How to Give Yourself a Love Tarot Reading

Tarot is an amazing tool to find answers to your questions, get insights for big decisions and even reflect on yourself. While most people reach to psychics for detailed readings, the truth is you can do it yourself as well.

Love and relationship questions are among the most popular ones in tarot readings. A little practice will let you read cards yourself, yet it’s important to see the bigger image when it comes to your inner self. These being said, let’s find out how to give yourself a love tarot reading.

The Perfect Time to Give Yourself a Love Tarot Reading

Generally speaking, you can give yourself a love tarot reading anytime you feel like you need one. Of course, you need the perfect environment, a relaxing and comfortable place with no distractions whatsoever.

But apart from these basic rules, unless you’re in a rush finding answers, you can also pick certain times of the week or month to gain even more clarity from your readings.

For example, Venus is the planet responsible for your love needs. Therefore, your reading should be somehow connected to it. From all the days in a week, Venus also rules Friday, so this would be the perfect day to give it a try.

At the same time, a full moon is often associated with heightened thoughts. Full moons trigger emotions and stimulate your self-reflection. From this point of view, picking an evening or night with a full moon is another great idea to get deeper insights from your reading.

Picking a Tarot Spread

You can get a tarot spread with one card, but if you’re experienced, you can go with a dozen cards as well, even more. The more cards you have in the spread, the more detailed your reading will be, but it will also become more complex and difficult to interpret if you are new at tarot reading.

Each card is associated with a question. As a general rule of thumb, beginners should keep this number to a minimum. Having 12 cards in a spread will bring in an amalgam of messages. Finding a common ground for all of them requires practice.

Here are a few examples.

Three Card Spread for a New Romance

This simple tarot card spread only requires three cards. The first one will help you determine what draws you together.

The second one will reveal what your new partner likes most about yourself. As for the third one, it will teach you what to focus on. It will also show you where the relationship is heading.

Four Card Spread for a Past Relationship

Past relationships are just as useful when learning how to give yourself a love tarot reading, mainly because they’ll reveal some lessons you might’ve missed.

The first card showcases what drove the separation. The second card tells you how your ex feels about you now. The third one is the most important one because it’s the lesson you’ve learned. As for the last card, it tells you if you’ll ever get together again.

Four Card Spread for a Crumbling Relationship

If you find yourself in a struggling relationship, get four cards and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the main cause behind your biggest problems?
  • What are your partner’s feelings about you at the moment?
  • What elements can you work on to help this relationship recover?
  • Is this relationship going to be successful in the long run?

How to Perform a Love Tarot Reading

Decide on a spread and maybe draw it on a piece of paper, so you can focus on the cards, rather than their arrangement. Shuffle your card for a minute while thinking about your relationship. If you accidentally drop some cards, take them as a sign and use them for your spread.

Arrange everything in the spread and take one card at a time. You have your questions written down, so leave some space below each question to take notes. You need these notes, so you can reflect on them once your reading is over.

If you’re not sure about certain meanings, use a guidebook. Some answers won’t be direct, so you’ll need to use your intuition to make the connection between their messages and your current situation. This is when you need to use your skills to interpret cards accordingly.

Tarot Cards Associated With Love and Relationships

While you can literally get any card in a love and relationship reading, the truth is some cards are more specifically connected to this aspect of life. Here are the cards that could make the difference:

  • Three of Swords showcases pain and betrayal. The primary message is to save yourself from a relationship that will make you suffer in the long run. It also serves as a reminder that pain is a part of life.
  • Empress shows a family. It’s a card about love, pregnancy and children. It underlines a happy home in your future, so it’s normally seen as a good sign.
  • Two of Cups shows a loyal bond. It’s a growing relationship based on trustworthiness and passion, so chances are it will go in the right direction.
  • Ten of Coins shows a prosperous family. Your home is in the best condition, and your family doesn’t miss anything at the moment.
  • Ten of Swords defines the necessity to leave. It usually indicates toxic connections, so cutting ties will probably be your best option.
  • Moon defines mystery. You’re covered in secrets and illusions. You need to search more to make this connection work.
  • Ace of Cups shows a new beginning. It signifies good chemistry and perhaps a new love in your life.
  • Ten of Cups is about long term relationships, symbolizing harmony, joy, and fulfillment.  It shows that your relationship will pass the test of time.

In the end, by following the steps above and conducting your own love tarot reading, you can explore the dynamics of love and relationships.