Past, Present, Future Spreads

Our lives revolve around the journey we take through a series of experiences that include what has gone, what is here, and what is to come. Tarot readings that combine the past, present, and future provide the big picture on different aspects of your life. However, this classic tarot reading becomes such a common request that people often lose track of how much insights it can truly provide.

Perhaps you’re mulling over your mediocre career and don’t see much hope for the future. Maybe you’re happy in a precious relationship but aren’t sure where it’s heading. It’s possible that you’re someone who hasn’t quite understood how your life is unfolding and you seek clearer answers.

Tarot spreads of the past, present, and future help provide deep and profound revelations on almost any part of your life. The secret lies in understanding how this spread works and what meanings you can draw from the experience.

Here’s all you need to know to make the most of this classic tarot spread.

Understanding the Past, Present, and Future Tarot Spread

This PPF Tarot spread appears self-explanatory, at first. But a closer examination reveals how this spread brings forward profound insights that may change your life. So, let’s dive into what each segment of this spread can mean to you.

That of the Past

The simplest version of the spread uses three cards, while other more complex PPF spreads use multiple cards, depending on how comprehensive you want the reading to be. However, the first card (in a three-card spread) or the first series of cards (in case of multiple cards) always signify your past.

The manifestations of actions, decisions, or experiences of the past continue influencing your life in considerable ways. And the initial card(s) represents what this past means or how it influences bearings moving forward.

That of the Present

Your life can unfold in a series of events, actions, and incidents that all relate to each other in some way. The card(s) laid down after the initial cards will represent the significance of your current scenario and its bearings on your life.

Common revelations drawn from this card(s) include things and experiences going on in your life right now. You can also get a sense of what energy and orientation these present experiences exhibit. Oftentimes, they include some continuity from the past and some relevance for the experiences yet to come.

The card(s) signifying your present can also reveal specific opportunities knocking at your door. Many times, they also show you the distinct challenges you’re undergoing currently.

That of the Future

Finally, the last card(s) represent your future and how it may unfold depending on decisions you make.

Perhaps you’re wrestling with a decision or predicament. Maybe there’s an accomplishment or a problem you’re expecting. The future card(s) can reveal how these hopes or fears may pan out. It can also show you the direction you’re heading towards in your current state.

Now that we have a fair idea of what this spread means and what the cards represent, let’s dive into a few variations of the PPF spread.

The Basic Three-card PPF Spread

The classic version of the PPF spread requires only three cards but it can still dish out clear insights if you approach it correctly.

Shuffle the tarot deck as you think about your life. Focus on where you’ve been, where you are now, and the direction you may take in the future. With these thoughts in mind, place three cards face down on the table in a straight line.

  • The first card represents the energies of the past and their implications on your life. It may reveal past experiences and memories that continue holding you back or prevent you from truly growing.
  • The second card carries meanings for what you are going through presently. IT may be accomplishments that you’re basking in or struggles that are tormenting you. Either way, you’ll find connections between this current state and the revelations made from the first card about your past.
  • The third card can reveal hidden outcomes associated with what you’re experiencing right now. It can also point towards possible directions and eventualities that await you in the future.

Variations and Implications of the PPF Spread

The three-card PPF spread remains a go-to solution for many who seek insights into their past, present, and future. However, there are variations and more comprehensive spreads you can perform for more detailed revelations and better understanding of your life.

The PPF Spread for Relationships

A popular way of using the past, present, and future Tarot spread is to target it specifically for a relationship. The spread can draw new meaning from your history with your partner, insights into your current connection, and prospects of how the future of your relationship looks.

Comprehensive PPF Spreads for Life

You can also try variations that use multiple cards for each part, instead of just one. For instance, the nine-card PPF spread allows you to seek meaning from three cards each for your past, present, and future. A 12-card PPF spread will assign four cards for each part.

The goal here is not to drown out meanings by using the whole deck. However, adding multiple cards to each part gives you more extensive readings for each segment. The result is that you get a more comprehensive set of revelations that cover wider aspects of how your past influences you, how the present is unfolding, and what the future holds.

PPF Spread based on Major Arcanas

Separate your deck into two decks – the 22 Major Arcana and the remaining 56 Minor Arcanas. Now, there are different ways you can go about this process. But the accepted procedure is to take out one Major Arcana for each part. Then, you can add additional Minor Arcanas for each of the Major Arcana cards.

Closing Note

The past, present, and future spreads in Tarot readings remain a staple of uncovering different aspects of your life. The process is simple but the results can prove profound. Ensure that you approach the reading with an open mind and an honest heart to get the most accurate reading and guidance.