Visiting Sacred Sites for Psychic Enhancement

Today many places in the whole wide world are named sacred places because of some quantum of spiritual force. These locations are portrayed as having, for the most part, inherently sinister narratives and are said to amplify the consultant’s psychism. When it comes to those who are new to the spiritual world and aspire to become psychics, visiting sacred places can be rather profound. Below, you will find all you need to know about how these sites enhance psychic abilities and the way to get the best out of it.

What Are Sacred Sites?

Religious landmarks can also be defined as places that are in one way or another sanctified. These can be in the form of geographical features such as mountains, rivers, caves, or any building such as a temple, or can be simply any stone circle. They are situated namely where transactions of a religious or cultural nature take place.

It is possible to characterize most of the religious sites stated by Laycock as ‘vortexes,’ or passages through which the energy of the Earth is flowing in a given configuration. It can interact with the human energy field in such a manner as to augment some type of psychic such as clairvoyance or intuition, or it can become a healer.

Why Visit Sacred Sites?

One of the most advisable things when it comes to exercising or nurturing your extra-sensory faculties is to see shrines. Here’s why:

Heightened Energy:

Those are some of the grounds considered to have high energy, are worshipped, and are usually used for rituals. If there is more energy at hand, your energy level goes up, in which case using your physical energy is easier.

Connection to the Past:

It has been for the past several centuries that certain places in the world are considered to have spiritual powers for practice. This means that it is possible to make a connection with the astral bodies of the respective places and hence improve aura sensitivity.

Meditative Atmosphere:

It’s always expected that there will be some level of peace at a shrine. The environment has to be quiet. Help can be found, for example, in the ability to easily look for the psychic feel of the place that helps you set your mind and reach the psychic state.

Some of the world’s most visited sacred places

Here are a few of the most famous ones known for their spiritual energy and potential to enhance psychic abilities:

1. Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge is one of the most recognized archaeological landmarks in the entire world. Designed for the Neolithic new residents but built with the old ritual use of the local landscape in mind, this circle of standing stones is set in the county of Wiltshire, England. Lots of people come to Stonehenge to charge in its energy, which is believed to improve psychic perception and healing powers.


Visit Stonehenge during the solstice to experience enough energy in the place during this time. It may be possible to imbue yourself with the circle by meditating within it.

2. Sedona, Arizona, USA

Sitting at an altitude of 4,043 feet with ocular sights such as the red rocks and the energy vortexes. It is said that these vortexes are powerful energy spots for recharging meditation, healing, and psychic powers. One can describe Sedona as a city of spiritual growth because of the mix of natural and powerful forces that surround the place.


Go to the various vortex places in Sedona, including Cathedral Rock or Bell Rock. Hence, one should sit for meditation at each place to know which site gives you the best vibes.

3. Mount Shasta, California, USA

Mount Shasta is one of the biggest active volcanoes within the Cascade Range in Northern California and has been an important holy site for the American people. This mountain is said to have been a point of spirit and the bridge to other worlds. That is why several people who visit the place and the surrounding area have seen their psychic perceptions of themselves and others intensify, including feelings of intuition and clairvoyance.

Tip: To get a feel for Mount Shasta, there is nothing as thrilling as hiking or camping near this famous mountain. Take time to do things such as meditation, journal writing, or any sort of invocation while at the place to boost your odds of a psychic experience.

4. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, known as the “Lost City of the Incas,” is a historical sanctuary perched high in the Andes Mountains. This ancient city is surrounded by majestic mountains and has long been associated with spiritual awakening and energy transformation. The Incan ruins are said to be powerful centers of earth energy, making it a magnet for those seeking enlightenment and a connection to their ancestors.


Plan your visit at sunrise to witness the interplay of light and shadow illuminating the ancient stone structures. Practicing sunrise yoga or meditation here can enhance your spiritual energy and attunement to the site’s vibrations.

5. Glastonbury, England

Glastonbury is rumored to be the legendary location of the mystical Isle of Avalon. This small town brims with magic and mysticism, from the ancient Glastonbury Tor, a hill that is said to be a gateway to the Otherworld, to the Chalice Well, a natural spring with reputed healing powers. Glastonbury is a place where ley lines of energy intersect, believed to amplify psychic ability and spiritual enlightenment.


Take a walk up to Glastonbury Tor and meditate at the summit for a transformative experience. Don’t miss the Chalice Well Gardens, where you can drink from the Red Spring and soak in its reputed healing energies.

6. Uluru (Ayers Rock), Australia

Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a massive sandstone monolith in the heart of the Northern Territory’s arid “Red Centre” known for its vibrant orange-red hue. Held sacred by the Anangu, the Indigenous people of the area, Uluru is considered a spiritual power center and an ancient ceremonial site. Visitors report feelings of deep spiritual awakening and a heightened sense of connection to the Earth.


