Power of Tarot for Spiritual Guidance and Connection

Getting in touch with the inner self and attaining a higher level of spiritual awareness are crucial parts of using Tarots. However, it takes a deep understanding of how to use the right spiritual Tarot spreads and orienting yourself correctly to ensure accurate and meaningful results.

Today, we’ll dive into one of the most effective spreads for spiritual guidance and go through a breakdown of some of the most significant cards you may see in this regard.

Here’s your ultimate guide to using Tarot for spiritual guidance and connection.

The Spiritual Guidance Spread: What it is and How to Use it

This spiritual guidance spread is a simple 4-card layout that is easy to learn but offers the potential for deep revelations and high spiritual realizations. It’s a variation that uses a past-present spread but with deep connotations for your spiritual state of mind.

The layout has the first card placed on top and the next three cards in a straight horizontal line below. Once placed, it looks like an upside down ‘T’.

Here’s how you proceed.

Step 1

Start by choosing a card that you resonate with or one that you feel represents your spiritual being. You should not draw this card out randomly like the other cards. This one is a deliberate choice that you should settle on as you look through the deck and decide on which one you identify with or connects with you the most.

Place this card down as the first one on the spread.

Step 2

Now, face the cards away from you and shuffle them as you ponder deeply on your past with all its associated experiences and events that have led to now.

As you meditate on your past, settle on one card from the deck and consciously consider it as a representation of your past. Place this card to the bottom left of the first card.

Step 3

Shuffle your tarot deck once again after placing the second card down.

Now, focus on your present. Your thoughts should now revolve around your current state of mind, present spiritual condition, and the experiences affecting you deeply in the present day.

Settle on one card in the deck and focus your will on what represents your current state. You can even say it out loud, “I know choose the card that represents and embodies my present.”

Place the card on the bottom-center of the lower line.

Step 4

Next comes the final and most significant card for your spiritual guidance.

Focus on where you wish to be spiritually. This thought need not be a clear picture of your spiritual future but a deeply-thought condition of being spiritually aware, activated, and alive.

Take the card that connects with you the most and place it on the bottom-right of the top card. This final choice settles the spread and sets you up to unravel the most profound revelations for your spiritual development.

Interpreting Your Spiritual Development Spread

The first card, chosen deliberately, now represents the entity or direction that resonates with you the most. For instance, let’s assume you picked the ‘Temperance’ card. Here, the angel may represent your desire to connect with the divine and embody values beyond the physical realm, while her feet in the water may represent your willingness to see both the physical world’s significance and the spiritual.

The second card will reveal experiences or events in the past that have shaped your spiritual life and orientation. Many times, people often overlook the significance of past experiences that have extensive bearing on your incorporeal and divine understanding of things around you. This card brings to life the effects of your spiritual past and their influences on who you are today.

The third card represents your current state of spiritual wellness. This card may capture different elements of spiritual contentment, confusion, or conflict. To move forward in your spiritual life, understanding this card and its implications is a crucial step.

The final card will reveal the direction you should head towards to enjoy true spiritual fulfillment. For many readers, this card guides you towards elements of the inner psyche and your outer spiritual orientation.

Interpreting the last card correctly takes careful consideration and mindful introspection. Remember, results and directions may differ for everyone. So, don’t expect the same revelations that others get.

BONUS: Tarot Practices and Rituals to Elevate Your Spiritual Guidance

Here are some crucial Tarot rituals you should incorporate in your readings and Tarot exercises to make the most of your spiritual readings.

  • Find and use a deck that appeals to your senses and spiritual inclinations. Tarot decks typically come with distinct imagery and artwork. Striking a connection with the deck may help reveal more insightful spiritual guidance for your situation.
  • Practice deep and concentrated visualization during readings. Visualizing your past or spiritual direction for the future can help draw cards that provide accurate insights and revelations.
  • Get into the habit of journaling your Tarot experiences for spiritual readings. Recording your thoughts, readings, and results will help you get a clearer picture of how your spiritual readings are progressing with time and experience.
  • Try and create a dedicated space or corner for your Tarot readings. Consider adding incense, candles, or personally-relevant items and artwork to claim ownership of the space. Tarot readings conducted in a consistent and prepared space often yields better readings and results for many people.
  • Try out different spreads and layouts for spiritual guidance. A past, present, and future spread or a Celtic Cross may reveal different results and interpretations. Remember, there’s no single all-in-one spread or layout that addresses everything you want in one reading.
  • Learn to focus and harness your instincts. Genuine Tarot spiritual readings are incredibly personal and deeply introspective experiences. Your intuition and instincts often play a vital role in determining the direction of your spiritual journey. So, it’s crucial to learn the art of allowing your intuition to unfold and direct you without going astray or falling into distractions.

Tarot decks and spreads, used correctly, can change the way you understand the spiritual realm and its implications on your mental and spiritual health. Witness a rise in spiritual well-being and experience life in a higher order when you grab the advantage of using Tarot for spiritual guidance and connection.