How to Use Angel Numbers in Tarot and Psychic Readings

Signs are perfectly normal when you pay attention to the universe or the messages sent over by guardian angels. They come in all shapes and sizes. It could be a cloud, a situation, or even a number that keeps repeating.

Angel numbers make no exception, either. They have clear meanings, but then, learning how to use angel numbers in tarot and psychic readings is more sophisticated because the blend must be perfect. Let’s find out how to mix them up in order to get the best possible results.

What Are Angel Numbers?

Angelic numbers are special numbers that, for one reason or another, have a sort of divine significance on the part of the angels. The numbers that are arrived at are angel numbers or spiritual numbers that are handy when it comes to the life path. The idea here is that while angels cannot speak to people, they do have the choice of presenting numbers to get hold of someone because all numbers have characteristics that are immediately obvious to anyone.

Angel numbers are sequences that usually show up as three digit numbers. There could be more digits, of course, but this is the most popular format. You may see them everywhere. A car registration plate, a phone number, a billboard, an ad, a bill, you name it. Numbers like 111 or 333 may seem like a coincidence at first. But with time, if you pay attention, the same numbers will keep repeating, meaning there’s a message you need to hear.

The concept of angel numbers entails holding the view that a particular person gets to know these numbers when he or she requires them and/or when such a person has to be reminded. They can be used on clocks or dials, on number plates, on phone numbers, on receipts, or generally in other real-time life. It is better not to meet such numbers; but if the observer receives the same numbers and is constantly facing them, this is how the universe signals an emphasis on thoughts and feelings at a certain time.

Angel numbers: what they are and how to recognize them.

1. Notice Repeating Numbers

One has to note the frequency at which the angel numbers appear, and it is noteworthy that some of the repeated numbers are among the more recurrent ones; for example, 111, 222, 333, among others, may be communicated in a single day or even within a few hours.

2. Look for patterns.

At some point, rather than being random numbers, angel numbers are in sequence, such as 123 or 987, whereby the numbers are arranged from the smallest to the largest or from the largest to the smallest in this particular order. This makes the number useful for tracking progress over one’s spiritual practice or signs of relapse and submission.

Different Angel Numbers and Meanings

Angel numbers come in more forms, but the three digit combinations are the most popular ones.

  • 111 is an encouragement to manifest your dreams. Your energy is good, so you can take risks or move things forward. This number is linked with new beginnings, creating the life you want, and experiencing soul connection. This is a good indication that you are moving forward and that your ideas are coming out.
  • 222 is about farming for success. No matter where you are in life, plant seeds again and again, and your efforts will be successful in no time. A symbol of equality, equilibrium, and unions. It nudges you to hold on to positivity and the notion that all is well and for the best.
  • 333 reminds you that the universe is watching over you, so don’t be afraid to come closer to your dreams in a spiritual manner. It refers to the progress made spiritually, creativity, and protection given by God’s hand. This is a reminder that the higher powers are supporting the kind of life you are aiming for and are here with you.
  • 444 is a reminder that angels are around you, meaning you’re going through a fabulous period in your life. Usually connected to the strength and stability of a structure. It informs you that angels are all around you, supporting and encouraging you just like they were there by your side.
  • 555 shows a challenging transition, but the type of transition that will help you grow. This is for major life changes and transformation. For example, when changing jobs it makes you firmly believe that you are being taken to the right place.
  • 666 advises you to stop overlooking yourself. You’re focused on work, but you need to pay attention to yourself too. What most people fail to understand is that the number 666 isn’t unlucky at all. It is a message to concentrate on the soul rather than on the physical needs in one’s life.
  • 777 showcases spirituality, so don’t be afraid to expand or see things with spiritual eyes. It is a very selected number that is linked to the revelations of the superior being. And it tells you that you’re on the same page with the energies of the universe.
  • 888 reveals abundance, but the number asks you to spread it with your loved ones. Symbolizes abundance, success, and financial prosperity. It’s a sign that the universe is aligning to bring you material and spiritual wealth.
  • 999 defines the end of a goal. You’re about to reach the end of a cycle. Represents completion and the end of a cycle. It’s a signal that it’s time to let go of what no longer serves you and prepare for a new phase.

Angel numbers can come in other forms too, such as 251 or 199. Sometimes, the three repetitive digits could also be separated, such as 5505. Either way, each number has a meaning and tries to transmit a message.

Consider the Context

The angel numbers shall be looked at in the context in which it appears, before arriving at the meaning of the number. What was your state of mind when you had the idea or when you found the number? Which life issues are you working through now? So the actual meaning of the number may change and therefore the context must be given due consideration.

In complement to the angels, it is possible to use other forms of divination like Tarot cards, gems, or Astrology. For instance, after looking at an angel number you can draw a tarot card to gain more insight from your angels. There are specific crystals that support the message of the angel numbers, such as clear quartz or amethyst.

