Tarot Cards Interpretation Strategies

No one can deny the popularity of tarot reading. What started as a hobby for many people soon became a good source of employment. It is because of this reason that today, there are tons of tarot readers all over the world.

Whether you step into the doors of a physical tarot shop or try and consult the many online tarot readers, you will find that accessibility is not a problem.

With thousands of practitioners, it is only normal that there exist several different and unique strategies to interpret tarot cards. In fact, you get to enjoy diverse options and approaches.

So why are there different strategies in tarot reading and are they important? First of all, the reason for different strategies is because every reader is different and unique and may prefer one technique over the other. And yes, it’s important to switch up your strategies because not all readings are the same.

If you’re curious to find out more about tarot cards interpretation strategies, this post will come to your rescue.

What Do You Mean By Strategies In Tarot Reading?

Have you ever noticed how a person can get different interpretations based on whom they choose to get a reading from? It’s a common thing that occurs in tarot reading and there’s no need for you to worry about this.

Just because you get two different interpretations from two different readers, it does not mean that one is wrong and the other is right. It simply means that the readers used different strategies allowing them to arrive at different interpretations.

One thing you should remember is that two readers may interpret the same cards differently by asking different questions, interacting with you, or using different types of spreads. All these count as strategies and go a long way in helping tarot readers not only become better but also provide excellent readings.

Tips On Getting Better At Tarot Interpretation Strategies

The trick to becoming a good tarot reader is being able to have different interpretation strategies as per the needs and demands of the moment. Think of it this way, different interpretation strategies help tarot readers deliver more accurate readings that fit the situation.

Here are some tips that will get you started.

  1. Don’t Be Rigid

You simply cannot be rigid when reading tarot cards. Open your mind, relax, and be open to the world of endless possibilities.

When you interpret a certain card, always remember that there are multiple ways of looking into it. It is your duty to find an interpretation that best fits the situation.

Whether it’s the fool card, the ace of wands, or even the nine of cups, think outside the box sometimes. Trust your guts. If you feel that one card is not enough, go ahead a pick up one more card. When you’re relaxed, your mind is at ease making it easier for you to find a good strategy for interpreting your cards at hand.

  1. Tried Different Spreads Yet?

Trying different spreads in your readings is a good way to develop efficient strategies for your tarot interpretations.

Different spreads help you think differently and hence arrive at different yet intriguing insights. When you lay your cards in different layouts, you start to ask different questions and piece information differently. This is a crucial interpretation strategy because not every reading benefits from the same approach.

Don’t be scared to pick up and practice the habit of doing tarot readings using different spreads. Who knows? The answers evading you might manifest when you try out a new spread.

  1. Talk And Connect

Why don’t we just state the obvious? One of the best ways that also happens to be easy to help you develop tarot interpretation strategies is by constantly staying in contact with other tarot readers.

It’s a small world and it’s even smaller on the internet. This expands your options and makes it easier and more accessible for you to approach online tarot readers for advice and suggestions. Most of the time, tarot readers have their own websites, and identifying them is not difficult.

Once you’re sure that you found a good reader, request to get in touch with them and start asking questions. Talk about different strategies, spreads, ideas, and preferences, and in no time you’ll realize that interacting leads to learning.

  1. Understand Your Cards

Whether you’re a beginner at this craft or you’re well into practice, a little sit-down session to reflect and refresh your memory will only do you good. Always stay in tune with your cards and what they represent.

The 78 tarot cards in a deck are all indicative or something or the other. These include things like major life themes, challenges to face, or desires that exist within us.

It does not hurt to go through each card every once in a while. Who knows, you might be able to apply new meanings to these cards that you would have never thought of.

When you stop and reflect, you’re already one step ahead in not only developing but also improving your tarot interpretation skills and strategies.

Are There Some Common Strategies For Interpretation?

There are so many different tarot cards interpretation strategies. Let’s quickly take a look at some of them.

  • Shuffling your deck with intent is a common strategy. Stagnant decks can absorb different energies and affect your readings. Therefore it’s a good idea to always keep or manifest some intentions in your mind and heart. You’ll slowly realize that this practice will help you in getting in touch with the cards you need the most.
  • Asking specific questions and following up with smaller questions is another superb interpretation strategy. It helps the reader piece information together and see the messages clearly.
  • Making use of different spreads as per the needs of the session. You can also always try to create your own custom spread. The good thing about tarot is its versatility in approach. If no other spreads are yielding satisfactory readings, perhaps a custom spread is what you need.
  • Be flexible in approach. For instance, the Death and Devil cards don’t necessarily mean something bad. Learning to be flexible may help you realize these cards can also indicate something transformative.

Now that we’ve reached the end, we’re pretty confident you know everything there is to know about tarot cards and interpretation strategies.

Whenever you perform your next tarot reading, make sure to remember and follow the important tips. Our tips will ensure you develop and sharpen your interpretation skills. After all, developing different interpretation strategies is a good way to make a name for yourself in the world of tarot.