Intuitive Tarot Reading Techniques

Every tarot card has a story that is yet to be unraveled. It is up to the tarot reader to create a comfortable and meaningful space where this story can be explored. Before you try to do any instinctive practice, you must first grow accustomed to and feel aligned with your deck of tarot cards.

After familiarizing yourself with them, you will start to comprehend their deeper meaning and establish that no single card has a fixed interpretation. If you’re curious to know more about how to perform intuitive reading techniques, you are in luck. In this article, you can find tips and tricks on the topic so be ready to be enlightened. But first, what exactly is an intuitive approach to tarot reading?

Intuitive Tarot Reading — What is it?

The word ‘intuition’ is obtained from the Latin word “inteuri”, which means “to consider” and it is the ability for one to gain knowledge without requiring any reasonable explanation. It is a strong tool that is used in everyday life and can be referred to as that “gut feeling” that one feels in certain circumstances. This sixth sense acts as a guide for us, usually during decision-making, without logical thinking and, sometimes, without us even realizing it.

It is a tool not often used in tarot reading; however, when incorporated, it holds the key to empathetic understanding and divine clarity. The rationale behind intuitive tarot readings is that it ushers readers to go with the flow, rather than over-analyzing the situation. If you’re feeling under-confident about your tarot skills, remind yourself that the tarot decks were created to be easily accessible, so you can give meaning to these cards without any material and only intuitive reading.

Useful Tips For Intuitive Tarot Reading

Before you sit down and do a tarot reading, you must clear your mind and get rid of any negative energy. To start, always have a simple deck to spread with and allow the cards to speak to your intuition. Below are a few tips that you can make use of when trying out intuitive reading.

Stop Using A Tarot Guidebook

You cannot tune into your deeper thoughts and unleash your intuitive card-reading skills while continuously being chained to the book. Don’t take it the wrong way, a guidebook can always help you learn the meaning of the cards as you practice, but the longer you rely on the book for answers, the more rigid they become. You can try it out by choosing any card, and saying what you feel by looking at it; this helps you engage with your intuition.

Pay Attention To Energy & Release It Into The Card

Each card has the potential to make us feel a certain way, so noticing your energy can help you determine what the card is trying to express. Are you feeling a sense of joy, or is it sadness? If it’s somewhere in between those two feelings, or even if you feel frightened, take notes of everything for later reflection.

For example, if you pick the Six of Cups, you might see the boy passing a cup of flowers to a young girl and be reminded of the warm feeling of being with family as a child. These are important insights and say a positive thing about the card, so you can say that there is a lot of harmony and happiness in your life and relationships.

Narrate A Tale Within The Card

Have a glance at the card, what does the picture tell you? There may be people doing something in the picture, objects spread across it for a particular reason, or a background that seems to entail something. You can narrate the story that you perceive out loud and that can be the card’s purpose.

If you take the Nine of Swords, for instance, you will notice a figure sitting upright on a bed with his hands on his face, illustrated with pain or guilt. The background is black with swords sticking across. The card’s tale can represent the person’s situation being plagued with worry, doubt, or fear. The swords in the background could imply the hidden strengths of the person to cut through these struggles.

Connect The Story To A Situation

Find a way to relate this story to a distinct situation and put two and two together to find an answer to the question. You begin with the why of the situation and then pull out a second card to figure out a way to help the situation. While you represent your protagonist and their struggles, you can pull out the third card to find a climax to the story. How does the story end, and will it be a static or dynamic ending? All this can come together by weaving together a story with the cards and your own intuition.

How to Develop Expert Skills for Intuitive Tarot Reading

Acquiring any skill requires practice. Just as you cannot learn how to swim by staying in the pool, intuitive tarot reading needs oracle practice for you to master it.

  • Oracle cards are a great system to start with when you’re new. With 22 Major Arcana cards & 56 Minor Arcana cards, you can explore the cards to familiarize yourself with them.
  • Attending a short course online is another helpful way to teach yourself and pace your card skills accordingly. You can learn more about each card’s symbol and how to conjure up your intuition.
  • Reading about tarot helps, just like how this article is helping you learn more about the topic. Wisdom does not come from your own viewpoint, but through other people’s perceptions as well.
  • If all else fails, get yourself a tarot reading appointment from an expert, from whom you can soak up the knowledge. A professional can easily help you by showing you how to connect the dots and integrate natural intuition into a reading.

Tarot reading is an important method to obtain insight into a situation and help make life-altering decisions. Practice makes you perfect, so dive right in and try out the intuitive reading techniques!