Popular 5 Card Tarot Spreads

Unless you’re very experienced, you can forget about elaborate tarot spreads with 12 cards or even more. The classic 5 card tarot spread is powerful and straightforward. It’s short and provides deep insights into your current situation, as well as the potential outcome of an issue.

Popular 5 card tarot spreads are flexible and deep. They’re excellent when you need more than just a quick nugget, but also simple enough to avoid misinterpretation. All in all, let’s explore these spreads and what they have in store for you.

When to Use 5 Card Tarot Spreads

The timing should be based on what suits you. There’s no such thing as a general reading that works for everyone. However, there are times when such a spread could prove useful.

For instance, if you find yourself at crossroads, the spread could showcase which path to take. It could be anything, from a relationship or a career switch to your health. The spread is like a compass, showing the optimal direction.

The spread is just as handy in complex and problematic situations where you feel pulled in all directions. It helps you untangle the web and see things from an objective point of view.

On the same note, the spread might be handy if you’re in search of something deep. It can illuminate your path and reveal things that may not be so obvious at first glance.

5 Card Tarot Spread for Live Advice

This is one of the simplest and most popular 5 card tarot spreads because all cards go in line. Start with the first one, then keep aligning them one next to each other to the right. It’s excellent if you need some guidance in life.

Maybe you need some encouragement that you’re on the right path, or perhaps you need a course change. This layout will help out, saving you a bit of hassle overtime.

The first card will showcase who you are right now. It may show your position in life or perhaps where you are in your life journey. It underlines your current situation. You may think you know it, but you could see things subjectively, rather than objectively.

The second card tells you if this path is correct. It won’t be a yes or no card, but based on its interpretation, it could tell you whether or not you’re right. At times, it may also indicate what direction you should take.

The third card is very important because it symbolizes the main obstacle in your life path. This is what’s holding you back or preventing you from growing. It could be a person, a job, a health issue, or even a particular situation.

The fourth card shows a bit of guidance because it defines what circumstances can help you proceed. It shows elements that may help you overcome the obstacle, as well as potential opportunities. This is what you need to focus on.

Finally, the fifth card takes things a bit further by telling you precisely how to make some progress. It will show you how to move forward and what path to take in order to find success. This isn’t about one aspect of life in particular but about life in general.

5 Card Tarot Spread for Action

This 5 card tarot spread helps you figure out the course of an action. Whether you’re not sure about a decision or you need to know more about your last choice, this spread can pinpoint important elements of your future for further guidance. Cards are revealed in a cross pattern.

The first card goes in the middle and represents the general theme of your reading. If you already have a theme in mind, be it love or career, it will affect the interpretation.

The second card goes to its left and shows past influences affecting your decisions or circumstances at the moment. Some of them may no longer be needed in your life.

The third card goes to the right of the first card and showcases the future. It shows the potential outcome of your situation.

The fourth card goes under the first one and will shed some light on the second card because it reveals your reasons behind the initial question. It could be your fears or anxiety.

Finally, the fifth card completes the cross above the first card and gives you the potential of your current situation.

5 Card Tarot Spread for Career Advice

This is one of the popular 5 card tarot spreads for career advice. Cards are revealed in a V shape. The first one is at the bottom of the V, the next two go to the left, and the last two go to the right.

The first card shows your current situation, career, job, you name it. The second one will underline challenges in your career. Some of them may seem irrelevant because you’re directly involved, and you can’t see things very clearly.

The third card is better because it showcases potential opportunities. You’ll discover some new directions that might prove fruitful in the long run.

The fourth card goes hand in hand with the third one because it signifies your skills and strengths. You can match them against the opportunities revealed before.

As for the last card, it defines the potential outcome. This card could go in a different direction and may also define the next steps needed to succeed in your career.

Bottom line, when using five card tarot spreads, it’s important to experiment. You need to figure which spread is more responsive for you in particular, even if that means adapting some of them or their questions. They make a good starting point, but you can always advance from there.