Popular 4 Card Tarot Spreads

Generally speaking, popular 4 card tarot spreads make an excellent middle option between simple spreads and more sophisticated alternatives with up to 20 cards. The 4 card spread is detailed enough, but it won’t go into deeply problematic issues in your life.

It’s great for daily activities and advice, as well as issues that require a bit more attention. Let’s find out more about this spread and explore some of the most popular options out there.

Why Choose 4 Card Tarot Spreads

Traditional 4 card tarot spreads are somewhere in the middle. They offer enough depth, but in a simplistic manner that won’t confuse you. Sure, more cards offer more complexity, but at the same time, they’re more difficult to read.

Complexion, difficulty, detail, and confusion, with a 4 card spread, you’ll be somewhere in the middle. You’ll discover important things for your reading, you’ll get the optimal answers, but you won’t be confused with details that don’t make sense.

Now that you know why these spreads are so appreciated, let’s explore some popular 4 card tarot spreads.

4 Card Tarot Spread for a Love Reading

In this spread, you’ll pull three cards and line them up, one next to each other, in a line. The fourth card goes next to them in a line but in a horizontal position. This spread is very personal, and interpretations may vary from one reading to another, so it’s important to use your intuition as well.

The first card is about yourself. It’s a personal card that represents your feelings, thoughts, and emotions. It’s probably the most important card that implies using your intuition.

The second card shows your physical connection. It has to be interpreted with your physical needs in mind. For example, if you experience incredible sexual attractions, don’t be surprised to see the Devil or the Lovers in this position.

The third card showcases the metaphysical connection. For this card, you’re more likely to see swords or cups. The card showing up here may represent an intellectual connection but also an emotional one. It could also go in the opposite direction, showing nothing.

In this case, the physical connection compensates for this lack of emotions.

Finally, the last card gives you an insight into the future. It could be a long and solid connection, but it could also be a relationship full of conflicts.

4 Card Tarot Spread for a Financial Reading

This spread goes in an anti-clockwise run. Start at 9 o’clock, then get the second card at 6 o’clock, move on to 3 o’clock, and finish at 12 o’clock.

The first card showcases your current financial situation. It helps you understand your connection with money and what the current situation is like. It could be a good thing or a terrible one. This card also represents the foundation of the reading and will be used later for further reference.

The second card shows potential opportunities in your life. There are clearly some options out there to make money out of them, but you may not be able to spot them. This card is likely to illuminate you.

The third card is about risk. It will show you the potential risks out there, but only the bad ones. Basically, this risk that you’re thinking about will most likely bring in a bad scenario, so you need to avoid it.

Last, but not least, the fourth card is about guidance. It teaches you what to do next in order to move forward towards your goals.

This is by far one of the most popular 4 card tarot spreads for those struggling with money because it shows some guidance, no matter how cloudy your situation may seem.

4 Card Tarot Spread for a Personal Growth Reading

If you end up facing the same problems, dealing with the same obstacles, or running around in circles, something is definitely holding you back. There’s something there that’s preventing you from growing, regardless of what growth means to you.

This is one of the popular 4 card tarot spreads for those struggling in life, whether in a certain aspect of life or just generally.

The first card indicates where in life you are right now. Life is a journey, no doubt. This card shows you which part of the journey you’re currently in. There’s a solid chance you’ll get a card from Major Arcana here, so try to see where it goes in the traditional Fool’s journey.

The second card goes to its right, in the same position. It showcases what holds you behind. It could be anything, from an unhealthy habit to a poor mindset. It might as well be a situation in life or perhaps a person.

You can also see this card as an indication of what you need to let go of because it’s clearly not supporting you in your journey.

The third card gives you a bit of guidance in life. It showcases the aspect of life that you should focus on. It underlines where you need to pay some attention in order to change your future. It’s a card about the present, but it will most likely affect the future as well.

This third card goes under the first two cards somewhere in the middle.

Finally, the fourth card goes under the fourth card, making this spread look like a T. This is the key to your success and will indicate how to connect with your better version in order to improve.

Any of these spreads can work in different directions, pinpointing aspects of your life you may need guidance with. Their questions and guidance requests can change as you become more experienced, allowing you to even create your own.