In a case where one is in doubt or confused between one direction or number of choices in life, then, angel numbers offer confirmation. For instance, if you have been thinking about a change of some sort and start seeing 555 then it means that change is around the corner and you need to get ready for it.

Integrate Angel Numbers with Other Oracles

In complement to the angels, it is possible to use other forms of divination like Tarot cards, gems, or Astrology. For instance, after looking at an angel number you can draw a tarot card to gain more insight from your angels. There are specific crystals that support the message of the angel numbers, such as clear quartz or amethyst.

Employ Angel Numbers as Indication

In a case where one is in doubt or confused between one direction or number of choices in life, then, angel numbers offer confirmation. For instance, if you have been thinking about a change of some sort and start seeing 555 then it means that change is around the corner and you need to get ready for it.

 Incorporating Angel Numbers into Your Spiritual Path

  1. Meditate on the Numbers

Meditation is one of the most effective methods to resonate with the energy that angel numbers possess. If you find yourself repeatedly seeing a certain number, try to reflect on it for a while. Set your attention to the numeral, bring it into your mind, and then allow any reactions to appear spontaneously.

  1. Journal about your experiences.

It is advisable to jot down such experiences and make a note of your angel numbers to see how this kind of message is affecting your life. Record the numbers you come across, the situations that involve them, and the lessons that you get from such numbers. In the long run, you might pick up some patterns that will help you a great deal as you journey in spirituality.

Set Intentions with Angel Numbers

Angel numbers can be used to put desires for self-improvement and spiritual ascendancy into the universe. For instance, in the case of repeated sightings of 222, you may make an affirmative thought to include more fairness in your life.

Make affirmations based on the angel numbers

Affirmations are sentences that can be used to attract the things that one wants and support his or her spiritual views. According to the significance of angel numbers, one can come up with affirmations that appeal to him or her. For example, when you observe 111, you may think and say to yourself, “I am connected to my higher self and I am co-creating my soul’s destiny.”

How to Use Angel Numbers in Tarot and Psychic Readings

Tarot cards and numbers go hand in hand. There’s a fine connection between tarot and numerology since every card is numbered and showcases numbered elements. But angel cards aren’t necessarily part of numerology.

These numbers are repeatedly seen by people here and there. Maybe you’re getting a coffee in the morning, and the waiter gives you change in the 1.11 form. Maybe you check the time, and it’s 1:11, or your bus stop is by a house numbered 1:11.

When performing a reading for yourself, you’re probably aware of the angel numbers in your visions. But if you do it for someone else, it could be a challenge. Luckily, there are ways to work around them.

Doing a Reading for Yourself

If you’re doing this reading for yourself, you should already know what number you keep seeing. Sure, repetitive three digit numbers are the most powerful ones, but you may also stumble upon 571 a few times. That message is just as important.

Once the tarot cards are out in a spread, they must be interpreted based on your unique circumstances. This means a general meaning must be individualized according to the situation and that’s what makes it subjective.

When you bring in the angel number, it simply pinpoints the direction.

If you feel confused or you’re clueless about the interpretation, chances are you need more things. It could be an extra card, but it might as well be the angel number you keep seeing. 111, for example, tells you that you can take safe risks at the moment. 999 defines the end of a cycle.

There are tarot cards out there with similar explanations, so chances are they’ll match the energy of your angel number, too.

Doing Readings for Others

If you like the idea of learning how to use angel numbers in tarot and psychic readings, doing a reading for someone else could be a bit tricky. Unless they’re aware of angel numbers and they can think of some repetitive numbers they’ve seen over the past few days, it may look like mission impossible.

It’s your task to help here. If you like this mix, try to observe their angel numbers themselves and implement them accordingly.

For instance, if someone calls you for an appointment, take note of the time they called you. Was it 1:28? 5:20? Such numbers can also be angel numbers. Keep them nearby during the reading, and there’s a good chance you’ll see similar numbers throughout the reading, especially on the actual cards.

Take note of numbers associated with these people, maybe the time they ring your doorbell too. What are the three digits that pop up in their number when they ring you for an appointment? Anything could help and show some guidance, especially if you’re already experienced with angel numbers.

At the same time, don’t be afraid to ask them. Have they seen any repetitive numbers lately? What’s their house number? Such questions could reveal quite a few useful details that you can use in the reading for more clarity.

In conclusion, learning how to use angel numbers in tarot and psychic readings isn’t that difficult if the other person (who might as well be yourself) pays attention to angel numbers and can relate to a few repetitive digits in their lives.

While more difficult to implement when reading for someone else, there are still a few details here and there that could help out.

Angel numbers are as deep and handy as they can be for receiving messages from the spiritual world. Thus, after knowing how to read these numbers and learning what they mean in our everyday activities, it is possible to gain extraordinary information and become closer to the Universe. No matter which type of message you’re in search of – clarity, confirmation, or spiritual guidance, angel numbers can play the role of a compass in your life. Do not forget to listen to your inner voice, your spirit, and your heart; always be receptive to the messages, and let the angels’ numbers guide you.