Tips for Accurate Tarot Readings – Do’s and Don’ts

Being a tarot reader means indulging in a thought-provoking exercise which offers one the opportunity to scrutinize one’s perspectives and later make informed choices. While passion is an integral instrument required in tarot reading, another critical component is accuracy when uncovering answers to various important dilemmas in one’s life.

Nevertheless, tarot reading is a beautiful craft that can’t be easily mastered, and a powerful reading can only be achieved when your remedies are exact. If you are in need of guidance to accurately address and make sense of a situation or problem, this article has a handful of tips and tricks to serve the purpose!

Important Tips for Enhanced Accuracy Tarot Readings

Tarot proficiency is not an overnight phenomenon. It necessitates a lot of practice and concentration (among other contributing aspects). Furthermore, employing essential pointers will significantly ease the operation. So, the following are a couple of tips that can help you in your hunt for tarot readings with greater accuracy:

  1. Construct Your Questions Correctly

It’s important to acknowledge that a poorly formed question lead to ambiguous answers. So, keep your questions framed correctly with peak clarity. For instance, an inquiry like, “Will i be getting a job?” ultimately means employment is inevitable. However, a response like this may lead to an uncertain predicament of whether it will be today, within a week, after a month, or longer. This can be an unsatisfactory outcome from the reading, leaving accuracy out of the conversation.

  1. Reading For Wider Range of Clientele

This simply means the more reading you do for different ranges of people, the better you’d be getting in terms of your reading accuracy. Everyone has their distinct strengths and weaknesses, similarly, people will handle situations with a spectrum of abilities. Therefore, having a larger scale of clients with unique needs can boost your tarot accuracy in numerous affairs, inquiries, and energy.

  1. Focus on Mastering a Specific Spread Before Moving to a New One

Initially, refining your skills on a couple of spreads without paying sole attention to one single spread will only make you lack behind. It may encompass a spread of 3 or even 7 cards, but your primary goal in this scenario in getting up close and personal with one specific spread. Such an exercise will not only uphold your confidence in readings, but you will also become more decisive and accurate.

  1. Receiving Critique from Client

Acquiring clientele critique may not be on your bingo card, but it shouldn’t be overlooked in your tarot reading venture. Always request your clients to give you some important feedback and don’t forget to stay in touch post the session. Practicing this will not only help in building rapport with your consumer and simultaneously perfecting your reading precision.

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice

This may seem like such a cliché but this really is the best and most organic way to train your psychic muscle. You can always start slow and eventually increase the time and effort put into practice. Eventually, the more you exercise, the better your intuition and skills will be.

Common Problems In Tarot Questions To Steer Clear Of

You might think tarot readings do not have any setbacks, however if you make certain mistakes your reading can become unfavorable. To perform accurate tarot readings, you must make note of a few mistakes to avoid such as:

Questioning Ambiguously

If you want an instant and clear answer, asking questions that lack specificity may hamper the process. A query such as, “What can I expect in the near future?” may disregard the premise that individuals can self determine their future and that they have autonomy over the trajectory of their paths. Replies you derive from this non-specific inquiry can harbor dull and unexciting feelings, so you may not be satisfied by the offered answer.

Posing Objective Inquiries

Questions that can be addressed with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ are insufficient when requiring tarot readings that are considered insightful and accurate. Instead, employing a formulation of questions that are capable of generating an in-depth reflection is the best approach. Alternatively, your ‘will’ or ‘can’ questions can be replaced by those that begin with ‘what’, ‘how’, and even ‘why’. “Will I find love?” can be reconstructed in an open-ended & fruitful manner by asking “What steps must I take to find love?”.

Engaging in a Series of Questions Concurrently

With the anticipation of a concrete response to your distinct situations and curiosities, articulating your thoughts in a rushed fashion will hamper the reading. Your intricate thoughts must be broken down into singular and simpler parts so that you can drive a clearer view and obtain improved results. You can ask your questions separately as well. If you want to ask something like, “Will I secure my career goals and when? Will this career fit my lifestyle?” Instead you can ask a set of questions consequently:

  • “What can I do to secure my career goal?”
  • “How can I reach my career ambitions sooner?”
  • “What steps do I take to fit my lifestyle according to my job?”

Dependence on Card Meanings

The most common mistake of all is sticking to the books and looking for all the card meanings available for interpretation. In such cases, encouraging intuitive reading may be recommended as reading card meanings objectively can be less effective. Each card meaning can be familiarised to a degree but what becomes instrumental for precise tarot sessions are gut feeling and experience. The more you practice intuitive tarot reading, the easier it will be to let go of the tarot books.

Emotional Readings

Taking out your deck of cards after an argument with your partner or tough conversation with your co-worker may seem like a relaxing exercise but an accurate reading will never be achieved when you are feeling emotional. It is important to clear your mind to perform an intuitive reading. So the most excellent time to pull your cards &  perform a clear and accurate tarot reading is early in the morning you are fresh, or after a long day during a cozy evening.

In order to become a successful oracle in the art of tarot reading you must foster a great deal of patience before you exercise with cards. By laying down these valuable tricks and following up on what to include and ditch, you can boost  your competence in tarot. Besides these tips for accurate tarot readings, you also need to take note of the fact only dedication can cultivate profound links with your intuitive readings.