Tarot and Lunar Phases

Mastering tarot may take years of practice. And just when you think you’re done, you’ll discover an extra layer of interpretation and a different association. There’s always something to learn in tarot, hence the necessity of experience.

Most newbies may not be aware of it, but tarot is linked to different phases of the moon. All in all, when exploring tarot and lunar phases, there are eight different situations. Let’s dig deeper and explore each of them and their meanings.

New Phase: The Fool

This particular phase of the moon is usually associated with the Fool, the main card in Major Arcana and the element that represents you and your journey in life.

A different message is showcased in this particular situation, as the universe is asking you to change something. Do something different. Don’t be afraid to be lighthearted for a moment. It could be anything, even your clothes or perhaps your style, not to mention a different attitude.

The idea here is to escape from your old routine because it’s likely to hold you down. It’s similar to the concept of leaving your comfort zone in order to transform yourself and grow.

Crescent Phase: The High Priestess

The crescent moon has multiple associations with different cultures. One of them relates to Isis, an Egyptian goddess often depicted with corns above her head. These horns represent the most popular association of the moon. They often indicate prosperity in all fields.

From some points of view, fertility can also be seen as prosperity.

This association means you’ve had a revelation. You’re lit now. There are seeds all around you, but you need to observe them and understand how to support them in order to grow.

Simply put, this lunar phase brings in extra light to push you forward, but it all starts within yourself.

First Quarter Phase: The Magician

The Magician represents someone who has finally understood what life is about. If you’re represented by this card, it means you’re experienced with life, and you know what aspects need manifestation. This card takes the Fool through a clear form of consciousness.

At this point, the association pushes you to understand what’s going on around you. Certain things may seem invisible, but they’re likely to help your journey and become notable creations. You have to work hard and be productive. Find joy in what you do, and do everything with your goals in mind.

During this stage, nothing can stagnate, but it’s your responsibility to harness your creativity and make things happen.

Gibbous Phase: The Wheel of Fortune

The gibbous moon underlines potential everywhere you look. There are countless opportunities all around you, but you need to spot them and take advantage of them. You’ll always face some sort of transformation in life, often in terms of priorities and mindset.

On the same note, moving in life is perfectly natural. You’ll shed a layer only to transform. This combination means you’ve recently finished a cycle. You’re about to start a new one, so get ready to embrace change as it is.

Apart from opportunities, this combination also underlines potential challenges. You’ll have to embrace them and use your imagination to overcome them. At the same time, it’s worth filling your life with hobbies and activities you like as well.

Full Phase: The Sun and the Moon

In terms of tarot and lunar phases, the full moon is generally associated with both the Sun and the Moon. Both cards underline elements that showcase potential. They’re both active and try to bring in a bit of light in your life.

This association means that your cup is full. Prosperity and abundance are the main keywords here. No matter what expectations you have, chances are they’ll become reality at some point.

Don’t hesitate to share what you have, whether it’s wealth, joy, or talent. Feel free to explore your artistic side too; you’re filled with glow, and it radiates out of you. Implement it in your daily activities, and you’ll love the outcome.

Disseminating Phase: The Star

The association with the Star showcases the necessity to use everything you’ve accumulated lately in order to bring joy around you. By this time, you’re experienced with life and you’ve figured out many of its mysteries.

It’s time to reveal yourself as you are and share your mysteries. The Star association also underlines the necessity to actually reach for the stars, as they’re more visible than ever. From many points of view, this is a good time in life to serve those around you and become the actual star yourself.

Last Quarter Phase: Judgment

During this lunar phase, you face a series of responsibilities. They’re good in a way, but you’ll have to set some priorities and make some order in your life. There are numerous opportunities around you as well. Make sure you assess the pros and cons of every aspect of your life.

You’ll have to reflect on yourself and perhaps spend a bit of time with no external distractions. Spend time with yourself, look after yourself, get rid of things you no longer need, and so on. Clearing the path will open the road to a different level in life in the future.

Balsamic Phase: The Hermit

When assessing tarot and lunar phases, this association asks for the necessity to contemplate and meditate. It’s time to dive into your unconscious mind, and luckily, there are quite a few ways to do it.

The more successful you are, the more balance you’ll find too. It’s time to enhance your connection with this invisible world, and you can only do it with focus and concentration.

The bottom line is the tarot, and lunar phases have general interpretations that must be subjectively applied to your overall reading. They provide a bit of extra guidance, showcasing the primary message of your reading.

While not necessarily a common technique, the truth is many experienced readers rely on lunar phases to enhance their readings and discover some extra layers of support in their interpretations.