How to Properly Get Rid of Tarot Cards

Tarot cards have always been associated with mystery and fantasy. Some see them as sacred instruments, and others see them as tools. From this point of view, getting rid of a tarot card deck can raise many question marks.

To those who truly believe in tarot, learning how to properly get rid of tarot cards is very important. Tossing them in the bin is considered bad energy. So, is there a way to do it by the book? Let’s explore a few simple ways to prevent bad energies by disposing of tarot cards the right way.

What to Do Before Getting Rid of Tarot Cards

Cleansing your tarot cards is the best thing you can do prior to getting rid of them. It makes no difference if you think they’re loaded with energy or not.

Smudge your cards with sage or incense if you want a quick cleansing procedure. If you have lots of time, you can wrap them in a black piece of cloth, hide them in the box, and give their energy time to dissipate.

However, if you burn or bury them, there’s no need to cleanse them because fire or earth will take care of the entire process for you.

Burning Tarot Cards

Burning your old tarot cards is a good idea if you want to purify the set and release all the energy. Fire is by far one of the most purifying elements out there, even better than water. That’s why it’s often used in rituals.

Where you burn the cards makes no difference. You can burn them in a barbecue or a fireplace. If you can get a safe place in nature, go for it. You can also meditate or burn some incense to make it more spiritual.

The method and location are irrelevant. What truly matters is your actual intention, as well as your energy.

Burying Tarot Cards

From many points of view, returning tarot cards to the earth could be an even better idea. Again, it depends on where you live and how you can do it safely. To prepare them for the process, you can wrap them in a scarf. You can also use a piece of silk.

Even if you live in a city, you can always go hiking somewhere in the wild and find a nice place to bury your tarot cards. There’s nothing to worry about in terms of negative energies either, as the earth will be able to cleanse any type of energy.

Giving Your Tarot Cards Away

This is one of the best ideas if you’re not sure how to properly get rid of tarot cards. It’s said that your best tarot card deck should be given by someone. Most people don’t believe in it, but some do. In this case, if your cards are in good condition, you should have no problem finding someone willing to take them.

You can give your hands to a friend who’s interested in the practice. You can also leave them somewhere public so someone else can grab them for free. It could be a bench in the park or perhaps a library book.

Charities may also take tarot cards in order to monetize them and support their missions.

If you do believe that tarot cards are better given away than destroyed, you’ll love these ideas. You can also post about them on specialized forums, social media platforms, and discussion boards; chances are someone will grab them straight away.

Selling Your Tarot Cards

When it comes to selling your tarot cards, it depends on your beliefs and philosophy. Some people believe getting money for tarot cards can bring bad energies and luck, so they’d rather give them away for free.

Some other people believe that their energies may attach to new owners, so they’d rather destroy them.

If you’re interested in selling them, there are more options out there.

You can list tarot cards on auction websites, advertise them on social media, head over to a local book shop and ask for a price, or post them for sale on discussion boards and forums about tarot.

There are more factors that could affect the sale, such as the type of deck, how old it is, what style it is, or its actual condition.

Trading Your Tarot Cards

If you do believe that selling tarot cards can affect you negatively, but you still want something in exchange, how about trading them? It’s an excellent idea that will bring something new to you while helping you get rid of the cards.

For example, if you’re after a different deck, you could find someone else who’s willing to trade with you. You can also trade cards for the price of the postage. Basically, you’re giving them away, but you’re not spending anything. It’s not considered a sale, either.

Repurposing Tarot Cards

Finding a new purpose for your tarot cards is a great idea if you want to get rid of them but you’re also attached to them. It could be your first deck or perhaps a deck you’ve inherited from a loved one. It could be anything, there are plenty of ideas out there.

For example, you can use cards in practices that call for cards. You can also use them along with other types of energy work, such as meditation. Use them as bookmarks if you want, or perhaps turn them into talismans.

If you have an artistic side, you can also pin them on a frame, cover them with a glass, and hang them on a wall. There are lots of ideas out there, you just have to figure out what truly works for you.

In conclusion, we have shared six ideas to get rid of tarot deck that may no longer serve your needs or is simply taking up space. The key is to select the method that feels right for you. Each option allows you to honor the significance of the cards while making room for new energy and possibilities in your life.