7 Tips to Develop Your Intuition and Psychic Abilities

In a technical society where people are acquainted with rationality and line of thought, the thought of relying on one’s feelings and sixth sense may sound inconceivable or outlandish. Still, it can be noted that several people in their turn have realized and applied these inherent features as perfect in the managing of existence’s difficulties. Learning to be in touch with the prospect of intuition and the possession of psychic abilities does not mean being concerned with the paranormal; rather, inclination to the sub-communication that most people are not aware of. Leaving out the religious messages for the moment, there are several tangible ways and methods one might use to foster these gifts, learning how to be more attuned to the world and itself.

Hunch is always defined as the settler feeling that gives rise to judgments without using rational knowledge. It is a soft voice that pushes you in a particular way especially when the rational way appears to be the best. Psychic abilities, however, go a step further and entail perceiving info that is out of the standard human senses; the ability to see beyond, hear beyond, and sense beyond what is seen, heard, or felt ordinarily in a community, which is called clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance respectively.

Although everybody has inherent psychic abilities, psychic abilities can differ from one person to another. Both can be mastered and both are improved through time and paying attention to the signs that are not so obvious to people.

 How to Cultivate Intuition and Psychic Powers

 1. Cultivate Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are basic steps in learning how to improve your intuitive and psychic skills. With a clear mind from the chattering that normally fills one’s head, there is room for the inner genius to speak. Practicing meditation daily assists in expanding the perceptiveness of fine energy and the strength of connection to essence.

 How to Practice:

– Choose a calm environment that would not require you to be interrupted.

– Get into a comfortable position and then relax your muscles and shut your eyes.

– Tend to your breathing knowing that thoughts are as passing clouds.

– Start with short timed meditations gradually moving up to longer meditations.

2. Listen to Your Body

The physical body is your greatest intuitive asset. Focus on body signals like the sense of palms sweating or the throat getting constricting when making specific choices or evaluating specific conditions. It’s these bodily responses that may give helpful signals about your inner knowing cases.

 How to Practice:

– Meditation that you should use is the body scan meditation to increase your awareness of your physical feelings.

– Observe how you feel inside when you encounter different circumstances and with different persons.

– Regard these sensations as part of your guidance from the unconscious mind.

 3. Develop Your Senses

Sharpening of the five senses also helps to boost your psychic powers. In other words, the honing of your five physical senses raises your overall awareness of energy and data fields.

 How to Practice:

– Rely on being outdoors and immerse in the environment, listening to what is around, the colors, and even the texture.

– Organize yourself to undertake blindfold touch or taste tests to improve the awareness of the sensory facilities.

– The next activity is to focus on the details within the environment and contemplate any hunches that arise out of the observations.

 4. Keep an Intuition Journal

It is therefore recommended to jot them down to pinpoint the patterns that are likely to confirm your intuition. An intuition journal is an effective means of development as it enables one to monitor one’s progress periodically.

 How to Practice:

– Devote your day to writing whatever feelings or psychic events you might have experienced.

– Be sure to write notice of religious or symbolic markers, dreams, or synchronicities.

– Look through entries from the previous days to focus on what has been observed and perceived repeatedly.

 5. Practice Visualization Techniques

Visualization is perhaps one of the most efficient techniques for the development of psychic skills. Thus, when generating mental images, you enhance the capacity to get and comprehend psychic information.

 How to Practice:

– Just relax and bring your feet on the floor or the bed staying with your eyes shut.

– Try to imagine a calm situation every time as vividly as you can.

– Try to perceive yourself and get some kind of a psychic hint in this scene and whatever you feel or hear in the process.

6. Engage in Energy Work

Any energy healing like Reiki, Qi Gong, or even yoga assists in realigning the energy field and assists one in accessing the intuitive/psychic abilities. They also help you develop sensitization of the energy fields around you.

 How to Practice:

– Study a class or do research online to raise consciousness of energy work strategies.

– Implement into your routine practices such as chakra alignment or energy washing.

– Find out how your insight and clairvoyance change with the increase in the stabilization of the energy levels.

 7. It Will Come to Pass; Trust And Act On Your Intuition

The mind’s internal doubt is perhaps the biggest obstacle to practicing sensitivity and psychic talents. Overcoming self-doubt and making essential judgments requires relying on instinct and one’s inner voice. Your gut feelings or instincts will become more accurate the more often you trust them.

 How to Practice:

– There are smaller choices throughout the day that can be made based on an individual’s hunches, starting from the meal to be taken or the route to work.

– After making these decisions think about the consequence of those decisions and how your insight helped you.

– Tender your intuitive abilities on minor life decisions and see how they go when used in major decisions.

The intuitive and psychic abilities are personal and under continuous development. It is about paying more attention to the self and the energy that is present in one’s life. When included as a lifestyle, these practices help in developing, sharpening as well as strengthening of the intuitive and psychic aptitude.

Just remember that it requires time and steady work. It is crucial to have faith in the progression, follow the new and unexplored path, and not forget about the positive outcomes even if they might seem insignificant. This means that you could develop your intuitive and psychic talents to optimum if only you dedicate your requisite time and effort hence enhancing your existence by expanding your wisdom.