Popular 7 Card Tarot Spreads

Drawing seven cards for a tarot spread will provide plenty of insight, as well as guidance for all kinds of circumstances. The spread is quite versatile and offers a comprehensive approach. But then, keep in mind that the interpretation will depend on your query as well.

Let’s discover when to use seven cards for your spreads, as well as the most popular 7 card tarot spreads out there.

When to Use Popular 7 Card Tarot Spreads

Compared to simpler spreads, seven card spreads are mainly recommended if you need more details about a unique situation. It reveals aspects of the past, present, and future, but it also provides insights into factors that may affect the final outcome.

For instance, such a spread is ideal if you require a comprehensive view of a situation. It assesses more aspects associated with it, going deep into the actual root of the problem.

The same spread is useful when you need to explore everything in depth. You’ll get a nuanced interpretation of your circumstances, allowing you to see the situation from an objective point of view. Despite all these details, it provides a bigger image.

Furthermore, popular 7 card tarot spreads are just as useful when you need to assess conscious and unconscious factors altogether, so you can observe a situation from more angles.

The Classic Horseshoe Spread

This is one of the most popular 7 card tarot spreads out there. Cards are revealed in a U shape, starting from the top left and going down, only to go back up towards the right. Basically, the fourth card will be revealed at the bottom of the U.

The first card showcases your past. It will reveal situations, traumas, or happenings from the past that still reflect on your present. Some of these things can be let go of, but others require a deeper understanding in order to be able to move on.

The second card is the present. It signifies factors that may contribute to your current situation. Even if some of these things don’t make sense at first, the truth is they’re somehow related. The card may also show the relation between them.

The third card displays external influences. Some of these influences are hidden and can’t be observed otherwise. They have an impact on your current situation. It could be positive, but it may also have a negative impact.

The fourth card signifies the challenges and obstacles you’re currently facing, as well as issues that may arise in the near future. Understanding these problems can help you make better decisions, but knowing what could go wrong will also help you prepare.

The fifth card shows your potential. It shows the best possible outcome of this situation. It doesn’t mean that things will go that way, but it tells you what might be if you play your cards right. It could also be a negative outcome, so be aware of it.

The sixth card reveals the perfect guidance. It showcases some sort of advice that will benefit you in the long run. This type of advice comes from the universe, but it’s transmitted through the tarot cards.

Finally, the seventh card shows the likely outcome if you don’t change anything. It’s not the best possible outcome shown in the fifth card, but the actual direction of your path if you don’t make a change.

7 Card Tarot Spread for Love & Relationships

Popular 7 card tarot spreads also include the traditional linear spread, revealing cards in a straight order from the left.

The first card represents your person. It showcases your qualities, as well as how you feel about the current relationship. It defines not only your strengths but also your goals in the long run.

The second card shows the exact same things but about your partner. It could be seen as a guiding card because it reveals a few things you may not necessarily be aware of.

The third card is your relationship card. It symbolizes the relationship itself, with all the good and bad things. It provides a more general view, as the next cards offer deeper insights.

The fourth card is about what makes your relationship strong. It shows the strongest points in your relationship and what keeps you two together. Some of these things might make sense, others are found in the subconscious mind, so you’ll be surprised to discover them.

The fifth card can also reveal a bit of guidance because it shows the weaknesses in the relationship. Again, there might be things you’re not even aware of. Whether or not you have some solutions, seeing everything clearly is a first step in the process.

The sixth card is very important because it symbolizes all the things that can improve your relationship. This card, in particular, will reveal actions or ideas that will add to your relationship and help you make it even stronger.

Most of these solutions won’t work overnight. They have to be implemented in a slow and effective manner.

Last, but not least, the seventh card defines the likely outcome of your relationship. At this point, it’s essential to see this card for what it really is.

The card showcases the outcome of your relationship if you leave it as it is. It tells you where you two are going if you’re not making any changes. However, making some adjustments will most likely bring in a different outcome, especially if these changes are based on the guidance in previous cards.​

In the end, what works for some readers won’t work for everyone else, that’s why it’s important to try out different spreads. You need to figure what you resonate with. As you gain more experience, you’ll realize each spread has its own powers and capabilities.