Join a guided tour led by an Indigenous guide to gain deeper insights into the spiritual and cultural significance of Uluru. Engage in meditative silence or listen to dreamtime stories to connect with the place’s ancient energies.

7. Rila Monastery, Bulgaria

Nestled deep in the Rila Mountains, Rila Monastery is an important spiritual focus of the Eastern Orthodox Church. With its beautiful frescoes and serene mountainous scenery, the monastery is a place where pilgrims and visitors come to seek inner peace, healing, and spiritual insight. Many believe the area around Rila Monastery holds powerful healing energy.


Spend time in the monastery’s courtyard or nearby forest, and practice mindfulness and meditation. The natural silence and sacred atmosphere will help you connect with the divine energy of the place.

8. Delphi, Greece

Once considered the center of the world in ancient Greek mythology, Delphi was home to the Oracle of Delphi, where priestesses would deliver prophecies. The site’s energy is said to amplify psychic abilities and provide profound insights into one’s past and future. Surrounded by the Parnassus mountains, Delphi offers an awe-inspiring environment for meditation and spiritual exploration.


Explore the ancient ruins and visit the Temple of Apollo early in the morning for a quieter, more mystical experience. Contemplate in the area where the Oracle once stood to absorb the site’s prophetic energy.

9. Mount Kailash, Tibet

Mount Kailash, revered in Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Bon, is believed to be the abode of Lord Shiva. Its peak is said to radiate powerful spiritual energy, making it one of the most venerated pilgrimage spots in the world. Completing a “kora” (circumambulation) around Mount Kailash is believed to bring good fortune, cleanse sins, and enhance one’s spiritual growth.


Engage in the kora with mindfulness and sincerity. The journey, though physically demanding, offers profound spiritual rewards and a deep connection to the sacred energies of Mount Kailash.

10. The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, is not only an impressive architectural achievement but also a site of powerful ancient energy. Believers attribute divine alignment and sacred geometry to its construction, which is thought to be a conduit for cosmic energy and spiritual enlightenment.


Visit the King’s Chamber inside the pyramid for meditation. The resonant acoustics and the pyramid’s geometric precision are believed to amplify spiritual experiences and provide deep energetic recharge.

Prep for visit

For one to have the best experience during the time he/she is within a sacred site, is mentally and spiritually prepared. Here are some tips:

 1. Set an intention.

When planning a trip to a sacred place, come with a purpose for the visit predetermined. Do you have any goals in mind as you make your trip to the organization, employer, institution, university, or school? This is an essential point because you are going for psychic development, meditation, or even any kind of spiritual work. The clearer your intent, the better it is.

 2. Practice Grounding

These sites can be charged sites, and they might even give the impression of having strong energies. This, thus, stands as an advantage since one can prepare oneself or ground (as it is called) before visiting the therapist. Examples of earthing can be walking on bare feet on the soil, doing the 10-20 second meditation, or visualizing your energy being connected to the ground.

 3. Stay open and be receptive.

Enter the site free of judgment and prejudice because the goal is to learn about this culture. Try to stay open to the ideas that you get, and yes, even to the basic feelings you have. Of course, you must remember that the energies of a sacred place can sometimes act in visible ways, so keep the spirit of a shaman – full of surprises!

At the sacred sites, the following are things you can do during your visit:

While at a sacred site, there are several practices you can engage in to enhance your psychic abilities:

1. Meditation

It was surprising to see meditation as one of the most efficient ways to interact with the power of such locations. Sit in a quiet place, preferably in a place where there will be peace; if you are listening to the instructions – close your eyes and breathe steadily. Gain attention to the existing energy around you and bring it in to further develop your psychic abilities.

 2. Energy Work

Engage in the practice of Reiki, or any other techniques to balance chakras, as one is at the site. The energy of the place can further boost your work and result in deeper healing if such is the purpose, or psychic advancement if that is the goal.

3. Journaling

You should maintain a notebook so that you can write down your reactions, sensations, and feelings that you may receive during your visit. When you write down the events, you can remember many details that could help you notice patterns or messages that you could not identify before.

It can be self-enriching and liberating to make pilgrimages to places where psychics work on enhancing perceptions. These places and objects infused with the energy and history of the past allow you to contact your higher spiritual self, open your psychic skills, and receive messages from the Other Side. What is most important is that you go to these sites with an open heart and with a certain purpose, and if you do this, then you can harness the energy that these sites have and bring that energy into your life in a physical way. Traveling to a tourist attraction as well as going to an obscure place has tremendous effects on the spiritual development of a person.