sign with a series of unique characteristics. If you’re born in it, you can probably get a deeper insight into your purpose by associating it with the right tarot card.
Whether you’re trying to find some support or you’re just curious about your purpose in life, the sign is associated with the Death tarot card. It’s probably the last thing you want to read, but don’t worry, the truth is this card isn’t as bad as it seems. Let’s find out together what this symbiotic connection means.
Exploring the Traits of Scorpio
Scorpio can brag with an extremely complex symbolism. The sign is known for its power, often associated with an intense passion as well. Most commonly, the Scorpio signifies rebirth, as well as a continuous transformation.
The Scorpio is represented by the scorpion, but it can also be associated with the eagle and serpent. Each animal has a different representation. The scorpion underlines a top-notch defense. The Scorpio is able to make a deadly strike when provoked too.
The eagle shows the evolution as people under this sign can soar above. They’re free, but they also have a broad perspective on life. As for the serpent, it signifies the ability to regenerate when needed.
In astrology, the Scorpio is usually a water sign, meaning emotions run high. Intuition and sensitivity are part of the game, too. But then, life for a Scorpio often revolves around the idea of letting go, too. That’s why these people rarely hold grudges.
Association of Scorpio and the Death Card
The Death tarot card is often misunderstood. It has nothing to do with literal death. Instead, it indicates the end of something, as well as the beginning of something new. It relates to the overall capability of the Scorpio to transform.
The card shows a skeleton, signifying an enduring change. Scorpios are almost always involved in evolution. They keep reinventing themselves in the natural process of personal growth.
If you see the Death card in a reading, you need to figure out what to let go. This consideration mirrors the introspection of the Scorpio. There’s something in your life that no longer serves your goals and purpose. You have a good intuition, so you need to recognize this aspect straight away.
The Death card also indicates resilience and an amazing will. When a new process begins, you need to stand still and rise on top of everything.
Most people panic when they see Death, but it doesn’t mean someone close to you may die. Instead, it’s an encouraging card that asks you to accept change. Embrace the new beginning, and don’t be afraid to transform challenges into valuable lessons in life.
Other Important Card Associations
The Death card may show up in a tarot spread with any other card in the deck. It could be a different Major Arcana card, but it could also show up with Minor Arcana cards.
For example, if you see it along the Six of Cups, it means transformation is needed, but it’s a nostalgic one. You may need to dig into your past to figure out what to let go.
On the other hand, if you see the Death along the Ten of Pentacles, the combo indicates an important transformation that will most likely lead to financial stability. Again, there’s something you need to let go of in order to enhance your status.
If seen with the Ace of Swords, the Death card has enhanced capabilities. Both cards signify a new beginning. It’s a more spiritual approach though.
Symbolism and Meaning of the Scorpio Tarot Card
The Death card has numerous layers of meaning. There’s a symbol in pretty much every small detail. At its core, this card is about a new beginning. Transformation is the main keyword here. It’s not necessarily about losing something, but about the natural completion of a cycle.
The card depicts a figure dressed up in armor, as well as other figures in the path. The black armor is the unknown element of your transformation. As a Scorpio, you’re naturally connected to hidden truths. However, finding them is your responsibility.
On the other hand, the horse is white, which indicates purity. This change is not something to be worried about.
Take a look at the downed king, which tells us that no one can be spared. No matter what your status or position is, this change will affect you. As for the rising sun in the background, it shows the rebirth of the Scorpio. It’s all about hope.
No matter how you look at the Death card, the message is the same. You need to transform into a better form.
Understanding the Death card will make you feel more comfortable. You may have to say goodbye to your comfort zone or something you’re familiar with, but something more exciting awaits.
The Influence of the Scorpio Tarot Card in Readings
Don’t let the Death card unsettle you because it’s not about what you think. It’s a powerful symbol that indicates transformation. It urges you to open up to change, rather than see it with fear. Initially, you should try to see areas where you’re stagnating. Relationships and habits are only a few examples.
When paired with the Scorpio zodiac sign, the Death tarot card asks for a more strategic type of action. You have to sit back and reflect on your long term goals. Then, figure out what no longer helps in the process. These are the things you must let go.
Finally, think about a transition that aligns with these goals.
You can’t do any of these without a deep introspection. Analyzing your real self will reveal some insights you’ve never been aware of.
In the end, when assessing changes that may serve you better, don’t forget to consider your intuition as well. Intuition is one of the most valuable Scorpio traits and will most likely push you in the right direction.