Animal Totems in Tarot and Psychic Readings

Animal totems in psychic and tarot readings are extremely popular these days. There are reports of psychics seeing their clients turn into animals as well, mainly because everyone is associated with one. Due to the animal totem, divine messages can also embrace such forms.

For example, you can see animals in your dreams and they clearly mean something for your current situation. You can see animals while you meditate as well, but then, their depictions are just as popular in real life.

You might spot an animal in a cloud or, perhaps in a real life depiction, in a tree.

Animal Totems and Their Characteristics

Most people don’t pay attention to animal totems, but the more you learn about them, the more obvious they seem. Whether you’re interested or not, these animal figures can easily find a way to reach you and send messages.

Animal totems come in more forms. Maybe you have a bear hoodie or a hat with ears. How about a ladybug jumper? Or maybe a key chain with a dog. As you start paying attention, you’ll notice more and more animals around you.

On top of all that, chances are you’ll end up having a pet too. Most people stick to dogs or cats. They see them as spirit animals. But at the same time, just because you have an animal as a spirit, it doesn’t mean you need it as a pet.

Believe it or not, there are people out there who prefer unicorns. How about a centaur or maybe a dragon? The list is much longer and includes both real and imaginary animals. All in all, here are the most popular choices out there:

  • Owl
  • Wolf
  • Deer
  • Rabbit
  • Frog
  • Dolphin
  • Bear
  • Hawk

How to Find Your Animal Totem

Everyone out there has an animal totem. Of course, more people could have the same animal, too. You can identify animal totems in psychic and tarot readings by asking a psychic reader for support, but you can also use your intuition and pay attention to what’s going on around you.

Start by looking around you. Try to observe animals everywhere. Birds in the tree by your window, a dog in a movie, a squirrel digging through your trash every morning, birds reaching to your feeders or even owls at night. While the visual profile is more effective, it’s just as useful to actually hear animals.

Look around you, too. There are animal symbols everywhere, without you even noticing it. A key chain, a poster, a depiction in a book, it could be anything, literally. Do you have any inflatables by the pool? Dolphin wind chimes for windy days?

If you still can’t spot anything (nearly impossible), try to remember animals from your life. Even if you’ve never had a pet, think about the movies you’ve seen or the books you’ve read. Children’s literature, for example, is full of elements. And you can probably remember a few favorite titles from your childhood.

Considerations About Animal Totems

There are different interpretations and considerations when it comes to animal totems in psychic and tarot readings. There are more cultures out there. And even psychics can see things in a different manner.

For example, most cultures believe that you can have more than just one animal totem. In the Native American culture, it’s said that every person has no less than nine different spirit animals. These animals take turns in your life. Each of them teaches you a valuable lesson when in charge.

Animal totems showing up in dreams are often seen as an introduction. This is the sign that you have to stop observing animals around you. These first animals can break the ice and will help you develop further relationships.

At times, you may notice these few first animals will just hang around. You’ll see more of them, so they’re very likely to become your primary spirit animals.

If you can remember your dreams in small details, you’ll notice that one of these creatures always shows up on your left while the other one is always on your right.

How to Interpret Messages from Animal Totems

Interpreting animal totems in psychic and tarot readings can go in more directions. You can obviously seek help from a psychic, but you can also observe a few things yourself.

For instance, try to learn more about the respective animal. Is it a loner? Does it hunt by itself? Or maybe it likes to be part of a herd. This is an important consideration in the process.

Then, try to learn more about its habits. For instance, some animals tend to hunt for food during the day. Others prefer the dusk, not to mention the nocturnal ones hunting at night only.

Is it a vocal animal? A quiet one? A wolf would be quite vocal, as well as a crow. But on the other hand, a swan is considered quiet and peaceful.

How about the sleeping habit? Some animals build their own nests, others take abandoned nests over.

You’ll also need to study and understand the natural habitat of your animal totem, as well as the type of prey. The prey represents your animal’s soft side, so it refers to you as well but from a different direction.

Once you have all this information, it can be interpreted based on your unique situations and circumstances.

Keep in mind that animal totems won’t always be there to support you. At times, you might be afraid of your spirit animal. Rejecting it won’t make problems disappear, so there’s nothing you can do about it, but accept it and learn to use it in your favor.

Bottom line, animal totems in psychic and tarot readings are more popular than ever.

Observation is the main keyword here, but it also takes a professional psychic to adapt this interpretation to your case. The same goes for interpreting the appearance of spirit animals in dreams and other unexpected places.​