How to Know If a Tarot Reading Resonates With You

Struggling with a decision, gaining some clarity in certain circumstances or finding guidance for a situation, these are the most common reasons wherefore most people head to a tarot reader. A tarot reading could be the only option in such situations, offering deep insights into different aspects of life.

But then, how do you know this reading is accurate and resonates with you? If you’re not familiar with tarot, this may raise some question marks. Let’s find out together what kind of aspects to pay attention to in order to determine whether or not the interpretation suits you.

Use Your Intuition

It makes no difference if you do a tarot reading for yourself or you head to a professional reader. In theory, there’s no way to tell whether or not a reading resonates with you. Basically, you’ll get some guidance or perhaps a different interpretation of your life.

You may learn about things that don’t always make sense right away, so your first idea is to believe the reading doesn’t resonate with you. This isn’t always the case. Many times, you should just use your intuition, even if there’s no apparent connection.

Your instincts are stronger than you think, yet that’s not everything, you still have to dig deeper.

Either way, make sure you take notes because things may make sense later.

Meditate on the Reading

If your instinct is undecided or you feel like the reading might be alright, keep your notes and give them another try in a few days. Maybe wait for a week, whatever suits you. If something doesn’t make sense, it may seem different in a few days.

You might end up seeing things with different eyes. Meditate with your notes and reading. Contemplate on it and you could figure what the cards were trying to say.

Just because something makes more sense, it doesn’t mean the reading was great though. When not sure how to know if a tarot reading resonates with you, contemplate on the reading, but don’t forget on your intuition.

Emotions Are Extremely Important

It could be difficult to assess your emotions when it comes to personal readings. When you read for yourself, you know exactly what you want to see, so you might be a bit subjective in the interpretation. It takes time to become impartial.

But if someone else is doing this reading for you, pay attention to how you feel. Write down everything.

For example, if a certain card or some words can trigger some deep emotions or feelings throughout the reading, chances are it resonates with you.

Such emotions aren’t triggered when someone tells you everything’s going to be alright or you’re about to find wealth. Instead, it’s about connections to a deeper level, rather than some good general news that would make anyone happy.

Aligning With Your Beliefs and Experiences

This is another important consideration. However, it’s not always the case for a reading to make sense, hence the necessity to reflect on it later.

But in other situations, it happens straight away. You only have to give out a few details and you start clicking with everything your reader tells you.

This isn’t necessarily about your beliefs, but also about the experiences you’ve been through lately. Indeed, some things could be general and may apply to more people, but in-depth details indicate that the reading resonates with you.

Clarity to a Situation

The more readers you see, the more diversified your experiences will become. And with time, you’ll be able to tell if a reading resonates with you or not based on these experiences.

For example, you’ll notice that some readings won’t make sense even after deep reflection or meditation. At times, you may even have to repeat some readings in order to gain a bit of clarity.

But then, there are also connections that click straight away. If you experience a situation or you need some guidance with a decision and you find clarity straight away, chances are the tarot reading resonates with you.

You’ll also have to pay attention to the type of clarity you get. Sometimes, a few general answers could be enough to convince you. But the more details you get, the more these cards resonate with you.

Relevance in a Context

It’s just as important to pay attention to the context of reading. In other words, relevance is very important here. When the interpretations truly refer to your situation or the question, it’s normally a good sign. If it matches your intuition too, it’s even better.

Relevance is the keyword there. If the reading is too vague or it simply seems unrelated to your case, it’s probably not for you. Again, there are times when you’ll have to reflect over a reading to reveal more details, but there are also times when it just doesn’t resonate with you.

Clarity Over Confusion

When not sure how to know if a tarot reading resonates with you, remember the overall profile of tarot cards.

Tarot cards are meant to provide guidance and clarity. They’re supposed to shed light on certain situations in life and help out in all kinds of cases. While there are times when they won’t make sense straight away, there are also situations when they’ll mostly confuse you.

It’s not your problem and it’s not the reader’s problem. If the tarot reading doesn’t resonate with you on this particular occasion, it’s alright to seek help from a different reader or perhaps get a different perspective that may provide more guidance.

Generally speaking, a reading should never cause fear or confusion, but should inspire some sort of personal growth. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not for you.

Bottom line, figuring how to know if a tarot reading resonates with you may take a bit of time, especially if you’re new to tarot readings. However, your instinct and intuition are extremely powerful and should represent a good indicator. Pay attention to how you feel and what the reading reveals as well.